Teilen über

FederatedMessageSecurityOverHttp.ClaimTypeRequirements Eigenschaft


Ruft eine Auflistung der ClaimTypeRequirement-Instanzen für diese Bindung ab.

 property System::Collections::ObjectModel::Collection<System::ServiceModel::Security::Tokens::ClaimTypeRequirement ^> ^ ClaimTypeRequirements { System::Collections::ObjectModel::Collection<System::ServiceModel::Security::Tokens::ClaimTypeRequirement ^> ^ get(); };
public System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection<System.ServiceModel.Security.Tokens.ClaimTypeRequirement> ClaimTypeRequirements { get; }
member this.ClaimTypeRequirements : System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection<System.ServiceModel.Security.Tokens.ClaimTypeRequirement>
Public ReadOnly Property ClaimTypeRequirements As Collection(Of ClaimTypeRequirement)


Collection<T> vom Typ ClaimTypeRequirement. Der Standard ist eine leere Auflistung.


Der folgende Code zeigt, wie auf diese Eigenschaft von der Bindung zugegriffen wird und wie sie festgelegt wird.

// This method creates a WSFederationHttpBinding.
public static WSFederationHttpBinding
    CreateWSFederationHttpBinding(bool isClient)
  // Create an instance of the WSFederationHttpBinding.
  WSFederationHttpBinding b = new WSFederationHttpBinding();

  // Set the security mode to Message.
  b.Security.Mode = WSFederationHttpSecurityMode.Message;

  // Set the Algorithm Suite to Basic256Rsa15.
  b.Security.Message.AlgorithmSuite = SecurityAlgorithmSuite.Basic256Rsa15;

  // Set NegotiateServiceCredential to true.
  b.Security.Message.NegotiateServiceCredential = true;

  // Set IssuedKeyType to Symmetric.
  b.Security.Message.IssuedKeyType = SecurityKeyType.SymmetricKey;

  // Set IssuedTokenType to SAML 1.1
  b.Security.Message.IssuedTokenType =

  // Extract the STS certificate from the certificate store.
  X509Store store = new X509Store(StoreName.TrustedPeople, StoreLocation.CurrentUser);
  X509Certificate2Collection certs = store.Certificates.Find(
      X509FindType.FindByThumbprint, "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000", false);

  // Create an EndpointIdentity from the STS certificate.
  EndpointIdentity identity = EndpointIdentity.CreateX509CertificateIdentity ( certs[0] );

  // Set the IssuerAddress using the address of the STS and the previously created
  // EndpointIdentity.
  b.Security.Message.IssuerAddress =
      new EndpointAddress(new Uri("http://localhost:8000/sts/x509"), identity);

  // Set the IssuerBinding to a WSHttpBinding loaded from configuration.
  // The IssuerBinding is only used on federated clients.
  if (isClient)
      b.Security.Message.IssuerBinding = new WSHttpBinding("Issuer");

  // Set the IssuerMetadataAddress using the metadata address of the STS and the
  // previously created EndpointIdentity. The IssuerMetadataAddress is only used
  // on federated services.
      b.Security.Message.IssuerMetadataAddress =
          new EndpointAddress(new Uri("http://localhost:8001/sts/mex"), identity);

  // Create a ClaimTypeRequirement.
  ClaimTypeRequirement ctr = new ClaimTypeRequirement
      ("http://example.org/claim/c1", false);

  // Add the ClaimTypeRequirement to ClaimTypeRequirements
' This method creates a WSFederationHttpBinding.
Public Shared Function CreateWSFederationHttpBinding(ByVal isClient As Boolean) As WSFederationHttpBinding
  ' Create an instance of the WSFederationHttpBinding.
  Dim b As New WSFederationHttpBinding()

  ' Set the security mode to Message.
  b.Security.Mode = WSFederationHttpSecurityMode.Message

  ' Set the Algorithm Suite to Basic256Rsa15.
  b.Security.Message.AlgorithmSuite = SecurityAlgorithmSuite.Basic256Rsa15

  ' Set NegotiateServiceCredential to true.
  b.Security.Message.NegotiateServiceCredential = True

  ' Set IssuedKeyType to Symmetric.
  b.Security.Message.IssuedKeyType = SecurityKeyType.SymmetricKey

  ' Set IssuedTokenType to SAML 1.1
  b.Security.Message.IssuedTokenType = "http://docs.oasis-open.org/wss/oasis-wss-saml-token-profile-1.1#samlv1.1"

  ' Extract the STS certificate from the certificate store.
  Dim store As New X509Store(StoreName.TrustedPeople, StoreLocation.CurrentUser)
  Dim certs As X509Certificate2Collection = store.Certificates.Find(X509FindType.FindByThumbprint, "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000", False)

  ' Create an EndpointIdentity from the STS certificate.
  Dim identity As EndpointIdentity = EndpointIdentity.CreateX509CertificateIdentity (certs(0))

  ' Set the IssuerAddress using the address of the STS and the previously created 
  ' EndpointIdentity.
  b.Security.Message.IssuerAddress = New EndpointAddress(New Uri("http://localhost:8000/sts/x509"), identity)

  ' Set the IssuerBinding to a WSHttpBinding loaded from configuration. 
  ' The IssuerBinding is only used on federated clients.
  If isClient Then
      b.Security.Message.IssuerBinding = New WSHttpBinding("Issuer")

  ' Set the IssuerMetadataAddress using the metadata address of the STS and the
  ' previously created EndpointIdentity. The IssuerMetadataAddress is only used 
  ' on federated services.
      b.Security.Message.IssuerMetadataAddress = New EndpointAddress(New Uri("http://localhost:8001/sts/mex"), identity)
  End If

  ' Create a ClaimTypeRequirement.
  Dim ctr As New ClaimTypeRequirement("http://example.org/claim/c1", False)

  ' Add the ClaimTypeRequirement to ClaimTypeRequirements


Die von dieser Eigenschaft zurückgegebene Auflistung wird vom Dienst verwendet, um erforderliche und optionale Ansprüche anzugeben, die sich in dem vom Client für den Dienstzugriff verwendeten ausgestellten Token befinden müssen. Der Dienst macht die erforderlichen Anspruchstypen in Metadaten verfügbar, wenn die WSDL-Veröffentlichung aktiviert wurde, aber WCF erfordert nicht, dass das ausgestellte Token die angegebenen Anspruchstypen enthält. Dienste, die versuchen, erforderliche Anspruchstypen durchzusetzen, sollten mit Autorisierungsrichtlinien verwendet werden.

Auf Verbundclients enthält diese Sammlung die Liste der erforderlichen und optionalen Ansprüche, die in der Clientanforderung für ein ausgestelltes Token an den Sicherheitstokendienst gesendet wird.

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