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Problem with sandbox in azure-Module

inancolak 0 Ansehenspunkte
14. März 2025, 10:43

Dear Microsoft Community,

I am reaching out regarding an issue with activating the Azure Sandbox. Despite reviewing all available modules, I have not been able to locate the activation icon required to enable the sandbox. I have carefully navigated through each section, but the icon does not appear to be visible anywhere.

Could you please provide guidance or further instructions on how to access the activation feature? Your assistance in resolving this matter would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you for your support.

Azure SDKs
Azure SDKs
Eine Reihe von Visual Studio-Tools, Befehlszeilentools, Laufzeitbinärdateien und Clientbibliotheken, die Clients beim Entwickeln, Testen und Bereitstellen von Apps unterstützen, die in Azure ausgeführt werden.
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