Teilen über

WebClient.DownloadDataCompleted Ereignis


Tritt auf, wenn ein asynchroner Datendownloadvorgang abgeschlossen ist.

 event System::Net::DownloadDataCompletedEventHandler ^ DownloadDataCompleted;
public event System.Net.DownloadDataCompletedEventHandler? DownloadDataCompleted;
public event System.Net.DownloadDataCompletedEventHandler DownloadDataCompleted;
member this.DownloadDataCompleted : System.Net.DownloadDataCompletedEventHandler 
Public Custom Event DownloadDataCompleted As DownloadDataCompletedEventHandler 
Public Event DownloadDataCompleted As DownloadDataCompletedEventHandler 



Im folgenden Codebeispiel wird das Festlegen eines Ereignishandlers für dieses Ereignis veranschaulicht.

// Sample call : DownLoadDataInBackground ("http://www.contoso.com/GameScores.html");
void DownloadDataInBackground( String^ address )
   System::Threading::AutoResetEvent^ waiter = gcnew System::Threading::AutoResetEvent( false );
   WebClient^ client = gcnew WebClient;
   Uri ^uri = gcnew Uri(address);

   // Specify that the DownloadDataCallback method gets called
   // when the download completes.
   client->DownloadDataCompleted += gcnew DownloadDataCompletedEventHandler( DownloadDataCallback );
   client->DownloadDataAsync( uri, waiter );

   // Block the main application thread. Real applications
   // can perform other tasks while waiting for the download to complete.
// Sample call : DownLoadDataInBackground ("http://www.contoso.com/GameScores.html");
public static void DownloadDataInBackground(string address)
    System.Threading.AutoResetEvent waiter = new System.Threading.AutoResetEvent(false);
    WebClient client = new WebClient();
    Uri uri = new Uri(address);

    // Specify that the DownloadDataCallback method gets called
    // when the download completes.
    client.DownloadDataCompleted += new DownloadDataCompletedEventHandler(DownloadDataCallback);
    client.DownloadDataAsync(uri, waiter);

    // Block the main application thread. Real applications
    // can perform other tasks while waiting for the download to complete.
'  Sample call : DownLoadDataInBackground ("http:' www.contoso.com/GameScores.html")
Public Shared Sub DownloadDataInBackground(ByVal address As String)

    Dim waiter As System.Threading.AutoResetEvent = New System.Threading.AutoResetEvent(False)
    Dim client As WebClient = New WebClient()

    '  Specify that the DownloadDataCallback method gets called
    '  when the download completes.
    AddHandler client.DownloadDataCompleted, AddressOf DownloadDataCallback
                Dim uri as Uri = New Uri(address)
    client.DownloadDataAsync(uri, waiter)

    '  Block the main application thread. Real applications
    '  can perform other tasks while waiting for the download to complete.
End Sub

Das folgende Codebeispiel zeigt eine Implementierung eines Handlers für dieses Ereignis.

void DownloadDataCallback( Object^ /*sender*/, DownloadDataCompletedEventArgs^ e )
   System::Threading::AutoResetEvent^ waiter = dynamic_cast<System::Threading::AutoResetEvent^>(e->UserState);

      // If the request was not canceled and did not throw
      // an exception, display the resource.
      if (  !e->Cancelled && e->Error == nullptr )
         array<Byte>^data = dynamic_cast<array<Byte>^>(e->Result);
         String^ textData = System::Text::Encoding::UTF8->GetString( data );
         Console::WriteLine( textData );

      // Let the main application thread resume.

private static void DownloadDataCallback(Object sender, DownloadDataCompletedEventArgs e)
    System.Threading.AutoResetEvent waiter = (System.Threading.AutoResetEvent)e.UserState;

        // If the request was not canceled and did not throw
        // an exception, display the resource.
        if (!e.Cancelled && e.Error == null)
            byte[] data = (byte[])e.Result;
            string textData = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetString(data);

        // Let the main application thread resume.
Private Shared Sub DownloadDataCallback(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As DownloadDataCompletedEventArgs)

    Dim waiter As System.Threading.AutoResetEvent = CType(e.UserState, System.Threading.AutoResetEvent)


        '  If the request was not canceled and did not throw
        '  an exception, display the resource.
        If e.Cancelled = False AndAlso e.Error Is Nothing Then

            Dim data() As Byte = CType(e.Result, Byte())
            Dim textData As String = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetString(data)

        End If

        '  Let the main application thread resume.
    End Try
End Sub



WebRequest, HttpWebRequest, ServicePointund WebClient sind veraltet, und Sie sollten sie nicht für die neue Entwicklung verwenden. Verwenden Sie stattdessen HttpClient.

Dieses Ereignis wird jedes Mal ausgelöst, wenn ein asynchroner Datendownloadvorgang abgeschlossen ist. Asynchrone Datendownloads werden gestartet, indem die DownloadDataAsync Methoden aufgerufen werden.

Die DownloadDataCompletedEventHandler ist die Stellvertretung für dieses Ereignis. Die DownloadDataCompletedEventArgs-Klasse stellt den Ereignishandler mit Ereignisdaten bereit.

Weitere Informationen zum Behandeln von Ereignissen finden Sie unter Behandeln und Auslösen von Ereignissen.

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