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SignalR powered by Service Bus


Our friends over in the ASP.NET team are working on a very nice, lightweight web-browser eventing technology called SignalR. SignalR allows server-pushed events into the browser with a variety of transport options and a very simple programming model. You can get it via NuGet and/or see growing and get the source of on github. There is also a very active community around SignalR chatting on, a chat system whose user model is derived from IRC, but that runs – surprise – on top of SignalR.

For a primer, check out the piece that Scott Hanselman wrote about SignalR a while back.

At the core, SignalR is a lightweight message bus that allows you to send messages (strings) identified by a key. Ultimately it’s a key/value bus. If you’re interested in messages with one or more particular keys, you walk up and ask for them by putting a (logical) connection into the bus – you create a subscription. And while you are maintaining that logical connection you get a cookie that acts as a cursor into the event stream keeping track of what you have an have not seen, which is particularly interesting for connectionless transports like long polling.

SignalR implements this simple pub/sub pattern as a framework and that works brilliantly and with great density, meaning that you can pack very many concurrent notification channels on a single box.

What SignalR, out-of-the-box, doesn’t (or didn’t) provide yet is a way to stretch its message bus across multiple nodes for even higher scale and for failover safety.

That’s where Service Bus comes in.

Last week, I built a Windows Azure Service Bus backplane for SignalR that allows deploying SignalR solutions to multiple nodes with message distribution across those nodes and ensuring proper ordering on a per-sender basis as well as node-to-node correctness and consistency for the cursor cookies. That code is Apache licensed and now available on github.

You can use this backplane irrespective where you host solutions that use SignalR, as long as your backend host has access to a Service Bus namespace. That’s obviously best in one of the Windows Azure datacenters, but will work just as well anywhere else, albeit with a few msec more latency.

If you want to try it out, here are the steps (beyond getting the code):

  1. Make a small SignalR app or take one from the SignalR samples (caveat below)

  2. Make a Windows Azure account and a Service Bus namespace.  For that, follow the same steps as outlined in the Multi-Tier apps tutorial on MSDN.

  3. Compile the extension project and add it to your SignalR solution

  4. At initialization time (global.asax, startup, etcetc), you need to reference (using)the SignalR.WindowsAzureServiceBus namespace and then add  the following initialization code: AspNetHost.DependencyResolver.UseWindowsAzureServiceBus(“{namespace}“,”{account}”, “{key}”, "{appname}", 2);

  5. Compile, run

In the above example, {namespace} is the Service Bus namespace you created following the tutorial steps, {account} is likely “owner” (to boot) and {key} is the default key you copied from the portal. {appname} is some string, without spaces, that disambiguates your app from other apps on the same namespace and 2 stands for splitting the Service Bus traffic across 2 topics. 

Most of the SignalR samples don’t quite work yet in a scale-out mode since they hold local, per-node state. That’s getting fixed.


  • Anonymous
    May 02, 2013
    I would love to see SignalR as an additional ServiceBus protocol. This would enable JS clients to receive notifications in real-time. Thinking about Java AMQP clients publishing messages to JS subscribers. :)