Teilen über


To read data from a value or property list with CLUSPROP_BUFFER_HELPER, use the following procedure.

To read data from a value or property list

  1. Obtain a buffer containing data.
  2. Set the pb member of CLUSPROP_BUFFER_HELPER to the start of the buffer.
  3. Use one of CLUSPROP_BUFFER_HELPER's member pointers to read the Syntax member of the next data structure.
  4. If the Syntax matches what you are looking for, use other member pointers to get the data.
  5. Otherwise, use the Length member to get the byte size of the current entry.
  6. Verify that there is room in the buffer to advance CLUSPROP_BUFFER_HELPER to the next read position.
  7. Use the pb member to advance to the next read position.
  8. Repeat steps 3-6 until the item is found

When using this procedure, you must be familiar with the architecture of value lists and property lists.


The following example presents a general-purpose parsing function for locating entries in a value or property list.

#include <windows.h>


#include "ClusDocEx.h"


//  ClusDocEx_FindSyntax
//  Returns the position of the first entry that matches a specified
//  syntax in a property or value list, starting from a specified
//  position within the list.
//  Arguments:
//  lpList       Pointer to the value or property list buffer.
//  cbListSize   Size of the value or property list.
//  dwSyntax     The syntax to search for (see CLUSPROP_SYNTAX).
//  bPropList    The list is a property list.
//  If successful, returns the byte position of the first match found,
//                 OR zero if no match was found.
//  If an error occurred, returns -1 (0xFFFFFFFF).
    IN LPVOID lpList,
    IN DWORD cbListSize,
    IN DWORD dwSyntax,
    IN BOOL bPropList
    DWORD cbPosition = 0;
    DWORD cbNextPos = 0;
    DWORD cbEntrySize = 0;


    if( ( lpList == NULL ) ||
        ( cbListSize == 0 ) )
        cbPosition = -1;
        goto endf;

    cbh.pb = (LPBYTE) lpList;

//  If this is a property list, advance past the count of properties.

    if( bPropList )
        cbh.pb += sizeof( DWORD );


    //  Check the syntax of the current entry.

        if( cbh.pSyntax->dw == dwSyntax )
        //  Specified syntax found.
            cbPosition = cbh.pb - (LPBYTE) lpList;
        else if( cbh.pSyntax->dw != CLUSPROP_SYNTAX_ENDMARK )
        //  Specified syntax not found and end of list not found.
        //  Get the size of the current entry.
            cbEntrySize = ClusDocEx_ListEntrySize( cbh.pValue->cbLength );
        else if( bPropList )
        //  Endmark found in a property list.
        //  Advance past the endmark.
            cbEntrySize = sizeof( CLUSPROP_SYNTAX );
        //  Endmark found in a value list.
        //  Specified syntax was not found.
            cbPosition = 0;

    //  Calculate the next position in the list.

        cbNextPos = cbh.pb - (LPBYTE) lpList + cbEntrySize;

    //  Verify remaining buffer size.
    //  The sizeof(CLUSPROP_SYNTAX) value accounts for the top-of-loop
    //  read operation (cbh.pSyntax->dw).

        if( cbNextPos + sizeof( CLUSPROP_SYNTAX ) > cbListSize )
            cbPosition = 0;
            cbh.pb += cbEntrySize;

    } while( TRUE );


    return cbPosition;
//  End ClusDocEx_FindSyntax.