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Interactive components overview

This article covers interactive components that let site authors edit fields for text, rich text, links, images, and videos directly in visual page builder, the what-you-see-is-what-you-get (WYSIWYG) preview canvas in Microsoft Dynamics 365 Commerce site builder.

In Commerce site builder, page or fragment authors can use interactive components to edit fields for text, rich text, links, images, and videos directly in visual page builder. Interactive components are released with the Commerce online software development kit (SDK) and include Msdyn365.Text for text, Msdyn365.RichTextComponent for rich text, Msdyn365.Links for links, Msdyn365.Image for images, and Msdyn365.Video for videos. After the interactive components are implemented, site builder will allow for inline editing of text, and it will open a picker window for links, images, and videos.

For the best authoring experience, module developers should use interactive components when they render configuration fields, to allow for inline editing. Any custom implementations of these components can be made interactive by wrapping the component in the EditableField higher-order component (HOC). Follow the guidelines in this article to support interactive components inside a custom module.

How interactive components work

An interactive component hooks an event handler to the component that will do the work of setting the specific configuration field that is required.

The following example shows how a text configuration field uses an interactive component to allow for inline editing of the text. A productTitle configuration value is specified in the config section of the module definition file.

    "config": {
        "productTitle": {
            "type": "string",
            "friendlyName": "Product Title",
            "description": "Product placement title"

To support an interactive canvas experience, the module uses the Msdyn365.Text interactive component. This interactive component specifies a handleTextChange event handler that will set the configuration value.

public handleTextChange = (event: Msdyn365.ContentEditableEvent) => this.props.config.productTitle!.text =;

    editProps={{ onEdit: this.handleTextChange, requestContext: this.props.context.request }}

Interactive component reference

Text component

After it's implemented, the text component lets site authors edit text inline, directly in visual page builder.

Text component syntax

<Msdyn365.Text />

Text component example

    text={heading.text || ''}
    editProps={{ onEdit: this.handleTextChange, requestContext: this.props.context.request }}

public handleTextChange = (event: Msdyn365.ContentEditableEvent) => this.props.config.heading!.text =;

Available properties

Property Description Type
text The text to show. String
tag The HTML tag (for example, DIV or H2) to use to render the text. String
className The Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) class name. String
editProps Properties that are required to enable interaction in site builder. ITextEditProps

ITextEditProps properties

Property Description Type
onEdit The function handler that handles the text change event. Function
requestContext The Request context object. IRequestContext

Rich text component

After it's implemented, the rich text component lets site authors edit rich text inline, directly in visual page builder.

Rich text component syntax

<Msdyn365.RichTextComponent />

Rich text component example

    text={`<p className='d-none d-lg-block'>${paragraph}</p>`}
    editProps={{ onEdit: this.handleParagraphChange, requestContext: this.props.context.request }}

Available properties

Property Description Type
text The HTML text to show. String
editProps The properties that are required to enable interaction in site builder. ITextEditProps

ITextEditProps properties

Property Description Type
onEdit The function handler that handles the text change event. Function
requestContext The Request context object. IRequestContext

After it's implemented, the links component lets site authors edit an array of links in visual page builder.

<Msdyn365.Links />
    editProps={{ onTextChange: this.handleLinkTextChange, requestContext: this.props.context.request }}

Available properties

Property Description Type
link The array of link data to render. ILinksData[]
editProps The properties that are required to enable interaction in site builder. ITLinkEditProps

ILinksData properties

Property Description Type
linkText The text to show as a link. String
linkUrl The URL to open. String
openInNewTab A flag that indicates whether the link should be opened on a new tab. Boolean
ariaLabel The Accessible Rich Internet Applications (ARIA) label for accessibility. String
className The CSS class name. String
key The React key. String
role The role of the anchor tag (for example, button). String
additionalProperties A dictionary of additional properties to add to the element. [x: string]: string
linkTag The HTML tag to use to render the link. String
innerClassName The CSS class name for the inner component in the anchor tag. String
onClick The click handler that handles the link click event. Function

ILinkEditProps properties

Property Description Type
onTextChange The function handler that handles the link text change event. Function
requestContext The Request context object. IRequestContext

After it's implemented, the link component lets site authors edit single links in visual page builder.

<Msdyn365.Link />
    editProps={{ onTextChange: this.handleLinkTextChange(1), requestContext: this.props.context.request }}

Available properties

Property Description Type
links The link data to render. ILinksData
editProps Properties that are required to enable interaction in site builder. ILinkItemEditProps

ILinksData properties

Property Description Type
linkText The text to show as a link. String
linkUrl The URL to open. String
openInNewTab A flag that indicates whether the link should be opened on a new tab. Boolean
ariaLabel The ARIA label for accessibility. String
className The CSS class name. String
key The React key. String
role The role of the anchor tag (for example, button). String
additionalProperties A dictionary of additional properties to add to the element. [x: string]: string
linkTag The HTML tag to use to render the link. String
innerClassName The CSS class name for the inner component in the anchor tag. String
onClick The click handler that handles the link click event. Function

ILinkItemEditProps properties

Property Description Type
onTextChange The function handler that handles the link text change event. Function
requestContext The Request context object. IRequestContext

Image component

After it's implemented, the image component lets site authors edit images directly in visual page builder.

Image component syntax

<Msdyn365.Image />

Image component example

    editProps={{ key: this.props.config.image || {}, requestContext: this.props.context.request }}

Available properties

Property Description Type
src The URL of the image source. String
fallBackSrc The fallback URL if the image can't be loaded. String
altText The alt text for the image. String
caption The caption string for the image. String
title The title for the image. String
width The width of the image. number
height The height of the image. number
imageSettings Settings for the image. ImageSettings
additionalProperties A dictionary of additional properties to add to the element. [x: string]: string
editProps Properties that are required to enable interaction in site builder. IEditProps

IEditProps properties

Property Description Type
key The path of the image property in the config section of the module definition file. Object
requestContext The Request context object. IRequestContext

Video component

After it's implemented, the video component lets site authors edit videos directly in visual page builder.

Video component syntax


Video component example

    <Player playerData={videoPlayerData} />

Available properties

Property Description Type
className The CSS class name. String
editProps Properties that are required to enable interaction in site builder. IEditProps

IEditProps properties

Property Description Type
key The path of the property in the config section of the module definition file. Object
requestContext The Request context object. IRequestContext

Generic editable HOC

Generic editable field components wrap any custom components and enable interactions in the context of site builder.

Generic editable HOC syntax

<EditableField />

Generic editable HOC example

    onChange={this.props.editProps ? this.props.editProps.onEdit : this.onEdit} // handle innerHTML change
        text: this.props.text,
        tag: this.props.tag,
        className: this.props.className

Available properties

Property Description Type
fieldProps Field properties. [x: string]: string
type The type of the field (text, image, video, or link). FieldType
requestContext The Request context object. IRequestContext
onChange The event handler for the onChange event. Function
onMouseOver The event handler for the onMouseover event. Function
onMouseOut The event handler for the onMouseout event. Function
onFocus The event handler for the onFocus event. Function
onBlur The event handler for the onBlur event. Function
placeHolderText The text to show when text is cleared from the field. String
disabled A flag that enables or disables editing of the file in site builder. String

Additional resources

Request properties object

App settings

Platform settings file

Extend a module definition file

Cookie API overview

Mock the signed-in state during local development

Configure module properties to be shown based on context

Globalize modules by using the CultureInfoFormatter class

Set up Azure Key Vault for secure key management

Work with modules

Work with fragments