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Achieving Transactional Behavior with Messaging

Elastic and dynamic multitenant cloud environments have characteristics that make traditional failure management mechanisms using coordinated 2-phase transactions a suboptimal choice. The common 2-phase commit protocols depend on a number of parties enlisted into a transaction making hard promises on the expected outcome of their slice a transaction. Those promises are difficult to keep in an environment where systems may go down at any time with their local state vanishing, where not all party trust each other, where significant latency may be involved, and network connectivity cannot be assumed to be reliable. 2-phase-commit is also not a good choice for operations that take significant amounts of time and span a significant amount of resources, because such a coordinated transaction may adversely affect the availability of said resources, especially in cases where the solution is a high-density multitenant solution where virtualized, and conceptually isolated resources are collocated on the same base resources. In such a case, database locks and locks on other resources to satisfy coordinated transaction promises may easily break the isolation model of a multitenant system and have one tenant affect the other.

Therefore, failure management – and this is ultimately what transactions are about – requires a somewhat different approach in cloud environments and other scalable distributed systems with similar characteristics.

To find a suitable set of alternative approaches, let’s quickly dissect what goes on in a distributed transaction:

To start, two or more parties ‘enlist’ into a shared transaction scope performing some coordinated work that’s commonly motivated by a shared notion of a ‘job’ that  needs to be executed. The goal of having a shared transaction scope is that the overall system will remain correct and consistent in both the success and the failure cases. Consistency in the success case is trivial. All participating parties could complete their slice of the job that had to be done. Consistency in the failure case is more interesting. If any party fails in doing their part of the job, the system will end up in a state that is not consistent. If you were trying to book a travel package and ticketing with the airline failed, you may end up with a hotel and a car, but no flight. In order to prevent that, a ‘classic’ distributed transaction asks the participants to make promises on the outcome of the transaction as the transaction is going on.

As all participating parties have tentatively completed but not finalized their work, the distributed transaction goes into a voting phase where every participant is asked whether it could tentatively complete its portion of the job and whether it can furthermore guarantee with a very high degree of certainty that it can finalize the job outcome and make it effective when asked to do so. Imagine a store clerk who puts an item on the counter that you’d like to purchase – you’ll show him your $10 and ask for a promise that he will hand you the item if you give him the money – and vice versa.

Finally, once all parties have made their promises and agreed that the job can be finalized, they are told to do so.

There are two big interesting things to observe about the 2-phase-commit (2PC) distributed transaction model that I just described: First, It’s incredibly simple from a developer’s perspective because the transaction outcome negotiation is externalized and happens as ‘magic’. Second, it’s not resembling anything that happens in real life and that should be somewhat suspicious. You may have noticed that there was no neutral escrow agent present when you bought the case of beverages at the store for $10 two paragraphs earlier.

The grand canonical example for 2PC transactions is a bank account transfer. You debit one account and credit another. These two operations need to succeed or fail together because otherwise you are either creating or destroying money (which is illegal, by the way). So that’s the example that’s very commonly used to illustrate 2PC transactions. The catch is – that’s not how it really works, at all. Getting money from one bank account to another bank account is a fairly complicated affair that touches a ton of other accounts. More importantly, it’s not a synchronous fail-together/success-together scenario. Instead, principles of accounting apply (surprise!). When a transfer is initiated, let’s say in online banking, the transfer is recorded in form of a message for submission into the accounting system and the debit is recorded in the account as a ‘pending’ transaction that affects the displayed balance. From the user’s perspective, the transaction is ’done’, but factually nothing has happened, yet. Eventually, the accounting system will get the message and start performing the transfer, which often causes a cascade of operations, many of them yielding further messages, including booking into clearing accounts and notifying the other bank of the transfer. The principle here is that all progress is forward. If an operation doesn’t work for some technical reason it can be retried once the technical reason is resolved. If operation fails for a business reason, the operation can be aborted – but not by annihilating previous work, but by doing the inverse of previous work. If an account was credited, that credit is annulled with a debit of the same amount. For some types of failed transactions,  the ‘inverse’ operation may not be fully symmetric but may result in extra actions like imposing penalty fees. In fact, in accounting, annihilating any work is illegal – ‘delete’ and ‘update’ are a great way to end up in prison.

As all the operations occur that eventually lead to the completion or failure of the grand complex operation that is a bank transfer, the one thing we’ll be looking to avoid is to be in any kind of ‘doubt’ of the state of the system. All participants must be able to have a great degree of confidence in their knowledge about the success or failure of their respective action. No shots into the dark. There’s no maybe. Succeed or fail.

That said, “fail” is a funny thing is distributed systems because it happens quite a bit. In many cases “fail” isn’t something that a bit of patience can’t fix. Which means that teaching the system some patience and tenacity is probably a good idea instead of giving up too easily. So if an operation fails because it runs into a database deadlock or the database is offline or the network is down or the local machine’s network adapter just got electrocuted that’s all not necessarily a reason to fail the operation. That’s a reason to write an alert into a log and call for help for someone to fix the environment condition.

If we zoom into an ‘operation’ here, we might see a message that we retrieve from some sort of reliable queue or some other kind of message store and subsequently an update of system state based on message. Once the state has been successfully updated, which may mean that we’ve inserted a new database record, we can tell the message system that the message has been processed and that it can be discarded. That’s the happy case.

Let’s say we take the message and as the process wants to walk up the database the power shuts off. Click. Darkness. Not a problem. Assuming the messaging system supports a ‘peek/lock’ model that allows the process to first take the message and only remove it from the queue once processing has been completed, the message will reappear on the queue after the lock has expired and the operation can be retried, possibly on a different node. That model holds true for all failures of the operation through to and in the database. If the operation fails due to some transient condition (including the network card smoking out, see above), the message is either explicitly abandoned by the process or returns into the queue by ways of a lock timeout.  If the operation fails because something is really logically wrong, like trying to ship a product out of the inventory that’s factually out of stock, we’ll have to take some forward action to deal with that. We’ll get to that in a bit.

Assuming the operation succeeded, the next tricky waypoint is failure after success, meaning that the database operation succeeded, but the message subsequently can’t be flagged as completed and thus can’t be removed from the queue. That situation would potentially lead to another delivery of the message even though the job has already been completed and therefore would cause the job to be executed again – which is only a problem if the system isn’t expecting that, or, in fancier terms, if it’s not ‘idempotent’. If the job is updating a record to absolute values and the particular process/module/procedure is the only avenue to perform that update (meaning there are no competing writers elsewhere), doing that update again and again and again is just fine. That’s natural idempotency. If the job is inserting a record, the job should contain enough information, such as a causality or case or logical transaction identifier that allows the process to figure out whether the desired record has already been inserted and if that’s the case it should do nothing, consider its own action a duplicate and just act as if it succeeded.

Checkpoint: With what I said in the last two paragraphs, you can establish pretty good confidence about failure or success of individual operations that are driven by messages. You fail and retry, you fail and take forward action, or you succeed and take steps to avoid retrying even if the system presents the same job again. There’s very little room for doubt. So that’s good.

The ‘forward action’ that results from failure is often referred to as ‘compensation’, but that’s a bit simplistic. The forward action resulting from running into the warehouse with the belief that there’s still product present while the shelf is factually empty isn’t to back out and cancel the order (unless you’re doing a firesale of a touch tablet your management just killed). Instead, you notify the customer of the shipping delay, flag a correction of the inventory levels, and put the item on backorder. For the most part, pure ‘compensation’ doesn’t really exist. With every action, the system ends up in a consistent state. It’s just that some states are more convenient than others and there are some state for which the system has a good answer and some states for which it doesn’t. If the system ends up in a dead end street and just wants to sit down and cry because nobody told it what to do now, it should phone home and ask for human intervention. That’s fine and likely a wise strategy in weird edge cases.

Initiating the ‘forward action’ and, really, any action in a system that’s using messaging as its lifeline and as a backplane for failure resilience as I’m describing it here is not entirely without failure risk in itself. It’s possible that you want to initiate an action and can’t reach the messaging system or sending the message fails for some other reason. Here again, patience and tenacity are a good idea. If we can’t send, our overall operation is considered failed and we won’t flag the initiating message as completed. That will cause the job to show up again, but since we’ve got idempotency in the database that operation will again succeed (even if by playing dead) or fail and we will have the same outcome allowing us to retry the send. If it looks like we can send but sending fails sometime during the operation, there might be doubt about whether we sent the message. Since doubt is a problem and we shouldn’t send the same message twice, duplicate detection in the messaging system can help suppressing a duplicate so that it never shows up at the receiver. That allows the sender to confidently resend if it’s in doubt about success in a prior incarnation of processing the same message.

Checkpoint: We now also can establish pretty good confidence about initiating forward action or any other action in the system given if the ‘current’ action is following the principles described above.

So far I’ve talked about individual actions and also about chains of actions, albeit just in the failure case. Obviously the same applies to success cases where you want to do something ‘next’ once you’re done with ‘this’.

Now let’s assume you want to do multiple things in parallel, like updating multiple stores as part of executing a single job – which gets us back to the distributed transaction scenario discussed earlier. What helps in these cases is if the messaging system supports ‘topics’ that allow dropping a message (the job) into the messaging system once and serve the message to each participant in the composite activity via their own subscription on the topic. Since the messaging system is internally transactional it will guarantee that each message that is successfully submitted will indeed appear on each subscription so it ensures the distribution. With that, the failure handling story for each slice of the composite job turns into the same model that I’ve been explaining above. Each participant can be patient and tenacious when it comes to transient error conditions. In hard failure cases, the forward action can be a notification to the initiator that will then have to decide how to progress forward, including annulling or otherwise invoking forward actions activities that have been executed in parallel. In the aforementioned case of a ticketing failure that means that the ticketing module throws its hands up and the module responsible for booking the travel package either decides to bubble the case to the customer or an operator leaving the remaining reservations intact or to cancel the reservations for the car and the hotel that have been made in parallel. Should two out of three or more participants’ operations fail and each report up to the initiator, the initiator can either keep track of whether it already took corrective forward action on the third participant or, in doubt, the idempotency rule should avoid doing the same thing twice.

The model described here is loosely based on the notion of ‘Sagas’, which were first described in a 1987 ACM paper by Hector Garcia-Molina and Kenneth Salem, so this isn’t grand news. However, the notion of such Sagas is only now really gaining momentum with long-running and far distributed transactions becoming more commonplace, so it’s well worth to drag the model further out into the limelight and give it coverage. The original paper on Sagas is still assuming that the individual steps can be encapsulated in a regular transaction, which may not even be the case in the cloud and with infrastructures that don’t have inherent transaction support. The role of the messaging system with the capabilities mentioned above is to help compensate for the absence of that support.

… to be continued …


  • Anonymous
    October 06, 2011
    How do you deal with messages that, because of their content, cause any attempt at processing them to fail (crash) immediately? Those messages typically float forever at the front of the queue and will eventually stall the entire pipeline. In the article you suggest that a message can be explicitly abandoned when the operation fails due to some transient condition – not sure abandoning a message is a good idea but my question is how do you prevent the process in question to drain the queue very rapidly, as it will presumably grab the next message, whose processing will fail just like it did with the previous message etc, as long as the transient condition exists?

  • Anonymous
    October 06, 2011
    Thanks for the question, Axel. Poison message handling (what you touch in your first paragraph) is 'normal' in the model, meaning that poison messages end up where they usually would depending on strategy. One strategy is to deadletter them, another strategy is to go with the assumption of a 'perfect system' (see and merely postpone the processing until the system is corrected to handle the message correctly. What I mean with 'abandon' is that the message is returned to the broker so that it can be presented again and the operation retried. To deal with draining the queue fast and keeping to run into the same condition there's a simple solution -- stop receiving for some backoff period.

  • Anonymous
    October 08, 2011
    To my young brain, it seems you are building your promise of transactionality of a larger system on the basis of an existing transactional messaging system. As one may say about encryption, one builds upon the secrecy of a small amount of data to ensure secrecy of a huge amount of clear text. The queue is durable, atomic, idempotent in its own in some regards (deleting the same message twice is noop). Is it not so?  Assuming that is indeed what is in your mind, where may the messaging system gather such qualities from in the first place? Hence my problem. Which came first, the phoenix or the flame?

  • Anonymous
    October 08, 2011
    The messaging system manages a single resource (a message log) and it can keep that consistent. The problem described here is the coordination across mutiple resources, Tanveer.