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I'm back!

Hard to believe my last post was over 6 years ago. At the time, I was departing the SQL Server Reporting Services team to join the Microsoft Health Solutions Group. That lasted about a year and a half (I'll tell some of those stories later) and I joined the Dynamics AX team in mid 2009. Since then, I helped to ship AX 2012 and just finished up AX 2012 R2. Currently, I'm the Group Program Manager for the Service Industries team on AX.

In the SSRS days, my blog was pretty much product-focused. I'm not sure why I haven't felt like blogging since then but I've decided I'm going to open up the topic scope. It's my 17th year at Microsoft so I figure I must have learned something that might be interesting to others. Sure, I'll talk about ERP sometimes but I'm basically going to write whatever comes to mind. It might not even be work related.

Anyway, looking forward to hearing from old friends as well as making a few new ones.