Teilen über

XmlDocumentFragment.CloneNode(Boolean) Methode


Erstellt ein Duplikat dieses Knotens.

 override System::Xml::XmlNode ^ CloneNode(bool deep);
public override System.Xml.XmlNode CloneNode (bool deep);
override this.CloneNode : bool -> System.Xml.XmlNode
Public Overrides Function CloneNode (deep As Boolean) As XmlNode



true, wenn die Teilstruktur unter dem angegebenen Knoten rekursiv geklont werden soll, false, wenn nur der Knoten selbst geklont werden soll.

Gibt zurück


Der geklonte Knoten.


Das folgende Beispiel zeigt den Unterschied zwischen einem tiefen und flachen Klon.

#using <System.Xml.dll>

using namespace System;
using namespace System::IO;
using namespace System::Xml;
int main()
   // Create the XmlDocument.
   XmlDocument^ doc = gcnew XmlDocument;
   doc->LoadXml( "<items/>" );
   // Create a document fragment.
   XmlDocumentFragment^ docFrag = doc->CreateDocumentFragment();
   // Set the contents of the document fragment.
   docFrag->InnerXml = "<item>widget</item>";
   // Create a deep clone.  The cloned node
   // includes child nodes.
   XmlNode^ deep = docFrag->CloneNode( true );
   Console::WriteLine( "Name: {0}", deep->Name );
   Console::WriteLine( "OuterXml: {0}", deep->OuterXml );
   // Create a shallow clone.  The cloned node does
   // not include any child nodes.
   XmlNode^ shallow = docFrag->CloneNode( false );
   Console::WriteLine( "Name: {0}", shallow->Name );
   Console::WriteLine( "OuterXml: {0}", shallow->OuterXml );
using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Xml;

public class Sample
  public static void Main()

    // Create the XmlDocument.
    XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();

    // Create a document fragment.
    XmlDocumentFragment docFrag = doc.CreateDocumentFragment();

    // Set the contents of the document fragment.
    docFrag.InnerXml ="<item>widget</item>";

    // Create a deep clone.  The cloned node
    // includes child nodes.
    XmlNode deep = docFrag.CloneNode(true);
    Console.WriteLine("Name: " + deep.Name);
    Console.WriteLine("OuterXml: " + deep.OuterXml);

    // Create a shallow clone.  The cloned node does
    // not include any child nodes.
    XmlNode shallow = docFrag.CloneNode(false);
    Console.WriteLine("Name: " + shallow.Name);
    Console.WriteLine("OuterXml: " + shallow.OuterXml);
Imports System.IO
Imports System.Xml

public class Sample

  public shared sub Main()
    ' Create the XmlDocument.
    Dim doc as XmlDocument  = new XmlDocument()

    ' Create a document fragment.
    Dim docFrag as XmlDocumentFragment = doc.CreateDocumentFragment()

    ' Set the contents of the document fragment.
    docFrag.InnerXml ="<item>widget</item>"

    ' Create a deep clone.  The cloned node
    ' includes child nodes.
    Dim deep as XmlNode = docFrag.CloneNode(true)
    Console.WriteLine("Name: " + deep.Name)
    Console.WriteLine("OuterXml: " + deep.OuterXml)

    ' Create a shallow clone.  The cloned node does
    ' not include any child nodes.
    Dim shallow as XmlNode = docFrag.CloneNode(false)
    Console.WriteLine("Name: " + shallow.Name)
    Console.WriteLine("OuterXml: " + shallow.OuterXml)    

  end sub
end class


CloneNode dient als Kopierkonstruktor für Knoten. Informationen dazu, wie sich diese Methode mit anderen Knotentypen verhält, finden Sie unter XmlNode.CloneNode.

Der geklonte Knoten hat kein übergeordnetes Element (ParentNode gibt zurück null).

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