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Organization Authorizations Overview


Deprecation Notice
The Marketing version 202305 (Marketing May 2023) and below has been sunset and the unversioned APIs are going to be sunset soon. We recommend that you migrate to the versioned APIs as well as migrate to the new Content and Community Management APIs to avoid disruptions. See the Migration page for more details. If you haven’t yet migrated and have questions, submit a request on the LinkedIn Developer Support Portal.

Using the /organizationalAuthorizations endpoint is optional; you may continue using /organizationAcls

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What is Changing


There are currently more than 100 features available across the LinkedIn ecosystem, and there are multiple feature sets for Content creators

Consider this workflow:

  1. Five (5) Pages Partners.
  2. Each Partner makes 20 checks across the Apps.
  3. The manual procedure for feature checks for each new partner will multiply the effort required to administer or maintain user permissions by role.

New Roles

This change includes newly added roles, which

  • Provide structure and granularity to page admin roles.
  • Provides instant access to new roles available in existing API
  • Eliminates role-based permissions using /organizationAcls which provides too much privilege or restricts access.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the benefits?

Organization Authorizations provides a more granular delegation of access to company page management. User Roles may still be provisioned using /organizationAcls

/organizationAuthorizations exists as a convenient utility for permission checking, which is useful for permissions that span multiple roles.

Why would I spend resources to build a complex feature check?

Using /organizationAuthorizations eliminates the need to check multiple user roles, provides more granular page admin roles/permissions, and requires no code changes for newly added roles in the future.

What about Page additions?

LinkedIn anticipates a 20+ increase in Roles over the next few years for pages. To use /organizationAuthorizations you will need to find the following existing roles and how they are mapped to the new endpoint.

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How do I find an authenticated member’s organization role assignee?

You do not need to maintain a list of roles that have permissions, Users are allowed to continue using cURL /organizationAuthorizations -X GET method to determine if the member has a particular permission at an organization.

How do new permission sets simplify the way you compute permissions?

You can easily

  • View analytics (statistics), notifications, and posts.
  • Manage (create/edit/delete) posts
  • Find access control information.
  • Associate developer applications (in rare cases.)

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How do I provision a user with the DIRECT_SPONSORED_CONTENT_POSTER role?

For a given organization and member you may continue to use the cURL method /organizationAcls -X PUT

How do I find additional Admin info?

You can use Decoration to find users First/Last name. This procedure has not changed, however, the field name may be slightly different in /organizationAuthorizations to get member info.

How do I find Admin Data using Response Decoration?

The call is basically identical to /organizationAcls

See: Response Decoration

Ho do I find all Role Permissions?

The Organization Authorizations endpoint has a finder to return all the permissions for a given role.

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