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Clemens Vasters.

Tales from the land of cloud computing. From, well, how shall I say - up here?

Some fun with the BizTalk Services ISB

I wrote a slightly Twitter-inspired, fun app over the weekend that's using the BizTalk Services...

Author: clemensv Date: 05/07/2007

Connected Systems @MIX: The Videos

For those of you who couldn't make it to MIX, here are the (Silverlight-) videos of the talks from...

Author: clemensv Date: 05/05/2007

Live at MIX: WCF and the Web (and Steve Maine, and Don Box)

We love WS-* as much as we do love Web-Style services. I say "Web-style", full knowing that the...

Author: clemensv Date: 05/01/2007

BizTalk Services: Christian shuttling back and forth on the bus

Christian Weyer shows off the few lines of pretty straightforward WCF code & config he needed to...

Author: clemensv Date: 04/27/2007

Stephen Forte on what BizTalk Services means for his shop

Steve has a great analysis of what BizTalk Services means for Corzen and how he views it in the...

Author: clemensv Date: 04/26/2007

So how much faster is it really and is it? WCF performance in comparison.

We just published a great whitepaper written by our WCF/WF Performance PM Saurabh Gupta on the...

Author: clemensv Date: 04/02/2007

Dinner Now

Before I continue pointing out SDK samples, why not take a look at a great end-to-end .NET Framework...

Author: clemensv Date: 04/02/2007

P2P Made Easy

One of the "niche" features in WCF that deserves a lot more attention than it is getting is our P2P...

Author: clemensv Date: 03/30/2007

WCF Schema Validation with Message Inspectors

There are a lot of blog entries that I'd write if they weren't already written. Stupid statement....

Author: clemensv Date: 03/29/2007

Poison Control.

A bad sign for how much I’m coding these days is that I had a HDD crash three weeks ago and only...

Author: clemensv Date: 03/29/2007

Blogger Types: Who are they? Who are you?

I see an increasing number of research efforts going on to get people’s heads around the blogosphere...

Author: clemensv Date: 03/21/2007

COM Is Love

COM Is Love. Disagree? Stop reading. Agree? Still feel it? Well, I just learned that there's a very...

Author: clemensv Date: 03/08/2007

Wow. Cleveland 1946. Wow.

Wow! I'm watching the Oscars with my wife and she just thought I completely lost it during the last...

Author: clemensv Date: 02/25/2007

Yahoo Pipes. Aha.

I'm busy at a conference but just stumbled upon Yahoo Pipes via TechMeme and Dare. The little bits I...

Author: clemensv Date: 02/08/2007

One more (big) step to make Identity work ...

WS-* or REST? Is there an epic battle? How does Microsoft think about a big chunk of the web...

Author: clemensv Date: 02/06/2007

Doug got email.

Doug Purdy, the (my) Group Program Manager of the Connected Framework team (owning WCF and WF) just...

Author: clemensv Date: 01/17/2007

ASP.NET's autoEventWireup="false" page config setting breaks ASP.NET Web Services (ASMX): NullReferenceException

I've spent the last 1 1/2 weeks doing one of the most fun (seriously) work assignments that each...

Author: clemensv Date: 12/21/2006

6 Talks Later

I've had the privilege to share the TechEd stage with Steve Swartz this year at Barcelona. Our 6...

Author: clemensv Date: 11/15/2006

TechEd Time!

My favorite event of the year is coming up. Time to dust off the blog and check whether it’s all...

Author: clemensv Date: 11/03/2006

WCF / BizTalk Devs: If you happen to be in the Redmond neighborhood at or around Oct 30-Nov 3....

The request below has been handed to me by the BizTalk team here at Microsoft. If you have...

Author: clemensv Date: 09/27/2006

Shameless WCF Training Plug

I've posted the current WCF Training Providers list on this weekend. All of these...

Author: clemensv Date: 09/25/2006

Get Chad

If you are looking for a brilliant speaker for a conference, consider Chad Hower. As you might know,...

Author: clemensv Date: 09/25/2006

One step at a time...

Moving here kept and still keeps me busier than I thought it would. And the sea container with our...

Author: clemensv Date: 09/25/2006

"Indigo is live."

Indigo The Windows Communication Foundation's RC1 bits are now live. RC means "Release Candidate"...

Author: clemensv Date: 09/01/2006

One Microsoft Way, Redmond, WA 98052, USA

We moved. For the most part. Sabine and I now live in a temporary housing location that Microsoft...

Author: clemensv Date: 08/21/2006

Webcast Today....

In the ongoing MSDN Architecture Webcast Series with broad coverage of all things WCF (see the "Next...

Author: clemensv Date: 06/21/2006

WCF Goes To Hollywood.

Cool. I hadn't even seen this demo until now, even though we already have it for a while. Our...

Author: clemensv Date: 06/21/2006

MSDN TV: WCF Bindings.

[Note to self: Schedule the video taping session early in a bound-to-be-stressful week, not 2 hours...

Author: clemensv Date: 06/18/2006

Code-Name WinFX vs .NET Framework 3.0

I was sad when "Indigo" and "Avalon" went away. It'd be great if we'd have a pool of cool...

Author: clemensv Date: 06/18/2006

XML is the assembly language of Web 2.0

I've been quoted as to have said so at TechEd and I'll happily repeat it: "XML is the assembly...

Author: clemensv Date: 06/18/2006

TechEd: Sample Code from CON423

Here's the sample code from my CON423 session about selecting bindings here at TechEd.

Author: clemensv Date: 06/15/2006


empox v. (ĕm-pŏks) 1. The act of adding POX endpoints to an application.

Author: clemensv Date: 06/13/2006

TechEd: What I am going to talk about on Thursday

My first of two sessions this week here at TechEd is on Thursday, at 2:45pm in room 153ABC on...

Author: clemensv Date: 06/13/2006

TechEd: WCF RSS Toolkit released

We've just released the "Windows Communication Foundation RSS Toolkit" on our new community site....

Author: clemensv Date: 06/13/2006

A New Home on the Web for the Windows Communication Foundation and the .NET Framework 3.0

Late last night, my colleague James Conard, who has worked and worked and worked tirelessly on this...

Author: clemensv Date: 06/12/2006

The System-Defined Bindings in WCF: Nicholas Allen explains it all

My PM colleague Nicholas Allen is certainly on my list for "best blogging newcomer of 2006". He...

Author: clemensv Date: 06/06/2006

I'm running Vista.

I'm running Vista since Sunday. Surprised? I mean, are you surprised that I haven't been running...

Author: clemensv Date: 06/06/2006

Christian Weyer explains WCF (... in German)

Christian Weyer stars in a new episode of the German dotnetproTV series and masterfully explains the...

Author: clemensv Date: 06/06/2006

Autonomy isn't Autonomy - and a few words about Caching.

A question that is raised quite often in the context of “SOA” is that of how to deal with data....

Author: clemensv Date: 06/01/2006

Services and the Business/IT Gap

Recently, a gentleman from Switzerland wrote me an email after attending the “WinFX Tour”...

Author: clemensv Date: 05/30/2006

Look, look, my blog is on MSDN

When I started blogging about 5 years ago ( I can’t remember exactly, but 2002 seems right) I would...

Author: clemensv Date: 05/26/2006

Windows Communication Foundation "Documentation CTP"

(via The WCF Documentation Team has started to release biweekly (!)...

Author: clemensv Date: 04/17/2006

POX just got the WCF Permanent Residence Visa.

Checked in.

Author: clemensv Date: 04/13/2006

Resources for Custom Channel Authors

As Kenny points out, the WCF Core Communications team put together a great set of resources with...

Author: clemensv Date: 04/09/2006

WCF & ClickOnce

Matias Woloski writes about ClickOnce and WCF and provides a complete solution path for setting it...

Author: clemensv Date: 04/09/2006

Remoting Style Distributed Objects with WCF

My grand boss ... if someone had told me this a year back ... but it turns out that it is a great...

Author: clemensv Date: 04/08/2006


The WinFX Tour is coming to Europe! Mark it in your calendar and, if you can, sign up! Locations:...

Author: clemensv Date: 04/08/2006

We want your stuff for

You wrote an example for WCF that you want others to see? You wrote a WCF article on your blog or...

Author: clemensv Date: 04/08/2006

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