Possibility to grab user's first and last name from active directory

calgia 21 Ansehenspunkte

Hello Some software we use, set's at HKCU some key, based on settings you can input trough a GUI. At one field, always the users first name and the users last name is inserted. Can i grab directly from active directory the user's first and or last name to put there? Greetings,

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Active Directory
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  1. Ian Xue (Shanghai Wicresoft Co., Ltd.) 32 741 Ansehenspunkte Microsoft Vendor

    Hi calgia,

    You can export AD users to a CSV file on the DC using some PowerShell command like

    $users = @("user1","user2")
    $users| ForEach-Object {
        Get-ADUser -Identity $_ -Properties GivenName
    }|Export-Csv C:\temp\user.csv

    On the clients the first and last name in the exported CSV file can be added to the registry using the New-ItemProperty cmdlet.


    Best Regards,

    Ian Xue

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