Teilen über

Decimal.Truncate(Decimal) Methode


Gibt den ganzzahligen Teil des angegebenen Decimal zurück; Bruchziffern werden verworfen.

 static System::Decimal Truncate(System::Decimal d);
public static decimal Truncate (decimal d);
static member Truncate : decimal -> decimal
Public Shared Function Truncate (d As Decimal) As Decimal



Die zu verkürzende Dezimalzahl.

Gibt zurück


Das auf die nächste ganze Zahl in Richtung 0 gerundete Ergebnis von d.


Im folgenden Codebeispiel wird die Truncate -Methode verwendet, um die Dezimalstellen mehrerer Werte zu Decimal verwerfen.

// Example of the Decimal::Negate, Decimal::Floor, and 
// Decimal::Truncate methods. 
using namespace System;

// Display Decimal parameters and the method results.
void ShowDecimalFloorNegTrunc( Decimal Argument )
   String^ dataFmt = "{0,-30}{1,26}";
   Console::WriteLine( dataFmt, "Decimal Argument", Argument );
   Console::WriteLine( dataFmt, "Decimal::Negate( Argument )", Decimal::Negate( Argument ) );
   Console::WriteLine( dataFmt, "Decimal::Floor( Argument )", Decimal::Floor( Argument ) );
   Console::WriteLine( dataFmt, "Decimal::Truncate( Argument )", Decimal::Truncate( Argument ) );

int main()
   Console::WriteLine( "This example of the \n"
   "  Decimal::Negate( Decimal ), \n"
   "  Decimal::Floor( Decimal ), and \n"
   "  Decimal::Truncate( Decimal ) \n"
   "methods generates the following output." );
   // Create pairs of Decimal objects.
   ShowDecimalFloorNegTrunc( Decimal::Parse( "0" ) );
   ShowDecimalFloorNegTrunc( Decimal::Parse( "123.456" ) );
   ShowDecimalFloorNegTrunc( Decimal::Parse( "-123.456" ) );
   ShowDecimalFloorNegTrunc( Decimal(1230000000,0,0,true,7) );
   ShowDecimalFloorNegTrunc( Decimal::Parse( "-9999999999.9999999999" ) );

This example of the
  Decimal::Negate( Decimal ),
  Decimal::Floor( Decimal ), and
  Decimal::Truncate( Decimal )
methods generates the following output.

Decimal Argument                                       0
Decimal::Negate( Argument )                            0
Decimal::Floor( Argument )                             0
Decimal::Truncate( Argument )                          0

Decimal Argument                                 123.456
Decimal::Negate( Argument )                     -123.456
Decimal::Floor( Argument )                           123
Decimal::Truncate( Argument )                        123

Decimal Argument                                -123.456
Decimal::Negate( Argument )                      123.456
Decimal::Floor( Argument )                          -124
Decimal::Truncate( Argument )                       -123

Decimal Argument                            -123.0000000
Decimal::Negate( Argument )                  123.0000000
Decimal::Floor( Argument )                          -123
Decimal::Truncate( Argument )                       -123

Decimal Argument                  -9999999999.9999999999
Decimal::Negate( Argument )        9999999999.9999999999
Decimal::Floor( Argument )                  -10000000000
Decimal::Truncate( Argument )                -9999999999
// Example of the decimal.Negate, decimal.Floor, and decimal.Truncate
// methods.
using System;

class DecimalFloorNegTruncDemo
    const string dataFmt = "{0,-30}{1,26}";

    // Display decimal parameters and the method results.
    public static void ShowDecimalFloorNegTrunc( decimal Argument )
        Console.WriteLine( );
        Console.WriteLine( dataFmt, "decimal Argument", Argument );
        Console.WriteLine( dataFmt, "decimal.Negate( Argument )",
            decimal.Negate( Argument ) );
        Console.WriteLine( dataFmt, "decimal.Floor( Argument )",
            decimal.Floor( Argument ) );
        Console.WriteLine( dataFmt, "decimal.Truncate( Argument )",
            decimal.Truncate( Argument ) );

    public static void Main( )
        Console.WriteLine( "This example of the \n" +
            "  decimal.Negate( decimal ), \n" +
            "  decimal.Floor( decimal ), and \n" +
            "  decimal.Truncate( decimal ) \n" +
            "methods generates the following output." );

        // Create pairs of decimal objects.
        ShowDecimalFloorNegTrunc( 0M );
        ShowDecimalFloorNegTrunc( 123.456M );
        ShowDecimalFloorNegTrunc( -123.456M );
            new decimal( 1230000000, 0, 0, true, 7 ) );
        ShowDecimalFloorNegTrunc( -9999999999.9999999999M );

This example of the
  decimal.Negate( decimal ),
  decimal.Floor( decimal ), and
  decimal.Truncate( decimal )
methods generates the following output.

decimal Argument                                       0
decimal.Negate( Argument )                             0
decimal.Floor( Argument )                              0
decimal.Truncate( Argument )                           0

decimal Argument                                 123.456
decimal.Negate( Argument )                      -123.456
decimal.Floor( Argument )                            123
decimal.Truncate( Argument )                         123

decimal Argument                                -123.456
decimal.Negate( Argument )                       123.456
decimal.Floor( Argument )                           -124
decimal.Truncate( Argument )                        -123

decimal Argument                            -123.0000000
decimal.Negate( Argument )                   123.0000000
decimal.Floor( Argument )                           -123
decimal.Truncate( Argument )                        -123

decimal Argument                  -9999999999.9999999999
decimal.Negate( Argument )         9999999999.9999999999
decimal.Floor( Argument )                   -10000000000
decimal.Truncate( Argument )                 -9999999999
' Example of the Decimal.Negate, Decimal.Floor, and Decimal.Truncate 
' methods. 
Module DecimalFloorNegTruncDemo
    Const dataFmt As String = "{0,-30}{1,26}"

    ' Display Decimal parameters and their product, quotient, and 
    ' remainder.
    Sub ShowDecimalFloorNegTrunc( Argument as Decimal )

        Console.WriteLine( )
        Console.WriteLine( dataFmt, "Decimal Argument", Argument )
        Console.WriteLine( dataFmt, _
            "Decimal.Negate( Argument )", _
            Decimal.Negate( Argument ) )
        Console.WriteLine( dataFmt, _
            "Decimal.Floor( Argument )", _
            Decimal.Floor( Argument ) )
        Console.WriteLine( dataFmt, _
            "Decimal.Truncate( Argument )", _
            Decimal.Truncate( Argument ) )
    End Sub

    Sub Main( )
        Console.WriteLine( "This example of the " & vbCrLf & _
            "  Decimal.Negate( Decimal ), " & vbCrLf & _
            "  Decimal.Floor( Decimal ), and " & vbCrLf & _
            "  Decimal.Truncate( Decimal ) " & vbCrLf & _
            "methods generates the following output." )

        ' Create pairs of Decimal objects.
        ShowDecimalFloorNegTrunc( 0D ) 
        ShowDecimalFloorNegTrunc( 123.456D ) 
        ShowDecimalFloorNegTrunc( -123.456D ) 
        ShowDecimalFloorNegTrunc( _
            new Decimal( 1230000000, 0, 0, True, 7 ) )
        ShowDecimalFloorNegTrunc( -9999999999.9999999999D )
    End Sub
End Module 

' This example of the
'   Decimal.Negate( Decimal ),
'   Decimal.Floor( Decimal ), and
'   Decimal.Truncate( Decimal )
' methods generates the following output.
' Decimal Argument                                       0
' Decimal.Negate( Argument )                             0
' Decimal.Floor( Argument )                              0
' Decimal.Truncate( Argument )                           0
' Decimal Argument                                 123.456
' Decimal.Negate( Argument )                      -123.456
' Decimal.Floor( Argument )                            123
' Decimal.Truncate( Argument )                         123
' Decimal Argument                                -123.456
' Decimal.Negate( Argument )                       123.456
' Decimal.Floor( Argument )                           -124
' Decimal.Truncate( Argument )                        -123
' Decimal Argument                            -123.0000000
' Decimal.Negate( Argument )                   123.0000000
' Decimal.Floor( Argument )                           -123
' Decimal.Truncate( Argument )                        -123
' Decimal Argument                  -9999999999.9999999999
' Decimal.Negate( Argument )         9999999999.9999999999
' Decimal.Floor( Argument )                   -10000000000
' Decimal.Truncate( Argument )                 -9999999999


Diese Methode rundet d auf 0 (null) auf die nächste ganze Zahl, was dem Verwerfen von Ziffern nach dem Dezimaltrennzeichen entspricht.

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