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EDS Common Headers

Entertainment Discovery Services (EDS) Common Request Headers

Header Name Description Required? Notes
x-xbl-contract-version EDS Service version yes 3.2
x-xbl-client-type Client Type header yes Speak to team to get your own Client Type .
x-xbl-client-version Client Version yes Any non-empty string.
x-xbl-parent-ig Impression guid yes Used to track request in logs and across other service calls.
x-xbl-device-type Device Type yes Device that the client is representing .
Accept Accept type yes XML or JSON.
Authorization Auth Header yes
x-xbl-autoSuggest-seed-text Auto suggest seed text no Used For BI and relevance
x-xbl-search-term Search Term no
x-xbl-input-method Input method used by user no Controller, Speech, Kinect .
x-xbl-kinect-enabled Kinect enabled no Yes/no.
x-xbl-speech-session-id Speech session ID no Whether session was initiated using speech.
x-xbl-client-id Anonymous Client Id no Used for BI reporting and relevance.
x-xbl-device-id Device ID no Used for BI reporting and relevance.
x-xbl-user-agent Client user agent no Used for BI. "<name>/<version> (<OS version>; <platform>; <capability>; <manufacture>; <model>)".
x-xbl-parent-ig Previous Impression Guid for "Chained" calls no (but highly recommended) Important for BI relevance. For example, a Browse call's IG is the parent IG for a following up detail call.
delid Delegate Identity no Used by internal services to work on behalf of a user.

Common Response Headers

Header Name Description Required? Notes
Cache Cache Headers yes See https://www.w3.org/Protocols/rfc2616/rfc2616-sec14.html#sec14.9.
x-xbl-errors Errors no List of errors from various data providers.
x-xbl-traceid Trace Id from logs yes Used to trace back the request specific logs.
x-server-name Obfuscated name of the server that handles the request. yes Used for internal debugging.

See also


Additional Reference

Further Information

Marketplace URIs