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C# Frequently Asked Questions

The C# team posts answers to common questions and describes new language features

New C# T-Shirt Designs on the .NET Blog - Tell Us What You Think

[HTTP 301: Hey, just so you know, we're posting on the .NET team blog now. Head over there for new...

Author: Anthony D. Green [MSFT] Date: 05/21/2015

A Journey Through Open Source: The Trials & Triumphs in Roslyn's First Year of Open Source

"I am looking for someone to share in an adventure." — Gandalf, The Hobbit, J.R.R. Tolkien On...

Author: CSharpFAQ Date: 04/06/2015

Edit & Continue and Make Object ID Improvements in CTP 6

It's the beginning of a new year! According to Back to the Future Part II, everyone will be riding...

Author: CSharpFAQ Date: 02/23/2015

We're moving to GitHub!

It’s official. We’re moving to GitHub! We are moving the Roslyn OSS code from CodePlex...

Author: CSharpFAQ Date: 01/10/2015

Better together: C# 6 and the Visual Studio 2015 Debugger

"Lambdas! Lambdas! Lambdas! Lambdas! ..." If you hadn't heard, Visual Studio 2015 will support the...

Author: CSharpFAQ Date: 12/11/2014

New Features in C# 6

C# 6 is the version of C# that ships with VS 2015 Preview. The philosophy behind this version is...

Author: CSharpFAQ Date: 11/20/2014

Short Videos Demonstrating What’s New in Visual Studio 2015 Preview for C#, VB, and F#

Our team has put together a set of short videos to highlight some of our work in Visual Studio 2015...

Author: CSharpFAQ Date: 11/12/2014

Introducing the Visual Studio 2015 Preview for C# and VB

Download Visual Studio 2015 Preview and review the release notes. Over the past several years, our...

Author: CSharpFAQ Date: 11/12/2014

.NET Compiler Platform ("Roslyn") for the Rest of Us

This post is brought to you by Beth Massi, a Program Manager on the Visual Studio team. If...

Author: CSharpFAQ Date: 06/24/2014

Visual Studio "14" CTP Now Available

As announced today by Soma, we've just released the first CTP (Community Technology Preview) of the...

Author: CSharpFAQ Date: 06/03/2014

Edit and Continue survey results

Thanks everybody for all the great feedback! We've received hundreds of replies since last week with...

Author: CSharpFAQ Date: 05/20/2014

TechEd: "The Future of Visual Basic and C#" Video Now Available Online!

If you didn't get a change to make it to TechEd this year, fret not, we got it all on video for your...

Author: CSharpFAQ Date: 05/15/2014

Help make Edit and Continue better!

UPDATE 2014-05-20: We've received enough responses and the survey is now closed. Thanks everyone!...

Author: CSharpFAQ Date: 05/13/2014

Visualizing Roslyn Syntax Trees

Hello everyone! I hope you had a chance to catch the recent announcements around the .NET Compiler...

Author: CSharpFAQ Date: 04/17/2014

Roslyn performance (Matt Gertz)

(For the next few posts, I’m going to introduce readers to the different feature teams in the...

Author: CSharpFAQ Date: 01/15/2014

Updated license for September 2012 Roslyn preview available (MattGe)

As I mentioned in my previous blog post, we ended up with a little too much time between previews,...

Author: CSharpFAQ Date: 12/20/2013

Throwing the Big Switch on Roslyn (Matt Gertz, VS Managed Languages Development Manager)

So, the entryway to my house has eight light switches along the wall. Two of them control the porch...

Author: CSharpFAQ Date: 12/16/2013

No new C# and VB Language Features in VS 2013

As you can see in the VS2013 Preview, we have not added new language features to C# and Visual Basic...

Author: CSharpFAQ Date: 07/17/2013

Microsoft "Roslyn" September 2012 CTP now available

Following last Wednesday’s official launch of Visual Studio 2012, we’re excited to...

Author: CSharpFAQ Date: 09/17/2012

Understanding a Simple Async Program

by Alan Berman The Async feature in Visual Studio 2012 RC makes it easy to invoke asynchronous...

Author: CSharpFAQ Date: 06/26/2012

Announcing Microsoft “Roslyn” June 2012 CTP

Today, we're excited to announce that the Roslyn June 2012 CTP is now available for download! Since...

Author: CSharpFAQ Date: 06/05/2012

Implementing a Code Action using Roslyn

By Brian Rasmussen The Roslyn Services API makes it easy to implement extensions that detect and fix...

Author: CSharpFAQ Date: 02/06/2012

Start Coding for the Kinect

by Alan Berman I'm intrigued by all the interesting industry apps being developed for the Kinect. I...

Author: CSharpFAQ Date: 02/06/2012

Roslyn CTP Introduces Interactive Code for C#

There's been a lot of posts on using the Roslyn CTP APIs for syntax trees, semantic binding, and IDE...

Author: CSharpFAQ Date: 01/30/2012

Introduction to the Roslyn Scripting API

by Brian Rasmussen In this post we take a look at how the Roslyn Scripting API can enable...

Author: CSharpFAQ Date: 12/02/2011

Using the Roslyn Symbol API

by Kevin Pilch-Bisson I’m back again, to move along to the next stage of the compiler pipeline, and...

Author: CSharpFAQ Date: 11/23/2011

Roslyn Syntax Visualizers

Hi All! A few weeks ago, we announced the Microsoft "Roslyn" CTP. I hope many of you have had a...

Author: CSharpFAQ Date: 11/18/2011

Using the Roslyn Syntax API

By Kevin Pilch-Bisson As promised back when we released the Roslyn CTP, here is the first of a...

Author: CSharpFAQ Date: 11/03/2011

Introducing the Microsoft “Roslyn” CTP

By Kevin Pilch-Bisson As Soma mentioned earlier, today we’ve made a Community Technology...

Author: CSharpFAQ Date: 10/19/2011

C# 2010 Soup to Nuts Series

By Emily Gibson New! C# 2010 Soup to Nuts Series Explore this webcast series on Visual C# 2010...

Author: CSharpFAQ Date: 08/31/2011

New Async Programming Videos

Some great new video's on MSDN showing how to do async programming using the Async CTP....

Author: CSharpFAQ Date: 08/15/2011

Async CTP (SP1 Refresh)

By Jeremy Meng Visual Studio Async CTP (SP1 Refresh) is available now! You are welcome to download...

Author: CSharpFAQ Date: 04/13/2011

How to programmatically launch Debugger in a remote machine

This blog post explains how to kick off a debugger in a remote machine, programmatically. We are...

Author: CSharpFAQ Date: 03/28/2011

Visual Studio is Hiring

Do you want to work on a product used by millions of developers around the world? I do! Come join me...

Author: CSharpFAQ Date: 02/08/2011

Microsoft Help Viewer 1.1 - Updates Planned for Visual Studio 2010 SP1

Learn about the upcoming changes to the Help Viewer planned for Visual Studio 2010 SP1.  Paul...

Author: Anonymous Date: 11/08/2010

What’s Next in C#? Get Ready for Async!

Today we announced the Visual Studio Async CTP, which shows one of the major features we plan to...

Author: Alexandra Rusina Date: 10/28/2010

Converting a VBA Macro to C# 4.0

I've talked a lot about improved COM interop in C# 4.0 and how much easier it is now to work with...

Author: Alexandra Rusina Date: 09/27/2010

Blocking Collection and the Producer-Consumer Problem

This time I want to discuss features that belong to the new System.Collections.Concurrent namespace...

Author: Alexandra Rusina Date: 08/11/2010

C# 4.0 PowerPoint Presentations

Alexandru Ghiondea from the C# team created an excellent deck of slides that he used at Microsoft...

Author: CSharpFAQ Date: 07/27/2010

Parallel Programming: Task Cancellation

In this post, which is the third one in my parallel programming introduction series, I want to show...

Author: Alexandra Rusina Date: 07/19/2010

Parallel Programming: Task Schedulers and Synchronization Context

Thanks to everyone who provided feedback on my previous post Parallel Programming in .NET Framework...

Author: Alexandra Rusina Date: 06/18/2010

Parallel Programming in .NET Framework 4: Getting Started

With this post I want to start a series devoted to the new parallel programming features in .NET...

Author: Alexandra Rusina Date: 06/01/2010

New IDE Features in Visual Studio 2010 for C# Developers

After a quick review of C# language features, let’s do the same for the IDE improvements. So, what’s...

Author: Alexandra Rusina Date: 05/10/2010

Get Ready For C# 4.0!

Visual Studio 2010 is here! And of course this means that C# 4.0 is also here. Let’s do a...

Author: Alexandra Rusina Date: 04/12/2010
