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POST (/users/batch)

Get presence for a batch of users. The domain for these URIs is userpresence.xboxlive.com.


This method should be used by any client, service, or title wanting to learn presence information for a batch of users.

The responses for this batch request can be filters by depth and path. Consumers can use this to find out and display the presence about a set of users. The filters on this API work as ORs in a property, but ANDs across properties.


Type Required Description Response if missing
XUID Yes Xbox User ID (XUID) of the caller 403 Forbidden

Effect of privacy settings on resource

This method always returns 200 OK, but might not return content in the response body.

Requesting User Target User's Privacy Setting Behavior
me - 200 OK
friend everyone 200 OK
friend friends only 200 OK
friend blocked 200 OK
non-friend user everyone 200 OK
non-friend user friends only 200 OK
non-friend user blocked 200 OK
third-party site everyone 200 OK
third-party site friends only 200 OK
third-party site blocked 200 OK

Required Request Headers

Header Type Description
Authorization string Authentication credentials for HTTP authentication. Example value: "XBL3.0 x=<userhash>;<token>".
x-xbl-contract-version string Build name/number of the Xbox LIVE service to which this request should be directed. The request will only be routed to that service after verifying the validity of the header, the claims in the auth token, and so on. Example values: 3, vnext.
Accept string Content-Types that are acceptable. The only one supported by Presence is application/json, but it must be specified in the header.
Accept-Language string Acceptable locale for strings in the response. Example values: en-US.
Host string Domain name of the server. Example value: presencebeta.xboxlive.com.
Content-Length string The length of the request body. Example value: 312.

Optional Request Headers

Header Type Description
X-RequestedServiceVersion Build name/number of the Xbox LIVE service to which this request should be directed. The request will only be routed to that service after verifying the validity of the header, the claims in the auth token, and so on. Default value: 1.

Request body

Required members

Member Description
users List XUIDs of users whose presence you want to learn, with a maximum of 1100 XUIDs at a time.

Optional members

Member Description
deviceTypes List of device types used by the users you want to know about. If the array is left empty, it defaults to all possible device types (that is, none are filtered out).
titles List of device types whose users you want to know about. If the array is left empty, it defaults to all possible titles (that is, none are filtered out).
level Possible values:
  • user - get user nodes
  • device - get user and device nodes
  • title - get basic title level information
  • all - get rich presence information, media information, or both

The default is "title".
onlineOnly If this property is true, the batch operation will filter out records for offline users (including cloaked ones). If it is not supplied, both online and offline users will be returned.

Prohibited members

All other members are prohibited in a request.

Sample request


Response body

Sample response

This method returns a PresenceRecord.

      name:"Contoso 5",
        richPresence:"Team Deathmatch on Nirvana"
      name:"Contoso Waypoint",
        richPresence:"Using radar"
      name:"Contoso Gamehelp",
        richPresence:"Nirvana page",

See also

