How can I quickly and easily map the data of multiple devices in IoT Central without manually entering the JSON paths for each individual column?

Zielonka, Sven 0 Zuverlässigkeitspunkte

Hi everyone,

I manage several devices (50 in total) in the MS Azure IoT Central environment. Each device receives 35 different pieces of data nested in a JSON format.


    "timestamp": "2024-10-07T06:12:40.614446",
    "total": 7,
        "str_gr": {
            "0": {
                "entry": 4,
                "exit": 1
            "1": {
                "entry": 2,
                "exit": 0
    "_eventtype": "Telemetry",
    "_timestamp": "2024-10-07T06:12:56.827Z"

I would now like to map all the data, but not manually (50 devices x 35 data points = 1,750 manual entries of JSON paths AND aliases)!

Is there a way to create a "mapping template" or something similar which can be copy/pasted to every device? Any solution is fine with me as long as it reduces the effort of manually typing every JSON-Path.

Best regards & thanks in advance

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