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Azure Blob Storage operations with Storage Python SDK

This blog describes how to perform the basic operations on blobs using the Python API. We’ll be using Python API provided in Azure SDK to achieve the following functionalities.

  • Create a container
  • Upload a blob into a container
  • Download blobs
  • List the blobs in a container
  • Delete a blob

Installing the SDK:

My machine is a 64-bit windows machine, so I downloaded the  "Windows x86-64 executable installer" available underthe latest version of Python for windows from here.

Then I downloaded Azure storage SDK for Python. In order to do that, we need to follow any of the below 3 steps.

Option 1: Via PyPi

To install via the Python Package Index (PyPI), type:

pip install azure-storage Option 2: Source Via Git

To get the source code of the SDK via git just type:

git clone git://

cd ./azure-storage-python

python install Option 3: Source Zip

Download a zip of the code via GitHub or PyPi. Then, type:

cd ./azure-storage-python

python install

Create a Container:

Every blob in Azure storage must reside in a container. Please make sure that the following naming convention has been followed for a container.

  • Container names must start with a letter or number, and can contain only letters, numbers, and the dash (-) character.
  • Every dash (-) character must be immediately preceded and followed by a letter or number; consecutive dashes are not permitted in container names.
  • All letters in a container name must be lowercase. Please note that the name of a container must always be lowercase. If you include an upper-case letter in a container name, or otherwise violate the container naming rules, you may receive a 400 error (Bad Request).
  • Container names must be from 3 through 63 characters long.

By default, the new container that is created is private. "public_access=PublicAccess.Container" is used in the code below to set the container access policy to "Container".  Alternatively, you can modify a container after you have created it using "set_container_acl" method in "blob_service" object.

Code used to create a container:

from import BlockBlobService

from import PublicAccess

# Setting Parameters

ACCOUNT_NAME = "<Your Storage account name>"

ACCOUNT_KEY = "<Your storage account key>"

CONTAINER_NAME = "<Container name you want to create>"

# Code block to create a container

blob_service = BlockBlobService(account_name=ACCOUNT_NAME, account_key=ACCOUNT_KEY)


container_status = blob_service.create_container(CONTAINER_NAME, public_access=PublicAccess.Container)

print("Container %s"%CONTAINER_NAME + " creation success status: %s"%container_status)


print("Container %s"%CONTAINER_NAME + " creation failed")



Create Container

Upload a blob into a container:

To create a block blob and upload data, use the create_blob_from_path, create_blob_from_stream, create_blob_from_bytes or create_blob_from_text methods. They are high-level methods that perform the necessary chunking when the size of the data exceeds 64 MB. create_blob_from_path uploads the contents of a file from the specified path, and create_blob_from_stream uploads the contents from an already opened file/stream. create_blob_from_bytes uploads an array of bytes, and create_blob_from_text uploads the specified text value using the specified encoding (defaults to UTF-8).

Code used to upload blob into a container:

from import BlockBlobService

from os import listdir

from os.path import isfile, join

# Setting Parameters

ACCOUNT_NAME = "<Your Storage account name>"

ACCOUNT_KEY = "<Your storage account key>"

CONTAINER_NAME = "<Your storage container name>"

LOCAL_DIRECT = r"<Local directory containing files>"

# Code block to upload blob to Blob storage

blob_service = BlockBlobService(account_name=ACCOUNT_NAME, account_key=ACCOUNT_KEY)

local_file_list = [f for f in listdir(LOCAL_DIRECT) if isfile(join(LOCAL_DIRECT, f))]

file_num = len(local_file_list)

for i in range(file_num):

local_file = join(LOCAL_DIRECT, local_file_list[i])

blob_name = local_file_list[i]


blob_service.create_blob_from_path(CONTAINER_NAME, blob_name, local_file)

print("File upload successful %s"%blob_name)


print ("Something went wrong while uploading the files %s"%blob_name)



Upload Blobs


Download Blobs:

To download data from a blob, use get_blob_to_path, get_blob_to_stream, get_blob_to_bytes, or get_blob_to_text. There are high-level methods that perform the necessary chunking when the size of the data exceeds 64 MB.

Code used to download blob to a local directory:

from import BlockBlobService

# Setting Parameters

ACCOUNT_NAME = "<Your Storage account name>"

ACCOUNT_KEY = "<Your storage account key>"

CONTAINER_NAME = "<Your storage container name>"

BLOB_TO_BE_DOWNLOADED = "<Your Blob Name>"

# Code block to download blobs

blob_service = BlockBlobService(account_name=ACCOUNT_NAME, account_key=ACCOUNT_KEY)


blob_service.get_blob_to_path(CONTAINER_NAME, BLOB_TO_BE_DOWNLOADED , file_path = "<Local Path>\<File Name>.<extension of the original blob>")

print("Blob has been downloaded")


print("Blob download failed")



Download Blobs


List the blobs in a container:

To list the blobs in a container, use the list_blobs method.

Code used to list blobs in a container:

from import BlockBlobService

# Setting Parameters

ACCOUNT_NAME = "<Your Storage account name>"

ACCOUNT_KEY = "<Your storage account key>"

CONTAINER_NAME = "<Your storage container name>"

# Code block to list the blobs present in a container

blob_service = BlockBlobService(account_name=ACCOUNT_NAME, account_key=ACCOUNT_KEY)


blob_names = blob_service.list_blobs(CONTAINER_NAME)

for blob in blob_names:



print("Blob listing failed")



List Blobs in Container


Delete a blob:

To delete a blob, we leverage delete_blob method.

Code used to delete a blob:

from import BlockBlobService

# Setting Parameters

ACCOUNT_NAME = "<Your Storage account name>"

ACCOUNT_KEY = "<Your storage account key>"

CONTAINER_NAME = "<Your storage container name>"

BLOB_TO_BE_DELETED = "<Blob name with extension>"

# Code block to delete a blob

blob_service = BlockBlobService(account_name=ACCOUNT_NAME, account_key=ACCOUNT_KEY)


blob_service.delete_blob(CONTAINER_NAME, BLOB_TO_BE_DELETED)

print("Blob has been deleted successfully")


print("Blob deletion failed")



Delete Blobs


Articles referred:

Introduction on azure storage with Python: /en-us/azure/storage/storage-python-how-to-use-blob-storage

Azure Storage SDK for Python:


  • Anonymous
    May 15, 2017
    Awesome!! it saved my lot of hours:)