Teilen über

Decimal.ToDouble(Decimal) Methode


Konvertiert den Wert des angegebenen Decimal in die entsprechende Gleitkommazahl mit doppelter Genauigkeit.

 static double ToDouble(System::Decimal d);
public static double ToDouble (decimal d);
static member ToDouble : decimal -> double
Public Shared Function ToDouble (d As Decimal) As Double



Die zu konvertierende Dezimalzahl.

Gibt zurück


Eine Gleitkommazahl mit doppelter Genauigkeit, die d entspricht.


Im folgenden Codebeispiel werden Decimal Zahlen Double mithilfe der -Methode in Werte ToDouble konvertiert.

// Example of the Decimal::ToSingle and Decimal::ToDouble methods.
using namespace System;
#define formatter "{0,30}{1,17}{2,23}"

// Convert the Decimal argument; no exceptions are thrown.
void DecimalToSgl_Dbl( Decimal argument )
   Object^ SingleValue;
   Object^ DoubleValue;
   // Convert the argument to a float value.
   SingleValue = Decimal::ToSingle( argument );
   // Convert the argument to a double value.
   DoubleValue = Decimal::ToDouble( argument );
   Console::WriteLine( formatter, argument, SingleValue, DoubleValue );

int main()
   Console::WriteLine( "This example of the \n"
   "  Decimal::ToSingle( Decimal ) and \n"
   "  Decimal::ToDouble( Decimal ) \nmethods "
   "generates the following output. It \ndisplays "
   "several converted Decimal values.\n" );
   Console::WriteLine( formatter, "Decimal argument", "float", "double" );
   Console::WriteLine( formatter, "----------------", "-----", "------" );
   // Convert Decimal values and display the results.
   DecimalToSgl_Dbl( Decimal::Parse(  "0.0000000000000000000000000001" ) );
   DecimalToSgl_Dbl( Decimal::Parse(  "0.0000000000123456789123456789" ) );
   DecimalToSgl_Dbl( Decimal::Parse(  "123" ) );
   DecimalToSgl_Dbl( Decimal(123000000,0,0,false,6) );
   DecimalToSgl_Dbl( Decimal::Parse(  "123456789.123456789" ) );
   DecimalToSgl_Dbl( Decimal::Parse(  "123456789123456789123456789" ) );
   DecimalToSgl_Dbl( Decimal::MinValue );
   DecimalToSgl_Dbl( Decimal::MaxValue );

This example of the
  Decimal::ToSingle( Decimal ) and
  Decimal::ToDouble( Decimal )
methods generates the following output. It
displays several converted Decimal values.

              Decimal argument            float                 double
              ----------------            -----                 ------
0.0000000000000000000000000001            1E-28                  1E-28
0.0000000000123456789123456789     1.234568E-11   1.23456789123457E-11
                           123              123                    123
                    123.000000              123                    123
           123456789.123456789     1.234568E+08       123456789.123457
   123456789123456789123456789     1.234568E+26   1.23456789123457E+26
-79228162514264337593543950335    -7.922816E+28  -7.92281625142643E+28
 79228162514264337593543950335     7.922816E+28   7.92281625142643E+28
// Example of the decimal.ToSingle and decimal.ToDouble methods.
using System;

class DecimalToSgl_DblDemo
    static string formatter = "{0,30}{1,17}{2,23}";

    // Convert the decimal argument; no exceptions are thrown.
    public static void DecimalToSgl_Dbl( decimal argument )
        object SingleValue;
        object DoubleValue;

        // Convert the argument to a float value.
        SingleValue = decimal.ToSingle( argument );

        // Convert the argument to a double value.
        DoubleValue = decimal.ToDouble( argument );

        Console.WriteLine( formatter, argument,
            SingleValue, DoubleValue );

    public static void Main( )
        Console.WriteLine( "This example of the \n" +
            "  decimal.ToSingle( decimal ) and \n" +
            "  decimal.ToDouble( decimal ) \nmethods " +
            "generates the following output. It \ndisplays " +
            "several converted decimal values.\n" );
        Console.WriteLine( formatter, "decimal argument",
            "float", "double" );
        Console.WriteLine( formatter, "----------------",
            "-----", "------" );

        // Convert decimal values and display the results.
        DecimalToSgl_Dbl( 0.0000000000000000000000000001M );
        DecimalToSgl_Dbl( 0.0000000000123456789123456789M );
        DecimalToSgl_Dbl( 123M );
        DecimalToSgl_Dbl( new decimal( 123000000, 0, 0, false, 6 ) );
        DecimalToSgl_Dbl( 123456789.123456789M );
        DecimalToSgl_Dbl( 123456789123456789123456789M );
        DecimalToSgl_Dbl( decimal.MinValue );
        DecimalToSgl_Dbl( decimal.MaxValue );

This example of the
  decimal.ToSingle( decimal ) and
  decimal.ToDouble( decimal )
methods generates the following output. It
displays several converted decimal values.

              decimal argument            float                 double
              ----------------            -----                 ------
0.0000000000000000000000000001            1E-28                  1E-28
0.0000000000123456789123456789     1.234568E-11   1.23456789123457E-11
                           123              123                    123
                    123.000000              123                    123
           123456789.123456789     1.234568E+08       123456789.123457
   123456789123456789123456789     1.234568E+26   1.23456789123457E+26
-79228162514264337593543950335    -7.922816E+28  -7.92281625142643E+28
 79228162514264337593543950335     7.922816E+28   7.92281625142643E+28
' Example of the Decimal.ToSingle and Decimal.ToDouble methods.
Module DecimalToSgl_DblDemo

    Dim formatter As String = "{0,30}{1,17}{2,23}"

    ' Convert the Decimal argument; no exceptions are thrown.
    Sub DecimalToSgl_Dbl( argument As Decimal )

        Dim SingleValue   As Object
        Dim DoubleValue   As Object

        ' Convert the argument to a Single value.
        SingleValue = Decimal.ToSingle( argument )

        ' Convert the argument to a Double value.
        DoubleValue = Decimal.ToDouble( argument )

        Console.WriteLine( formatter, argument, _
            SingleValue, DoubleValue )
    End Sub

    Sub Main( )

        Console.WriteLine( "This example of the " & vbCrLf & _
            "  Decimal.ToSingle( Decimal ) and " & vbCrLf & _
            "  Decimal.ToDouble( Decimal ) " & vbCrLf & "methods " & _
            "generates the following output. It " & vbCrLf & _
            "displays several converted Decimal values." & vbCrLf )
        Console.WriteLine( formatter, "Decimal argument", _
            "Single", "Double" )
        Console.WriteLine( formatter, "----------------", _
            "------", "------" )

        ' Convert Decimal values and display the results.
        DecimalToSgl_Dbl( 0.0000000000000000000000000001D )
        DecimalToSgl_Dbl( 0.0000000000112233445566778899D )
        DecimalToSgl_Dbl( 123D )
        DecimalToSgl_Dbl( New Decimal( 123000000, 0, 0, False, 6 ) )
        DecimalToSgl_Dbl( 123456789.123456789D )
        DecimalToSgl_Dbl( 123456789123456789123456789D )
        DecimalToSgl_Dbl( Decimal.MinValue )
        DecimalToSgl_Dbl( Decimal.MaxValue )
    End Sub 
End Module 

' This example of the
'   Decimal.ToSingle( Decimal ) and
'   Decimal.ToDouble( Decimal )
' methods generates the following output. It
' displays several converted Decimal values.
'               Decimal argument           Single                 Double
'               ----------------           ------                 ------
' 0.0000000000000000000000000001            1E-28                  1E-28
' 0.0000000000112233445566778899     1.122334E-11   1.12233445566779E-11
'                            123              123                    123
'                     123.000000              123                    123
'            123456789.123456789     1.234568E+08       123456789.123457
'    123456789123456789123456789     1.234568E+26   1.23456789123457E+26
' -79228162514264337593543950335    -7.922816E+28  -7.92281625142643E+28
'  79228162514264337593543950335     7.922816E+28   7.92281625142643E+28


Dieser Vorgang kann Zu Round-Off-Fehlern führen, da eine Gleitkommazahl mit doppelter Genauigkeit weniger signifikante Ziffern als eine Decimal aufweist.

Sie können auch Decimal Double einen mithilfe des Zuweisungsoperators in einen Wert Explicit konvertieren. Da die Konvertierung zu einem Genauigkeitsverlust führen kann, müssen Sie einen Umwandlungsoperator in C# oder eine Konvertierungsfunktion in Visual Basic verwenden.

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