Referenz zur Tabelle/Entität Multistep Form (mspp_webform)
Unsicher bei Tabelle vs. Entität? Siehe Entwickler: Terminologie in Microsoft Dataverse verstehen.
Defines the necessary properties and relationships to the other key entities in order to control the initialization of the form within a web portal.
Hinzugefügt von: Power Pages Apps-Lösung
Nachricht | Web-API-Vorgang | SDK-Klasse oder -Methode |
BulkRetain | BulkRetain Action | <xref:Microsoft.Crm.Sdk.Messages.BulkRetainRequest> |
Create | POST [org URI]/api/data/v9.0/mspp_webforms Weitere Informationen finden Sie unter Erstellen |
CreateRequest oder Create |
CreateMultiple | CreateMultiple Action | CreateMultipleRequest |
Delete | DELETE [org URI]/api/data/v9.0/mspp_webforms(mspp_webformid) Weitere Informationen finden Sie unter Löschen |
DeleteRequest oder Delete |
PurgeRetainedContent | PurgeRetainedContent Action | <xref:Microsoft.Crm.Sdk.Messages.PurgeRetainedContentRequest> |
Retain | Retain Action | <xref:Microsoft.Crm.Sdk.Messages.RetainRequest> |
Retrieve | GET [org URI]/api/data/v9.0/mspp_webforms(mspp_webformid) Weitere Informationen finden Sie unter Abrufen |
RetrieveRequest oder Retrieve |
RetrieveEntityChanges | RetrieveEntityChangesRequest | |
RetrieveMultiple | GET [org URI]/api/data/v9.0/mspp_webforms Weitere Informationen finden Sie unter Daten abfragen |
RetrieveMultipleRequest oder RetrieveMultiple |
RollbackRetain | RollbackRetain Action | <xref:Microsoft.Crm.Sdk.Messages.RollbackRetainRequest> |
Update | PATCH [org URI]/api/data/v9.0/mspp_webforms(mspp_webformid) Weitere Informationen finden Sie unter Aktualisieren |
UpdateRequest oder Update |
UpdateMultiple | UpdateMultiple Action | UpdateMultipleRequest |
ValidateRetentionConfig | ValidateRetentionConfig Action | <xref:Microsoft.Crm.Sdk.Messages.ValidateRetentionConfigRequest> |
Eigenschaft | Wert |
CollectionSchemaName | mspp_webforms |
DisplayCollectionName | Multistep Forms |
DisplayName | Multistep Form |
EntitySetName | mspp_webforms |
IsBPFEntity | False |
LogicalCollectionName | mspp_webforms |
LogicalName | mspp_webform |
OwnershipType | OrganizationOwned |
PrimaryIdAttribute | mspp_webformid |
PrimaryNameAttribute | mspp_name |
SchemaName | mspp_webform |
Schreibbare Spalten/Attribute
Diese Spalten/Attribute geben entweder für IsValidForCreate oder IsValidForUpdate (normalerweise beides) true zurück. Aufgelistet durch SchemaName.
- mspp_authenticationrequired
- mspp_createdby
- mspp_createdon
- mspp_editexistingrecordpermitted
- mspp_editexpiredmessage
- mspp_editexpiredstatecode
- mspp_editexpiredstatuscode
- mspp_editnotpermittedmessage
- mspp_modifiedby
- mspp_modifiedon
- mspp_multiplerecordsperuserpermitted
- mspp_name
- mspp_progressindicatorenabled
- mspp_progressindicatorignorelaststep
- mspp_progressindicatorposition
- mspp_progressindicatorprependstepnum
- mspp_progressindicatortype
- mspp_provisionedlanguages
- mspp_savechangeswarningmessage
- mspp_savechangeswarningonclose
- mspp_startnewsessiononload
- mspp_startstep
- mspp_webformId
- mspp_websiteid
- statecode
- statuscode
Eigenschaft | Wert |
Description | Redirect to sign in if the user is anonymous. |
DisplayName | Authentication Required |
IsValidForForm | True |
IsValidForRead | True |
LogicalName | mspp_authenticationrequired |
RequiredLevel | None |
Type | Boolean |
mspp_authenticationrequired Auswahlen/Optionen
Wert | Etikett | Beschreibung |
1 | Yes | |
0 | No |
Standardwert: 0
Eigenschaft | Wert |
Description | Shows who created the record. |
DisplayName | Created By |
IsValidForForm | True |
IsValidForRead | True |
LogicalName | mspp_createdby |
RequiredLevel | None |
Targets | systemuser |
Type | Lookup |
Eigenschaft | Wert |
DateTimeBehavior | UserLocal |
Description | Shows the date and time when the record was created. |
DisplayName | Created On |
Format | DateAndTime |
IsValidForForm | True |
IsValidForRead | True |
LogicalName | mspp_createdon |
RequiredLevel | None |
Type | DateTime |
Eigenschaft | Wert |
Description | Determines if an existing record can be edited. This setting is ignored If the form mode on the form step is set to edit mode. Otherwise, an edit form wouldn't function properly. |
DisplayName | Edit Existing Record Permitted |
IsValidForForm | True |
IsValidForRead | True |
LogicalName | mspp_editexistingrecordpermitted |
RequiredLevel | None |
Type | Boolean |
mspp_editexistingrecordpermitted Auswahlen/Optionen
Wert | Etikett | Beschreibung |
1 | Yes | |
0 | No |
Standardwert: 1
Eigenschaft | Wert |
Description | |
DisplayName | Edit Expired Message |
Format | Text |
IsLocalizable | False |
IsValidForForm | True |
IsValidForRead | True |
LogicalName | mspp_editexpiredmessage |
MaxLength | 10000 |
RequiredLevel | None |
Type | Memo |
Eigenschaft | Wert |
Description | |
DisplayName | Edit Expired State Code |
Format | None |
IsValidForForm | True |
IsValidForRead | True |
LogicalName | mspp_editexpiredstatecode |
MaxValue | 2147483647 |
MinValue | 0 |
RequiredLevel | None |
Type | Integer |
Eigenschaft | Wert |
Description | |
DisplayName | Edit Expired Status Code |
Format | None |
IsValidForForm | True |
IsValidForRead | True |
LogicalName | mspp_editexpiredstatuscode |
MaxValue | 2147483647 |
MinValue | 0 |
RequiredLevel | None |
Type | Integer |
Eigenschaft | Wert |
Description | |
DisplayName | Edit Not Permitted Message |
Format | Text |
IsLocalizable | False |
IsValidForForm | True |
IsValidForRead | True |
LogicalName | mspp_editnotpermittedmessage |
MaxLength | 10000 |
RequiredLevel | None |
Type | Memo |
Eigenschaft | Wert |
Description | Shows who last updated the record. |
DisplayName | Modified By |
IsValidForForm | True |
IsValidForRead | True |
LogicalName | mspp_modifiedby |
RequiredLevel | None |
Targets | systemuser |
Type | Lookup |
Eigenschaft | Wert |
DateTimeBehavior | UserLocal |
Description | Shows the date and time when the record was modified. |
DisplayName | Modified On |
Format | DateAndTime |
IsValidForForm | True |
IsValidForRead | True |
LogicalName | mspp_modifiedon |
RequiredLevel | None |
Type | DateTime |
Eigenschaft | Wert |
Description | |
DisplayName | Multiple Records Per User Permitted |
IsValidForForm | True |
IsValidForRead | True |
LogicalName | mspp_multiplerecordsperuserpermitted |
RequiredLevel | None |
Type | Boolean |
mspp_multiplerecordsperuserpermitted Auswahlen/Optionen
Wert | Etikett | Beschreibung |
1 | Yes | |
0 | No |
Standardwert: 1
Eigenschaft | Wert |
Description | The name of the custom entity. |
DisplayName | Name |
FormatName | Text |
IsLocalizable | False |
IsValidForForm | True |
IsValidForRead | True |
LogicalName | mspp_name |
MaxLength | 100 |
RequiredLevel | ApplicationRequired |
Type | String |
Eigenschaft | Wert |
Description | |
DisplayName | Enabled |
IsValidForForm | True |
IsValidForRead | True |
LogicalName | mspp_progressindicatorenabled |
RequiredLevel | None |
Type | Boolean |
mspp_progressindicatorenabled Auswahlen/Optionen
Wert | Etikett | Beschreibung |
1 | Yes | |
0 | No |
Standardwert: 0
Eigenschaft | Wert |
Description | |
DisplayName | Ignore Last Step In Progress Count |
IsValidForForm | True |
IsValidForRead | True |
LogicalName | mspp_progressindicatorignorelaststep |
RequiredLevel | None |
Type | Boolean |
mspp_progressindicatorignorelaststep Auswahlen/Optionen
Wert | Etikett | Beschreibung |
1 | Yes | |
0 | No |
Standardwert: 0
Eigenschaft | Wert |
Description | Location of the progress indicator relative to the form |
DisplayName | Position |
IsValidForForm | True |
IsValidForRead | True |
LogicalName | mspp_progressindicatorposition |
RequiredLevel | None |
Type | Picklist |
mspp_progressindicatorposition Auswahlen/Optionen
Wert | Etikett | Beschreibung |
756150000 | Top | |
756150001 | Bottom | |
756150002 | Left | |
756150003 | Right |
Eigenschaft | Wert |
Description | |
DisplayName | Prepend Step Number to Step Title |
IsValidForForm | True |
IsValidForRead | True |
LogicalName | mspp_progressindicatorprependstepnum |
RequiredLevel | None |
Type | Boolean |
mspp_progressindicatorprependstepnum Auswahlen/Optionen
Wert | Etikett | Beschreibung |
1 | Yes | |
0 | No |
Standardwert: 0
Eigenschaft | Wert |
Description | |
DisplayName | Type |
IsValidForForm | True |
IsValidForRead | True |
LogicalName | mspp_progressindicatortype |
RequiredLevel | None |
Type | Picklist |
mspp_progressindicatortype Auswahlen/Optionen
Wert | Etikett | Beschreibung |
756150000 | Title | |
756150001 | Numeric (Step 1 of N) | |
756150002 | Progress Bar |
Eigenschaft | Wert |
Description | |
DisplayName | Provisioned Languages |
Format | Language |
IsValidForForm | True |
IsValidForRead | True |
LogicalName | mspp_provisionedlanguages |
MaxValue | 2147483647 |
MinValue | 0 |
RequiredLevel | None |
Type | Integer |
Eigenschaft | Wert |
Description | Default message: Your changes have not been saved. To stay on the page so that you can save your changes, click Cancel. |
DisplayName | Save Changes Warning Message |
Format | Text |
IsLocalizable | False |
IsValidForForm | True |
IsValidForRead | True |
LogicalName | mspp_savechangeswarningmessage |
MaxLength | 10000 |
RequiredLevel | None |
Type | Memo |
Eigenschaft | Wert |
Description | Displays a warning message to the user if they close the browser, or refresh the page, or click the previous button in a multiple step form and they have changes that haven't been saved. |
DisplayName | Display Save Changes Warning On Close |
IsValidForForm | True |
IsValidForRead | True |
LogicalName | mspp_savechangeswarningonclose |
RequiredLevel | None |
Type | Boolean |
mspp_savechangeswarningonclose Auswahlen/Optionen
Wert | Etikett | Beschreibung |
1 | Yes | |
0 | No |
Standardwert: 0
Eigenschaft | Wert |
Description | |
DisplayName | Start New Session On Load |
IsValidForForm | True |
IsValidForRead | True |
LogicalName | mspp_startnewsessiononload |
RequiredLevel | None |
Type | Boolean |
mspp_startnewsessiononload Auswahlen/Optionen
Wert | Etikett | Beschreibung |
1 | Yes | |
0 | No |
Standardwert: 0
Eigenschaft | Wert |
Description | Unique identifier for Form Step associated with Multistep Form. |
DisplayName | Start Step |
IsValidForForm | True |
IsValidForRead | True |
LogicalName | mspp_startstep |
RequiredLevel | None |
Targets | mspp_webformstep |
Type | Lookup |
Eigenschaft | Wert |
Description | Unique identifier for entity instances |
DisplayName | Multistep Form |
IsValidForForm | False |
IsValidForRead | True |
IsValidForUpdate | False |
LogicalName | mspp_webformid |
RequiredLevel | SystemRequired |
Type | Uniqueidentifier |
Eigenschaft | Wert |
Description | Unique identifier for Website entity associated with this record |
DisplayName | Website |
IsValidForForm | True |
IsValidForRead | True |
LogicalName | mspp_websiteid |
RequiredLevel | ApplicationRequired |
Targets | mspp_website |
Type | Lookup |
Eigenschaft | Wert |
Description | Status of the Multistep Form |
DisplayName | Status |
IsValidForCreate | False |
IsValidForForm | True |
IsValidForRead | True |
LogicalName | statecode |
RequiredLevel | SystemRequired |
Type | State |
statecode Auswahlen/Optionen
Wert | Etikett | Standardstatuswert | Invariante Name |
0 | Active | 1 | Active |
1 | Inactive | 2 | Inactive |
Eigenschaft | Wert |
Description | Reason for the status of the Multistep Form |
DisplayName | Status Reason |
IsValidForForm | True |
IsValidForRead | True |
LogicalName | statuscode |
RequiredLevel | None |
Type | Status |
statuscode Auswahlen/Optionen
Wert | Etikett | Status |
1 | Active | 0 |
2 | Inactive | 1 |
Schreibgeschützt Spalten/Attribute
Diese Spalten/Attribute geben false zurück für sowohl IsValidForCreate als auch IsValidForUpdate. Aufgelistet durch SchemaName.
- mspp_createdbyName
- mspp_createdbyYomiName
- mspp_modifiedbyName
- mspp_modifiedbyYomiName
- mspp_startstepName
- mspp_websiteidName
Eigenschaft | Wert |
Description | |
DisplayName | |
FormatName | Text |
IsLocalizable | False |
IsValidForForm | False |
IsValidForRead | True |
LogicalName | mspp_createdbyname |
MaxLength | 200 |
RequiredLevel | None |
Type | String |
Eigenschaft | Wert |
Description | |
DisplayName | |
FormatName | Text |
IsLocalizable | False |
IsValidForForm | False |
IsValidForRead | True |
LogicalName | mspp_createdbyyominame |
MaxLength | 200 |
RequiredLevel | None |
Type | String |
Eigenschaft | Wert |
Description | |
DisplayName | |
FormatName | Text |
IsLocalizable | False |
IsValidForForm | False |
IsValidForRead | True |
LogicalName | mspp_modifiedbyname |
MaxLength | 200 |
RequiredLevel | None |
Type | String |
Eigenschaft | Wert |
Description | |
DisplayName | |
FormatName | Text |
IsLocalizable | False |
IsValidForForm | False |
IsValidForRead | True |
LogicalName | mspp_modifiedbyyominame |
MaxLength | 200 |
RequiredLevel | None |
Type | String |
Eigenschaft | Wert |
Description | |
DisplayName | |
FormatName | Text |
IsLocalizable | False |
IsValidForForm | False |
IsValidForRead | True |
LogicalName | mspp_startstepname |
MaxLength | 100 |
RequiredLevel | None |
Type | String |
Eigenschaft | Wert |
Description | |
DisplayName | |
FormatName | Text |
IsLocalizable | False |
IsValidForForm | False |
IsValidForRead | True |
LogicalName | mspp_websiteidname |
MaxLength | 100 |
RequiredLevel | None |
Type | String |
Aufgelistet durch SchemaName.
Wie die mspp_webform_webformmetadata_entityformforcreate-Viele-zu-Eins-Beziehung für die mspp_webformmetadata-Tabelle/-Entität.
Eigenschaft | Wert |
ReferencingEntity | mspp_webformmetadata |
ReferencingAttribute | mspp_entityformforcreate |
IsHierarchical | False |
IsCustomizable | False |
ReferencedEntityNavigationPropertyName | mspp_webform_webformmetadata_entityformforcreate |
AssociatedMenuConfiguration | Behavior: DoNotDisplay Group: Details Label: Order: 10000 |
CascadeConfiguration | Assign: NoCascade Delete: NoCascade Merge: NoCascade Reparent: NoCascade Share: NoCascade Unshare: NoCascade |
Wie die mspp_webformstep_webform-Viele-zu-Eins-Beziehung für die mspp_webformstep-Tabelle/-Entität.
Eigenschaft | Wert |
ReferencingEntity | mspp_webformstep |
ReferencingAttribute | mspp_webform |
IsHierarchical | False |
IsCustomizable | False |
ReferencedEntityNavigationPropertyName | mspp_webformstep_webform |
AssociatedMenuConfiguration | Behavior: UseLabel Group: Details Label: Steps Order: 103100 |
CascadeConfiguration | Assign: NoCascade Delete: NoCascade Merge: NoCascade Reparent: NoCascade Share: NoCascade Unshare: NoCascade |
Wie die mspp_webpage_webform-Viele-zu-Eins-Beziehung für die mspp_webpage-Tabelle/-Entität.
Eigenschaft | Wert |
ReferencingEntity | mspp_webpage |
ReferencingAttribute | mspp_webform |
IsHierarchical | False |
IsCustomizable | False |
ReferencedEntityNavigationPropertyName | mspp_webpage_webform |
AssociatedMenuConfiguration | Behavior: UseCollectionName Group: Details Label: Order: 107000 |
CascadeConfiguration | Assign: NoCascade Delete: NoCascade Merge: NoCascade Reparent: NoCascade Share: NoCascade Unshare: NoCascade |
Jede Viele-zu-Eins-Beziehung wird durch eine entsprechende Viele-zu-Viele-Beziehungen mit der zugehörigen Tabelle definiert. Aufgelistet durch SchemaName.
- mspp_systemuser_mspp_webform_createdby
- mspp_systemuser_mspp_webform_modifiedby
- mspp_webform_startstep
- mspp_website_webform
Hinzugefügt von: System Solution-Lösung
Siehe die mspp_systemuser_mspp_webform_createdby-Eins-zu-Viele-Beziehung für die systemuser-Tabelle/-Entität.
Hinzugefügt von: System Solution-Lösung
Siehe die mspp_systemuser_mspp_webform_modifiedby-Eins-zu-Viele-Beziehung für die systemuser-Tabelle/-Entität.
Siehe die mspp_webform_startstep-Eins-zu-Viele-Beziehung für die mspp_webformstep-Tabelle/-Entität.
Siehe die mspp_website_webform-Eins-zu-Viele-Beziehung für die mspp_website-Tabelle/-Entität.
Siehe auch
Dataverse-Tabelle/-Entitätsreferenz Web-API-Referenz mspp_webform EntityType