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RunPageLink Property

Version: Available or changed with runtime version 1.0.

Sets a link to a page that will be launched for this action. The following syntax is valid for the RunPageLink property:

RunPageLink = <TableFilters>
<TableFilters> ::= <TableFilter> {,<TableFilter>}
<TableFilter> ::= <RunObjectFieldName> = CONST(<FieldConst>) | FILTER(<Filter>) | FIELD(<SourceFieldName>) |
FIELD(UPPERLIMIT(<SourceFieldName>)) | FIELD(FILTER(<SourceFieldName>)) | FIELD(UPPERLIMIT(FILTER(<SourceFieldName>)))

The filters defined by this property are visible in the UI and can be modified by end-users. If it was intended to hide them from end-users, consider using the RunPageView property instead.

Applies to

  • Page Action


This property is supported only on actions for pages.


For performance reasons, always set the RunPageView property if the RunPageLink property is also set. In fact, the sort order chosen in the RunPageView property must contain the fields listed in the RunPageLink property or else the performance is decreased.

Syntax example

    RunObject = page "Vendor Card";
    RunPageLink = "ID"=field(Id);
    RunObject = page "Customer List";
    RunPageLink = "Balance (LCY)"=filter(>=10000);


For example, if the current page is the customer card and you need to provide a way to see the outstanding sales orders for the current customer, you would use the RunObject Property to run the customer sales orders page. In this property you would select the Customer No. field as the link between the two pages.

RunPageView Property
RunObject Property