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Supported metrics for Microsoft.MobileNetwork/radioAccessNetworks

The following table lists the metrics available for the Microsoft.MobileNetwork/radioAccessNetworks resource type.

Table headings

Metric - The metric display name as it appears in the Azure portal.
Name in Rest API - Metric name as referred to in the REST API.
Unit - Unit of measure.
Aggregation - The default aggregation type. Valid values: Average, Minimum, Maximum, Total, Count.
Dimensions - Dimensions available for the metric.
Time Grains - Intervals at which the metric is sampled. For example, PT1M indicates that the metric is sampled every minute, PT30M every 30 minutes, PT1H every hour, and so on.
DS Export- Whether the metric is exportable to Azure Monitor Logs via Diagnostic Settings.

For information on exporting metrics, see Create diagnostic settings in Azure Monitor.

For information on metric retention, see Azure Monitor Metrics overview.

Category Metric Name in REST API Unit Aggregation Dimensions Time Grains DS Export
Traffic Active Receive Time

The actual time of receiving data on the access point during the last sampling interval.
ActiveReceiveTime MilliSeconds Total (Sum) APIdentifier PT1M Yes
Traffic Active Transmit Time

The actual time of transmitted data by the access poiont during the last sampling interval.
ActiveTransmitTime MilliSeconds Total (Sum) APIdentifier PT1M Yes
Traffic Active Users

Number of currently active users on the Access Point.
ActiveUsers Count Total (Sum) APIdentifier PT1M No
Traffic Availability Rate

Percentage of the sampling interval time that the access point was available.
AvailabilityRate Percent Average APIdentifier PT1M Yes
Traffic Attempted Connection Handovers

Number of attempts made to handover connections on the access point during the last sampling interval.
ConnectionHandoverAttempts Count Total (Sum) APIdentifier PT1M Yes
Traffic Successful Connection Handovers

Number of connection handovers on the access point during the last sampling interval.
ConnectionHandoverSuccesses Count Total (Sum) APIdentifier PT1M Yes
Traffic Additionally Established Connections

Number of additional connections established on the access point during the last sampling interval.
ConnectionsAdditionallyEstablished Count Total (Sum) APIdentifier PT1M Yes
Traffic Connection Attempts

Number of connection attempts on the access point during the last sampling interval.
ConnectionsAttempted Count Total (Sum) APIdentifier PT1M Yes
Traffic Abnormal Connection Terminations

Number of abnormally terminated connections on the access point during the last sampling interval.
ConnectionsDropped Count Total (Sum) APIdentifier PT1M Yes
Traffic Connections Successfully Established

Number of established connections on the access point during the last sampling interval.
ConnectionsEstablished Count Total (Sum) APIdentifier PT1M Yes
Traffic Initially Established Connections

Number of connections that were initially established with the access point during the last sampling interval.
ConnectionsInitiallyEstablished Count Total (Sum) APIdentifier PT1M Yes
Traffic Re-Connection Attempts

Number of re-connection attempts on the access point during the last sampling interval.
ConnectionsReAttempted Count Total (Sum) APIdentifier PT1M Yes
Traffic Connections Successfully Re-Established

Number of connections re-established on the access point during the last sampling interval.
ConnectionsReEstablished Count Total (Sum) APIdentifier PT1M Yes
Derived Traffic Derived Connection Success Rate (CSR)

Percentage of successful connections on the given access point.
dConnectionSuccessRate Percent Average APIdentifier PT1M Yes
Derived Traffic Derived Mobility Success Rate (MSR)

Percentage of successful handovers on the given access point.
dMobilitySuccessRate Percent Average APIdentifier PT1M Yes
Traffic Downtime

Number of seconds that the access point was down during the last sampling interval.
Downtime Seconds Total (Sum) APIdentifier PT1M Yes
Derived Traffic Derived Receive Throughput

Throughput of received data on a given access point.
dReceiveThroughput BitsPerSecond Average APIdentifier PT1M Yes
Derived Traffic Derived Transmit Throughput

Throughput of transmitted data by a given access point.
dTransmitThroughput BitsPerSecond Average APIdentifier PT1M Yes
Traffic Online Status

Indicates if an access point was online during the whole sampling interval or not. The value 0 represents Offline and 1 represents Online.
OnlineStatus Count Total (Sum), Count, Maximum, Minimum APIdentifier PT1M Yes
Traffic Receive Data Rate

The rate at which the data was received on the access point during the last sampling interval.
ReceiveDataRate BitsPerSecond Total (Sum) APIdentifier PT1M Yes
Traffic Receive Volume

Volume of received data on the access point during the last sampling interval.
ReceiveVolume Bytes Total (Sum) APIdentifier, RANIdentifier PT1M Yes
Traffic Transmit Data Rate

The rate at which the data was transmitted by the access point during last sampling interval.
TransmitDataRate BitsPerSecond Total (Sum) APIdentifier PT1M Yes
Traffic Transmit Volume

Volume of data transmitted by the access point during the last sampling interval.
TransmitVolume Bytes Total (Sum) APIdentifier, RANIdentifier PT1M Yes