What should be the error response for adaptive card actions?

Leander Scherwinsky 20 Ansehenspunkte


The docs for the error type are just a "todo".

Could you give me an example what i should return for the following types:

  • application/vnd.microsoft.error (400)
  • application/vnd.microsoft.activity.loginRequest (401)
  • application/vnd.microsoft.error.preconditionFailed (412)
  • application/vnd.microsoft.error (500)
Microsoft Teams
Microsoft Teams
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  1. Stanislava Dimitrova (Convergys International) 550 Ansehenspunkte Microsoft Vendor

    Hello Leander,

    400 Bad Request: Indicates malformed request data.

    401 Unauthorized: Indicates authentication is required or has failed.

    412 Precondition Failed: Indicates that the request failed due to unmet preconditions.

    500 Internal Server Error: Indicates a generic server-side issue.

    You can include a type field to specify the error type, a code field for the HTTP status code, and a message field with a human-readable explanation of the error. Adapt the "message" field to provide clear guidance based on the specific error conditions in your application.

    Best Regards,

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  1. Leander Scherwinsky 20 Ansehenspunkte

    Hi, thanks for that info, I ended up discovering theres a factory for these types:

    using Microsoft.TeamsFx.Conversation;
    var invokeRes = InvokeResponseFactory.ErrorResponse(InvokeResponseErrorCode.BadRequest, "Invalid Data");
    return (AdaptiveCardInvokeResponse)res.Body;
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