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Decrypt my World

Cryptography, Security, Debugging and more!

.NET and the XAdES standard

Hi all, You may know already that SignedXml class in .NET doesn't support the XML Advanced...

Author: Alejandro Campos Magencio Date: 05/25/2012

How to remove a certificate from a certificate store programmatically (PowerShell)

Hi all, The following sample will remove a certificate from MY certificate store of the local...

Author: Alejandro Campos Magencio Date: 04/27/2012

How to get all certificates in the Server Certificates section of IIS Manager programmatically (PowerShell)

Hi all, The certificates in the Server Certificates section of IIS Manager (inetmgr.exe) are...

Author: Alejandro Campos Magencio Date: 04/27/2012

How to install the response from a CA programmatically (PowerShell)

Hi all, The other day a customer of mine was creating a SSL certificate request with IIS Manager...

Author: Alejandro Campos Magencio Date: 04/27/2012

How to export issued certificates from a CA programatically (PowerShell)

Hi all, The following sample is a conversion of How to export issued certificates from a CA...

Author: Alejandro Campos Magencio Date: 04/13/2012

How to export issued certificates from a CA programatically (C#)

Hi all, The following sample is a simplification of How to get info from client certificates issued...

Author: Alejandro Campos Magencio Date: 04/04/2012

How to get info from client certificates issued by a CA (C#, VS 2010)

Hi all, I developed this sample some time ago: How to get info from client certificates issued by a...

Author: Alejandro Campos Magencio Date: 04/04/2012

Why is my process in a Job if I didn't put it there?

Hi all, The other day a customer of mine was having this issue on Windows 7: CreateProcessAsUser...

Author: Alejandro Campos Magencio Date: 03/09/2012

CreateProcessAsUser fails with error 5 (Access Denied) when using Jobs

Hi all, The other day I worked on a support case where a Windows service running as System in...

Author: Alejandro Campos Magencio Date: 03/09/2012

How to use INTERNET_OPTION_SERVER_CERT_CHAIN_CONTEXT with InternetQueryOption in C#

Hi all, The other day I needed to use the certificate chain context (CERT_CHAIN_CONTEXT structure)...

Author: Alejandro Campos Magencio Date: 01/18/2012

We can't manage printers with WMI in a clustered environment

Hi all, Some time ago a customer of mine wanted to develop PowerShell scripts to manage printers in...

Author: Alejandro Campos Magencio Date: 11/09/2011

Unexpected black screen when using a custom Credential Provider

Hi all, Some time ago I had a customer how had developed a custom credential provider to use with a...

Author: Alejandro Campos Magencio Date: 11/09/2011

Problems when compiling and running code that uses CertEnroll with .NET 4.0 and x64

Hi all, The other day a customer of mine was trying to compile and run this CertEnroll sample of...

Author: Alejandro Campos Magencio Date: 11/07/2011

How to add Issuer Alternative Name to your certificate request (C#)

Hi all, A customer of mine wanted to set Issuer Alternative Name (XCN_OID_ISSUER_ALT_NAME2 -...

Author: Alejandro Campos Magencio Date: 11/07/2011

How to export our enrolled certificates programmatically

Hi all, If you are creating certificate requests to enroll certificates programmatically and using a...

Author: Alejandro Campos Magencio Date: 11/07/2011

How to access Certificate Enrollment Web Services from non-domain joined computers

Hi all, You may know already this white paper to configure the Certificate Enrollment Web Services:...

Author: Alejandro Campos Magencio Date: 11/07/2011

How to add Friendly Name to your enrolled certificates programmatically

Hi all, One of my customers was creating certificate requests programmatically with CertEnroll and a...

Author: Alejandro Campos Magencio Date: 11/07/2011

Certificate request won't set Key Usage to Digital Signature in enrolled certificate

Hi all, The other day a customer of mine was creating certificate requests with a code like the...

Author: Alejandro Campos Magencio Date: 11/07/2011

Certificate request doesn't allow the private key of the enrolled certificate to be exported

Hi all, The other day a customer of mine was creating certificate requests with a code like the...

Author: Alejandro Campos Magencio Date: 11/07/2011

How to add Alternative Directory Name to your certificate request (C#)

Hi all, We've already seen How to add Subject Alternative Name to your certificate requests (C#)....

Author: Alejandro Campos Magencio Date: 11/07/2011

How to add Subject Alternative Name to your certificate requests (C#)

Hi all, The other day a customer of mine wanted to add Subject Alternative Name...

Author: Alejandro Campos Magencio Date: 11/07/2011

How to request a certificate programmatically using the Certificate Enrollment Web Services (C#)

Hi all, Some time ago I mentioned a Microsoft SDK sample that uses CertEnroll to access the...

Author: Alejandro Campos Magencio Date: 11/07/2011

How to customize error messages shown when changing password on Windows 7

Hi all, A customer of mine wanted to change the error messages shown to users when changing their...

Author: Alejandro Campos Magencio Date: 09/27/2011

SChannel does not support SSL Fragmentation

Hi all, When connecting to an SSL-enabled web site with Internet Explorer, the client and server...

Author: Alejandro Campos Magencio Date: 09/27/2011

Big delay when calling SslStream.AuthenticateAsClient

Hi all, Some time ago I had a customer who was opening a SSL connection on his C# application, and...

Author: Alejandro Campos Magencio Date: 09/27/2011

How to create a memory mapped file with C# (Windows Vista / Windows 7)

Hi all, The following C# sample shows how to create a memory mapped file and use private namespaces...

Author: Alejandro Campos Magencio Date: 09/26/2011

How to verify validity of certificates with .NET

Hi all, The other day a customer of mine was trying to verify the validity of a certificate with a...

Author: Alejandro Campos Magencio Date: 06/21/2011

X509Certificate2 raises "The Smart card resource manager is not running" exception

Hi all, Some time ago a customer of mine was getting a CryptographicException with message "The...

Author: Alejandro Campos Magencio Date: 05/19/2011

SCardEstablishContext fails with SCARD_E_NO_SERVICE error

Hi all, If you call SCardEstablishContext API in a Windows service running under a specific user...

Author: Alejandro Campos Magencio Date: 05/19/2011

How to automate a command line utility like DiskPart (vbscript)

Hi all, The other day I created a VBScript to automate DiskPart.exe tool and be able to perform...

Author: Alejandro Campos Magencio Date: 04/26/2011

SignTool fails with error 0x80092006 on Windows Server 2008

Hi all, The other day a customer of mine was trying to sign a binary with SignTool.exe using the...

Author: Alejandro Campos Magencio Date: 03/24/2011

How to update "Run only specified windows applications" GPO programmatically (VBScript)

Hi all, A customer of mine had to add a list of thousands of applications to the "Run only specified...

Author: Alejandro Campos Magencio Date: 03/24/2011

FileSystemWatcher class does not fire Change events when NotifyFilters.Size is used

Hi all, A customer of mine was trying to monitor a .log file in a specific folder with .NET's...

Author: Alejandro Campos Magencio Date: 03/23/2011

How to disable "This Web site is attempting to perform a digital certificate operation on your behalf" message

Hi all, A customer of mine was using some web pages to enroll certificates. When using them on...

Author: Alejandro Campos Magencio Date: 02/18/2011

How to disable the pop up that Windows shows when an app crashes

Hi all, The other day a customer of mine was trying to disable the pop up dialog that Windows shows...

Author: Alejandro Campos Magencio Date: 02/18/2011

How to verify signatures using a temporary keyset in .NET

Hi all, Some time ago a customer of mine had issues to verify signatures with...

Author: Alejandro Campos Magencio Date: 02/18/2011

Unable to import a key into KeyNumber.Signature with RSACryptoServiceProvider

Hi all, The other day a customer of mine was having an issue when importing key pairs with .NET's...

Author: Alejandro Campos Magencio Date: 02/18/2011

Big delay when calling X509Certificate2 constructor

Hi all, The other day a customer of mine was experiencing big delays when making this kind of calls...

Author: Alejandro Campos Magencio Date: 02/18/2011

EnvelopedCMS throws an "ASN1 out of memory" exception with files larger than 5 MB

Hi all, When using .NET's EnvelopedCMS to decode a file that is larger than 5 MB, you may get the...

Author: Alejandro Campos Magencio Date: 02/18/2011

Process created with CreateProcessAsUser won't initialize properly

Hi all Some time ago a customer of mine had an issue with his client/server application when using...

Author: Alejandro Campos Magencio Date: 01/12/2011

How to get the sAMAccountName of a foreign security principal (C#)

Hi all, The following sample shows a couple of ways to get the sAMAccountName of a foreign security...

Author: Alejandro Campos Magencio Date: 01/11/2011

More on .NET CMS classes and SHA-2 algorithms

Hi all, We don’t officially support the .NET CMS classes with SHA-2 algorithms. This...

Author: Alejandro Campos Magencio Date: 12/21/2010

How to call CryptMsg API in streaming mode - LargeCMS full sample

Hi all Some time ago I posted a sample which shows how to sign large CMS data by calling CryptMsg...

Author: Alejandro Campos Magencio Date: 12/20/2010

Big delay while calling EnvelopedCms constructor

Hi all, You may experience a big delay when calling EnvelopedCms constructor in your .NET...

Author: Alejandro Campos Magencio Date: 12/20/2010

How to enumerate all certificates on a smart card (PowerShell)

Hi all, Some time ago I assisted my colleague Jeff Bowles with the development of a PowerShell...

Author: Alejandro Campos Magencio Date: 12/15/2010

Would you like a free code sample from Microsoft?

Hi all, Many times I get requests through my blog to provide code samples on some specific topics....

Author: Alejandro Campos Magencio Date: 10/29/2010

ExportParameters returns Invalid type specified error

Hi all, Some time ago a customer of mine was trying to export the private key associated to a...

Author: Alejandro Campos Magencio Date: 10/20/2010
