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Upcoming F# Talks

Recently legendary Cambridge research Don Syme presented an Introduction to F# at JAOO Aarhus in Denmark. From what I’ve heard the talk went really well, and the slide deck is a great way to pick up the F# language (or give an intro-level presentation yourself). I figured I’d point out some other upcoming F# talks I’ll be giving as well:

Nov 17-19, Platform Developers Conference (PDC) , Los Angeles

I’ll be at PDC this year, but unfortunately I won’t be giving any talks. You’ll find me manning the Visual Studio 2010 booth talking about what’s going on in the languages space: talking about new features in C#, Visual Basic.NET, and what to expect in F#, in addition to plugging Iron Ruby and Iron Python.

Nov 21-22, SoCal Code Camp , Los Angeles

The weekend after PDC I’ll be giving the same F# for Architects talk, though with some updated slides and 50% more sizzle. If you are in the LA area I’d encourage you to stop by.

Jan 13-15, CodeMash , Sandusky Ohio

My talk Being an Evil Genius with F# and .NET was accepted and as you can tell from the abstract, I am super excited about giving the presentation. CodeMash is an awesome conference, and indoors at the Kalahari resort in Sandusky is absolutely where you want to be on a cold week in January.

In other news, the F# team is still plugging away trying to finish up Visual Studio 2010. We’ll have some announcements coming soon, but in the mean time the latest release of F# can is May 2009 CTP or Visual Studio 2010 Beta1. And, perhaps more importantly ;) Programming F# is finally out! It’s so out that I have a copy of the book on my desk in front of me right now. I’d love to start a book tour, so if any of you know how to get me 10 minutes on the Today Show let me know.



  • Anonymous
    October 15, 2009
    Congratulations Chris on having your book published! I bought Rough Cuts on Safari and eagerly looking forward to the final version to read it once again :)

  • Anonymous
    October 16, 2009
    Some people (like the author involved) have all the luck to have their copy of Programming F# already. Others, like me, got the following email from today: We wanted to let you know there's a delay with one or more items in the order you placed on June 30 2009.  Chris Smith "Programming F#"    Estimated ship date: October 29 2009 - November 03 2009 Oh well, I've waited this long. I guess I can grit my teeth and wait a bit longer...