
Teilen über

Working with List Parts

A ListPart page is a type of page part used to display a list of records embedded within another page. It consists of a repeater, which presents the records of the source table as rows and columns, and optionally, of an action bar.

A list part can be contained in Role Centers, in the FactBox and content area of other pages, in a tabular step in a Wizard and as a subpage in a Document page. Depending on the type of the hosting page, a list part is subject to different design constraints, which determine its position and dimensions. For more information, see Design Considerations.

Creating a list part

To create a list part, you create a page object, set the PageType Property to ListPart and specify the source table. A list part page uses a single repeater control, located inside area(Content), where you specify the field controls that you want to display. The structure is similar to that of a List page, except that there is no FactBox section, since part pages cannot host other parts. For more information, see List Page Structure.

Adding a list part to a page

To place the list part in a page, you add a part control to the hosting page and associate it with the list part page object. Here you can also define additional properties. These will only apply to the container of the list part, whose functionality is independent from the hosting page.


The following code sample illustrates how to create a ListPart page, "Pending Shipments", and how to integrate it in the card page "Customer Card".

page 50101 "Pending Shipments"
    PageType = ListPart;
    SourceTable = "Sales Header";
    // Filter on the sales orders that are pending completion.
    SourceTableView = WHERE("Completely Shipped" = CONST(False));

                field("No."; "No.")
                    ApplicationArea = All;
                field("Order Date"; "Order Date")
                    ApplicationArea = All;
                field("Location Code"; "Location Code")
                    ApplicationArea = All;

page 50102 "Customer Card"
    PageType = Card;
    SourceTable = Customer;

                field("No."; "No.")
                    ApplicationArea = All;
                field(Name; Name)
                    ApplicationArea = All;
                part("Pending Shipments"; "Pending Shipments")
                    // Filter on the sales orders that relate to the customer in the card page.
                    SubPageLink = "Sell-to Customer No." = FIELD("No.");

See Also

Page Parts Overview
Page Types and Layouts
Designing List Pages
Page Object
Page Extension Object
Adding a FactBox to a page
CardPart Pages
AL Development Environment
Use Designer