Teilen über

BinaryReader.BaseStream Eigenschaft


Gewährt Zugriff auf den zugrunde liegenden Stream von BinaryReader.

 virtual property System::IO::Stream ^ BaseStream { System::IO::Stream ^ get(); };
public virtual System.IO.Stream BaseStream { get; }
member this.BaseStream : System.IO.Stream
Public Overridable ReadOnly Property BaseStream As Stream


Der BinaryReader zugeordnete, zugrunde liegende Stream.


Im folgenden Codebeispiel wird gezeigt, wie Daten mithilfe der BinaryReader Klassen und über der -Klasse gelesen und BinaryWriter in den MemoryStream Arbeitsspeicher geschrieben Double werden. MemoryStream liest und schreibt Byte nur Daten.

using namespace System;
using namespace System::IO;
int main()
   int i;
   const int arrayLength = 1000;
   // Create random data to write to the stream.
   array<double>^dataArray = gcnew array<double>(arrayLength);
   Random^ randomGenerator = gcnew Random;
   for ( i = 0; i < arrayLength; i++ )
      dataArray[ i ] = 100.1 * randomGenerator->NextDouble();

   BinaryWriter^ binWriter = gcnew BinaryWriter( gcnew MemoryStream );
      // Write data to the stream.
      Console::WriteLine( "Writing data to the stream." );
      i = 0;
      for ( i = 0; i < arrayLength; i++ )
         binWriter->Write( dataArray[ i ] );

      // Create a reader using the stream from the writer.
      BinaryReader^ binReader = gcnew BinaryReader( binWriter->BaseStream );
      // Return to the beginning of the stream.
      binReader->BaseStream->Position = 0;
         // Read and verify the data.
         i = 0;
         Console::WriteLine( "Verifying the written data." );
         for ( i = 0; i < arrayLength; i++ )
            if ( binReader->ReadDouble() != dataArray[ i ] )
               Console::WriteLine( "Error writing data." );

         Console::WriteLine( "The data was written and verified." );
      catch ( EndOfStreamException^ e ) 
         Console::WriteLine( "Error writing data: {0}.", e->GetType()->Name );


using System;
using System.IO;

class BinaryRW
    static void Main()
        int i;
        const int arrayLength = 1000;

        // Create random data to write to the stream.
        Random randomGenerator = new Random();
        double[] dataArray = new double[arrayLength];
        for(i = 0; i < arrayLength; i++)
            dataArray[i] = 100.1 * randomGenerator.NextDouble();

        using(BinaryWriter binWriter =
            new BinaryWriter(new MemoryStream()))
            // Write the data to the stream.
            Console.WriteLine("Writing data to the stream.");
            for(i = 0; i < arrayLength; i++)

            // Create a reader using the stream from the writer.
            using(BinaryReader binReader =
                new BinaryReader(binWriter.BaseStream))
                    // Return to the beginning of the stream.
                    binReader.BaseStream.Position = 0;

                    // Read and verify the data.
                    Console.WriteLine("Verifying the written data.");
                    for(i = 0; i < arrayLength; i++)
                        if(binReader.ReadDouble() != dataArray[i])
                            Console.WriteLine("Error writing data.");
                    Console.WriteLine("The data was written " +
                        "and verified.");
                catch(EndOfStreamException e)
                    Console.WriteLine("Error writing data: {0}.",
open System
open System.IO

let arrayLength = 1000

// Create random data to write to the stream.
let randomGenerator = Random()
let dataArray = 
    Array.init arrayLength (fun _ -> 100.1 * randomGenerator.NextDouble())
    use binWriter = new BinaryWriter(new MemoryStream())
    // Write the data to the stream.
    printfn $"Writing data to the stream."
    for num in dataArray do
        binWriter.Write num

    // Create a reader using the stream from the writer.
    use binReader = new BinaryReader(binWriter.BaseStream)
        // Return to the beginning of the stream.
        binReader.BaseStream.Position <- 0

        // Read and verify the data.
        printfn "Verifying the written data."
        for num in dataArray do
            if binReader.ReadDouble() <> num then
                printfn "Error writing data."
        printfn "The data was written and verified."
    with :? EndOfStreamException as e ->
        printfn $"Error writing data: {e.GetType().Name}."
Imports System.IO

Public Class BinaryRW

    Shared Sub Main()
        Dim i As Integer
        Const upperBound As Integer = 1000

        ' Create random data to write to the stream.
        Dim dataArray(upperBound) As Double
        Dim randomGenerator As New Random()
        For i = 0 To upperBound
            dataArray(i) = 100.1 * randomGenerator.NextDouble()
        Next i

        Dim binWriter As New BinaryWriter(New MemoryStream())

            ' Write data to the stream.
            Console.WriteLine("Writing data to the stream.")
            For i = 0 To upperBound
            Next i

            ' Create a reader using the stream from the writer.
            Dim binReader As New BinaryReader(binWriter.BaseStream)

            ' Return to the beginning of the stream.
            binReader.BaseStream.Position = 0

            ' Read and verify the data.
                Console.WriteLine("Verifying the written data.")
                For i = 0 To upperBound
                    If binReader.ReadDouble() <> dataArray(i) Then
                        Console.WriteLine("Error writing data.")
                        Exit For
                    End If
                Next i
                Console.WriteLine("The data was written and verified.")
            Catch ex As EndOfStreamException
                Console.WriteLine("Error writing data: {0}.", _
            End Try
        End Try

    End Sub
End Class



Die Verwendung des zugrunde liegenden Datenstroms beim Lesen oder während der Verwendung von BinaryReader kann zu Datenverlusten und Beschädigungen führen. Beispielsweise können die gleichen Bytes mehr als einmal gelesen werden, Bytes werden möglicherweise übersprungen, oder das Lesen von Zeichen kann unvorhersehbar werden.

Eine Liste der allgemeinen E/A-Aufgaben finden Sie unter Allgemeine E/A-Aufgaben.

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