Teilen über

ManagementScope.Connect Methode


Verbindet diesen ManagementScope mit dem eigentlichen WMI-Gültigkeitsbereich.

 void Connect();
public void Connect ();
member this.Connect : unit -> unit
Public Sub Connect ()


Im folgenden Beispiel wird ein neues ManagementScope mit einem bestimmten Pfad initialisiert und dann das Bereichsobjekt mit einem WMI-Namespace verbunden. Im Beispiel wird eine Verbindung mit einem Namespace auf einem Remotecomputer hergestellt.

using System;
using System.Management;
public class RemoteConnect
    public static void Main()
        /*// Build an options object for the remote connection
        //   if you plan to connect to the remote
        //   computer with a different user name
        //   and password than the one you are currently using

             ConnectionOptions options =
                 new ConnectionOptions();

             // and then set the options.Username and
             // options.Password properties to the correct values
             // and also set
             // options.Authority = "ntlmdomain:DOMAIN";
             // and replace DOMAIN with the remote computer's
             // domain.  You can also use Kerberos instead
             // of ntlmdomain.

        // Make a connection to a remote computer.
        // Replace the "FullComputerName" section of the
        // string "\\\\FullComputerName\\root\\cimv2" with
        // the full computer name or IP address of the
        // remote computer.
        ManagementScope scope =
            new ManagementScope(

        // Use this code if you are connecting with a
        // different user name and password:
        // ManagementScope scope =
        //    new ManagementScope(
        //        "\\\\FullComputerName\\root\\cimv2", options);
        // scope.Connect();

        //Query system for Operating System information
        ObjectQuery query = new ObjectQuery(
            "SELECT * FROM Win32_OperatingSystem");
        ManagementObjectSearcher searcher =
            new ManagementObjectSearcher(scope,query);

        ManagementObjectCollection queryCollection = searcher.Get();
        foreach ( ManagementObject m in queryCollection)
            // Display the remote computer information
            Console.WriteLine("Computer Name : {0}",
            Console.WriteLine("Windows Directory : {0}",
            Console.WriteLine("Operating System: {0}",
            Console.WriteLine("Version: {0}", m["Version"]);
            Console.WriteLine("Manufacturer : {0}",
Imports System.Management
Public Class RemoteConnect

    Public Overloads Shared Function Main( _
    ByVal args() As String) As Integer

        ' Build an options object for the remote connection
        ' if you plan to connect to the remote
        ' computer with a different user name
        ' and password than the one you are currently using

        ' Dim options As ConnectionOptions 
        ' options = new ConnectionOptions()

        ' Then set the options.Username and 
        ' options.Password properties to the correct values
        ' and also set 
        ' options.Authority = "ntlmdomain:DOMAIN"
        ' and replace DOMAIN with the remote computer's
        ' domain.  You can also use Kerberos instead
        ' of ntlmdomain.

        ' Make a connection to a remote computer.
        ' Replace the "FullComputerName" section of the
        ' string "\\FullComputerName\root\cimv2" with
        ' the full computer name or IP address of the
        ' remote computer.
        Dim scope As ManagementScope
        scope = New ManagementScope( _

        ' Use this code if you are connecting with a 
        ' different user name and password:
        ' Dim scope As ManagementScope
        ' scope = New ManagementScope( _
        '     "\\FullComputerName\root\cimv2", options)
        ' scope.Connect()

        ' Query system for Operating System information
        Dim query As ObjectQuery
        query = New ObjectQuery( _
            "SELECT * FROM Win32_OperatingSystem")
        Dim searcher As ManagementObjectSearcher
        searcher = _
            New ManagementObjectSearcher(scope, query)

        Dim queryCollection As ManagementObjectCollection
        queryCollection = searcher.Get()

        Dim m As ManagementObject
        For Each m In queryCollection
            ' Display the remote computer information
            Console.WriteLine("Computer Name : {0}", _
            Console.WriteLine("Windows Directory : {0}", _
            Console.WriteLine("Operating System: {0}", _
            Console.WriteLine("Version: {0}", m("Version"))
            Console.WriteLine("Manufacturer : {0}", _

        Return 0
    End Function
End Class


Diese Methode wird implizit aufgerufen, wenn der Bereich in einem Vorgang verwendet wird, der eine Verbindung erfordert. Wenn sie explizit aufgerufen wird, kann der Benutzer den Zeitpunkt der Verbindung steuern. Diese Methode wird innerhalb von zwei Minuten zurückgegeben.

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