Teilen über

DESCryptoServiceProvider Konstruktor


Initialisiert eine neue Instanz der DESCryptoServiceProvider-Klasse.

public DESCryptoServiceProvider ();
Public Sub New ()


Der DES-Kryptografiedienstanbieter (Data Encryption Standard) ist nicht verfügbar.


Im folgenden Codebeispiel wird DESCryptoServiceProvider (eine Implementierung von DES) mit dem angegebenen Schlüssel (Key) und dem angegebenen Initialisierungsvektor (IV) verwendet, um eine durch inNameangegebene Datei zu verschlüsseln. Anschließend wird das verschlüsselte Ergebnis in die von outNameangegebene Datei ausgegeben.

void EncryptData( String^ inName, String^ outName, array<Byte>^desKey, array<Byte>^desIV )
   //Create the file streams to handle the input and output files.
   FileStream^ fin = gcnew FileStream( inName,FileMode::Open,FileAccess::Read );
   FileStream^ fout = gcnew FileStream( outName,FileMode::OpenOrCreate,FileAccess::Write );
   fout->SetLength( 0 );
   //Create variables to help with read and write.
   array<Byte>^bin = gcnew array<Byte>(100);
   long rdlen = 0; //This is the total number of bytes written.

   long totlen = (long)fin->Length; //This is the total length of the input file.

   int len; //This is the number of bytes to be written at a time.

   DES^ des = gcnew DESCryptoServiceProvider;
   CryptoStream^ encStream = gcnew CryptoStream( fout,des->CreateEncryptor( desKey, desIV ),CryptoStreamMode::Write );
   Console::WriteLine( "Encrypting..." );
   //Read from the input file, then encrypt and write to the output file.
   while ( rdlen < totlen )
      len = fin->Read( bin, 0, 100 );
      encStream->Write( bin, 0, len );
      rdlen = rdlen + len;
      Console::WriteLine( "{0} bytes processed", rdlen );

private static void EncryptData(string inName, string outName, byte[] desKey, byte[] desIV)
     //Create the file streams to handle the input and output files.
     FileStream fin = new FileStream(inName, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read);
     FileStream fout = new FileStream(outName, FileMode.OpenOrCreate, FileAccess.Write);

     //Create variables to help with read and write.
     byte[] bin = new byte[100]; //This is intermediate storage for the encryption.
     long rdlen = 0;              //This is the total number of bytes written.
     long totlen = fin.Length;    //This is the total length of the input file.
     int len;                     //This is the number of bytes to be written at a time.

     DES des = new DESCryptoServiceProvider();
     CryptoStream encStream = new CryptoStream(fout, des.CreateEncryptor(desKey, desIV), CryptoStreamMode.Write);


     //Read from the input file, then encrypt and write to the output file.
     while(rdlen < totlen)
         len = fin.Read(bin, 0, 100);
         encStream.Write(bin, 0, len);
         rdlen = rdlen + len;
         Console.WriteLine("{0} bytes processed", rdlen);

Private Shared Sub EncryptData(inName As String, outName As String, _
desKey() As Byte, desIV() As Byte)

    'Create the file streams to handle the input and output files.
    Dim fin As New FileStream(inName, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read)
    Dim fout As New FileStream(outName, FileMode.OpenOrCreate, _
    'Create variables to help with read and write.
    Dim bin(4096) As Byte 'This is intermediate storage for the encryption.
    Dim rdlen As Long = 0 'This is the total number of bytes written.
    Dim totlen As Long = fin.Length 'Total length of the input file.
    Dim len As Integer 'This is the number of bytes to be written at a time.
    Dim des As New DESCryptoServiceProvider()
    Dim encStream As New CryptoStream(fout, _
       des.CreateEncryptor(desKey, desIV), CryptoStreamMode.Write)
    'Read from the input file, then encrypt and write to the output file.
    While rdlen < totlen
        len = fin.Read(bin, 0, 4096)
        encStream.Write(bin, 0, len)
        rdlen = Convert.ToInt32(rdlen + len / des.BlockSize * des.BlockSize)
        Console.WriteLine("Processed {0} bytes, {1} bytes total", len, _
    End While
End Sub

Die Entschlüsselung kann auf die gleiche Weise gehandhabt werden; anstelle von CreateEncryptorverwendenCreateDecryptor. Für die Entschlüsselung der Datei muss derselbe Schlüssel (Key) und initialisierungsvektor (IV) verwendet werden.

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