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Supported metrics for Wandisco.Fusion/migrators

The following table lists the metrics available for the Wandisco.Fusion/migrators resource type.

Table headings

Metric - The metric display name as it appears in the Azure portal.
Name in Rest API - Metric name as referred to in the REST API.
Unit - Unit of measure.
Aggregation - The default aggregation type. Valid values: Average, Minimum, Maximum, Total, Count.
Dimensions - Dimensions available for the metric.
Time Grains - Intervals at which the metric is sampled. For example, PT1M indicates that the metric is sampled every minute, PT30M every 30 minutes, PT1H every hour, and so on.
DS Export- Whether the metric is exportable to Azure Monitor Logs via Diagnostic Settings.

For information on exporting metrics, see Create diagnostic settings in Azure Monitor.

For information on metric retention, see Azure Monitor Metrics overview.

Metric Name in REST API Unit Aggregation Dimensions Time Grains DS Export
Bytes per Second.

Throughput speed of Bytes/second being utilised for a migrator.
BytesPerSecond BytesPerSecond Average <none> PT1M Yes
Directories Created Count

This provides a running view of how many directories have been created as part of a migration.
DirectoriesCreatedCount Count Total (Sum) <none> PT1M Yes
Files Migration Count

This provides a running total of how many files have been migrated.
FileMigrationCount Count Total (Sum) <none> PT1M Yes
Initial Scan Data Migrated in Bytes

This provides the view of the total bytes which have been transferred in a new migrator as a result of the initial scan of the On-Premises file system. Any data which is added to the migration after the initial scan migration, is NOT included in this metric.
InitialScanDataMigratedInBytes Bytes Total (Sum) <none> PT1M Yes
Live Data Migrated in Bytes

Provides a running total of LiveData which has been changed due to Client activity, since the migration started.
LiveDataMigratedInBytes Bytes Total (Sum) <none> PT1M Yes
Migrator CPU Load

CPU consumption by the migrator process.
MigratorCPULoad Percent Average <none> PT1M Yes
Number of Excluded Paths

Provides a running count of the paths which have been excluded from the migration due to Exclusion Rules.
NumberOfExcludedPaths Count Total (Sum) <none> PT1M Yes
Number of Failed Paths

A count of which paths have failed to migrate.
NumberOfFailedPaths Count Total (Sum) <none> PT1M Yes
System CPU Load

Total CPU consumption.
SystemCPULoad Percent Average <none> PT1M Yes
Total Migrated Data in Bytes

This provides a view of the successfully migrated Bytes for a given migrator
TotalMigratedDataInBytes Bytes Total (Sum) <none> PT1M Yes
Total Transactions

This provides a running total of the Data Transactions for which the user could be billed.
TotalTransactions Count Total (Sum) <none> PT1M Yes