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Authenticate with an Azure container registry

There are several ways to authenticate with an Azure container registry, each of which is applicable to one or more registry usage scenarios.

Recommended ways include:

  • Authenticate to a registry directly via individual login
  • Applications and container orchestrators can perform unattended, or "headless," authentication by using a Microsoft Entra service principal

If you use a container registry with Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) or another Kubernetes cluster, see Scenarios to authenticate with Azure Container Registry from Kubernetes.

Authentication options

The following table lists available authentication methods and typical scenarios. See linked content for details.

Method How to authenticate Scenarios  Azure role-based access control (Azure RBAC)  Limitations 
Individual AD identity  az acr login in Azure CLI

Connect-AzContainerRegistry in Azure PowerShell 
Interactive push/pull by developers, testers  Yes  AD token must be renewed every 3 hours 
AD service principal  docker login

az acr login in Azure CLI

Connect-AzContainerRegistry in Azure PowerShell

Registry login settings in APIs or tooling

Kubernetes pull secret   
Unattended push from CI/CD pipeline

Unattended pull to Azure or external services 
Yes  SP password default expiry is 1 year 
Managed identity for Azure resources  docker login

az acr login in Azure CLI

Connect-AzContainerRegistry in Azure PowerShell
Unattended push from Azure CI/CD pipeline

Unattended pull to Azure services

Yes  Use only from select Azure services that support managed identities for Azure resources
AKS cluster managed identity  Attach registry when AKS cluster created or updated  Unattended pull to AKS cluster in the same or a different subscription No, pull access only  Only available with AKS cluster

Can't be used for cross-tenant authentication 
AKS cluster service principal  Enable when AKS cluster created or updated  Unattended pull to AKS cluster from registry in another AD tenant  No, pull access only  Only available with AKS cluster 
Admin user  docker login  Interactive push/pull by individual developer or tester

Portal deployment of image from registry to Azure App Service or Azure Container Instances
No, always pull and push access  Single account per registry, not recommended for multiple users 
Repository-scoped access token  docker login

az acr login in Azure CLI

Connect-AzContainerRegistry in Azure PowerShell

Kubernetes pull secret 
Interactive push/pull to repository by individual developer or tester

Unattended pull from repository by individual system or external device 
Yes  Not currently integrated with AD identity 

Individual login with Microsoft Entra ID

When working with your registry directly, such as pulling images to and pushing images from a development workstation to a registry you created, authenticate by using your individual Azure identity. Sign in to the Azure CLI with az login, and then run the az acr login command:

az login
az acr login --name <acrName>

When you log in with az acr login, the CLI uses the token created when you executed az login to seamlessly authenticate your session with your registry. To complete the authentication flow, the Docker CLI and Docker daemon must be installed and running in your environment. az acr login uses the Docker client to set a Microsoft Entra token in the docker.config file. Once you've logged in this way, your credentials are cached, and subsequent docker commands in your session do not require a username or password.


Also use az acr login to authenticate an individual identity when you want to push or pull artifacts other than Docker images to your registry, such as OCI artifacts.

For registry access, the token used by az acr login is valid for 3 hours, so we recommend that you always log in to the registry before running a docker command. If your token expires, you can refresh it by using the az acr login command again to reauthenticate.

Using az acr login with Azure identities provides Azure role-based access control (Azure RBAC). For some scenarios, you may want to log in to a registry with your own individual identity in Microsoft Entra ID, or configure other Azure users with specific Azure roles and permissions. For cross-service scenarios or to handle the needs of a workgroup or a development workflow where you don't want to manage individual access, you can also log in with a managed identity for Azure resources.

az acr login with --expose-token

In some cases, you need to authenticate with az acr login when the Docker daemon isn't running in your environment. For example, you might need to run az acr login in a script in Azure Cloud Shell, which provides the Docker CLI but doesn't run the Docker daemon.

For this scenario, run az acr login first with the --expose-token parameter. This option exposes an access token instead of logging in through the Docker CLI.

az acr login --name <acrName> --expose-token

Output displays the access token, abbreviated here:

  "accessToken": "eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIs[...]24V7wA",
  "loginServer": ""

For registry authentication, we recommend that you store the token credential in a safe location and follow recommended practices to manage docker login credentials. For example, store the token value in an environment variable:

TOKEN=$(az acr login --name <acrName> --expose-token --output tsv --query accessToken)

Then, run docker login, passing 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 as the username and using the access token as password:

docker login --username 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 --password-stdin <<< $TOKEN

Likewise, you can use the token returned by az acr login with the helm registry login command to authenticate with the registry:

echo $TOKEN | helm registry login \
            --username 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 \

Service principal

If you assign a service principal to your registry, your application or service can use it for headless authentication. Service principals allow Azure role-based access control (Azure RBAC) to a registry, and you can assign multiple service principals to a registry. Multiple service principals allow you to define different access for different applications.

ACR authentication token gets created upon login to the ACR, and is refreshed upon subsequent operations. The time to live for that token is 3 hours.

The available roles for a container registry include:

  • AcrPull: pull

  • AcrPush: pull and push

  • Owner: pull, push, and assign roles to other users

For a complete list of roles, see Azure Container Registry roles and permissions.

For CLI scripts to create a service principal for authenticating with an Azure container registry, and more guidance, see Azure Container Registry authentication with service principals.

Admin account

Each container registry includes an admin user account, which is disabled by default. You can enable the admin user and manage its credentials in the Azure portal, or by using the Azure CLI, Azure PowerShell, or other Azure tools. The admin account has full permissions to the registry.

The admin account is currently required for some scenarios to deploy an image from a container registry to certain Azure services. For example, the admin account is needed when you use the Azure portal to deploy a container image from a registry directly to Azure Container Instances or Azure Web Apps for Containers.


The admin account is designed for a single user to access the registry, mainly for testing purposes. We do not recommend sharing the admin account credentials among multiple users. All users authenticating with the admin account appear as a single user with push and pull access to the registry. Changing or disabling this account disables registry access for all users who use its credentials. Individual identity is recommended for users and service principals for headless scenarios.

The admin account is provided with two passwords, both of which can be regenerated. New passwords created for admin accounts are available immediately. Regenerating passwords for admin accounts will take 60 seconds to replicate and be available. Two passwords allow you to maintain connection to the registry by using one password while you regenerate the other. If the admin account is enabled, you can pass the username and either password to the docker login command when prompted for basic authentication to the registry. For example:

docker login

For recommended practices to manage login credentials, see the docker login command reference.

To enable the admin user for an existing registry, you can use the --admin-enabled parameter of the az acr update command in the Azure CLI:

az acr update -n <acrName> --admin-enabled true

You can enable the admin user in the Azure portal by navigating your registry, selecting Access keys under SETTINGS, then Enable under Admin user.

Enable admin user UI in the Azure portal

Log in with an alternative container tool instead of Docker

In some scenarios, you need to use alternative container tools like podman instead of the common container tool docker. For example: Docker is no longer available in RHEL 8 and 9, so you have to switch your container tool.

The default container tool is set to docker for az acr login commands. If you don't set the default container tool and the docker command is missing in your environment, the following error will be popped:

az acr login --name <acrName>
2024-03-29 07:30:10.014426 An error occurred: DOCKER_COMMAND_ERROR
Please verify if Docker client is installed and running.

To change the default container tool that the az acr login command uses, you can set the environment variable DOCKER_COMMAND. For example:

az acr login --name <acrName>


You need the Azure CLI version 2.59.0 or later installed and configured to use this feature. Run az --version to find the version. If you need to install or upgrade, see Install Azure CLI.

Next steps