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Too many options!!

So i've noticed in quite a few of my blogs that people have complained about the #region's we include when you're using Implement-Interface.  Probably the most frustrating thing is that if you take the following steps:

  1. Implement some interface on a class of yours
  2. add a new method to that interface
  3. implement the interface a second time to get the new method stubbed out.

You'll end up with code that looks like:

 class C : IFoo
#region IFoo Members
       public void Foo()
             throw new NotImplementedException();

#region IFoo Members
       public void Bar()
             throw new NotImplementedException();

This is a pretty unpleasant experience as you know have to go in and manually clean up the regions that we've f****ed up.  This is especially bad when implementing some interface with a large interface hierarchy.  So what's the right thing to do here?  Well, we should correctly re-use regions when adding new stubs from the same interfaces.  However, due to our current implementation this is actually pretty tough to do.  In the past we used to generate each stub manually and we could place it anywhere in the file.  However, this was a very unpleasant experience.  You'd get a lot of flashing as you saw the stubs being spit into the editor.  In order to improve that we generated the code for all the stubs and then just spit it in one go at the end of the file.  This makes the experience quite nice: just click "implement interface" and a moment later it's all done.  So what can we do if the "right thing" isn't available?  Well, we could just provide an option to not spit out the #region's.  And, as this is actually something that has been requested by some people since they don't like #region's in general, it seems like a perfectly reasonable thing to do.

Now, internally, we already have a way to control this behavior using our built in schema for defining options.  All of our other options go through this same mechanism, so it was pretty trivial to hook it up to UI like we've done with many others.  The end result is this:


(you can see the new option exposed in the UI in the red box)

Will we go ahead with this in Whidbey?  I have no idea.  Will we go ahead with this post-Whidbey?  I have no idea.  I'm generally opposed to providing options unless they are absolutely necessary.  Rather, I'd like to just do the right thing and not need an option at all, if that's possible.

Also, we're a phase of development called "visual freeze".  During this time we try not to change the UI at all (unless completely necessary).  Why?  Well, first of all the localization costs are huge.  VS is localized into many languages and any change you make has a 10x cost because each language team needs to do all the work to make it available for their native language speakers.  Second of all, there's a UE cost to this as well.  We need to document this new feature and explain how it works.  That documentation then has to be localized again.  And, of course, if any of the documentation refers to this image then it will need to be recaptured in every place appropriate.  Basically, the cost is huge and it is strongly discouraged if not necessary.

Finally, we are trying to shut down.  We don't want to make changes that could destabalize things, and we also don't need to overload QA even more since they're working like mad with us to raise the quality of the product super high so we can ship.  Even a little change like this which seems incredibly simple to make could potentially cause problems, and that added cost means less time spent on the rest of the stuff we want to ship.

So, given all the costs i wouldn't want to go ahead with this change solely to help out this scenario.  However, if we could combine a whole lot of changes in one, it might make the average cost a lot lower.  i.e. if we wanted to add 5 new options then it woudl be better to get it all done at once rather than to do each one individually. 

So are there other little intellisense options that you'd like to have some control over?  i.e. things like: disabling all smart tags, turning off brace matching, etc.

In general are there options to control current features taht you feel are missing?


  • Anonymous
    April 03, 2005
    Having the ability to disable auto-formatting* just for typed code would be very useful. I tend to custom format code blocks as I type, especially method calls with long parameter lists, and having these blocks re-formatted every time a closing brace is inserted is a pain. In an ideal world it'd be great to have auto-formatting turn itself off whenever the formatting of an auto-formatted construct is manually changed, but I suspect that's asking for too much...

    *I know you can turn off "Automatically format completed constructs and pasted source", but this disables all auto-formatting including for pasted source, which I'd like to keep switched on.
  • Anonymous
    April 03, 2005
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  • Anonymous
    April 04, 2005
    Isn't there a golden rule about doing nothing being better than doing the wrong thing.

    It is definitely not right to put the same named region twice.
    If regions don't make the code easier to see and read they should not be used.
  • Anonymous
    April 04, 2005
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  • Anonymous
    April 04, 2005
    I'm not a big fan of having my interface implementations in regions - at least not all of them - so I would prefer to #region-ize my code myself.
  • Anonymous
    April 04, 2005
    There are never enough options for the developer ;-)

    I'd love an option which would allow me to align the instance variables and the properties at a given column. The current implementation of Whidbey just removes all the extra space/tabs I painfully add when editing so that my names are aligned vertically. If it could see that I am trying to align, say, property names, vertically and not touch the spaced, that would be great. But this has probably nothing to do with the code you modified for the #region stuff.
  • Anonymous
    April 04, 2005
    You are not saying that the brand new flagship of yours has a bad architecture, do you?

    Joke aside, the right thing for you is not always the right thing for me. I hate regions, too. Collapsable code is nice, but a region hints that this code belong somewhere else or make the class too big.
  • Anonymous
    April 04, 2005
    James: Please send that feedback to the VS Core team. They own word wrapping, not the C# IDE team :(

    There are many blogs available, or you can use:
  • Anonymous
    April 04, 2005
    Eric: Darn it. Now that you want this i'm going to have to reject it on principle.
  • Anonymous
    April 04, 2005
    Pierre: "I'd love an option which would allow me to align the instance variables and the properties at a given column. The current implementation of Whidbey just removes all the extra space/tabs I painfully add when editing so that my names are aligned vertically. If it could see that I am trying to align, say, property names, vertically and not touch the spaced, that would be great. But this has probably nothing to do with the code you modified for the #region stuff. "

    I'm sending that feedback to the guys in charge of formatting pierre!

    Also, a great way to get these suggestion recognized is to submit them to
  • Anonymous
    April 04, 2005
    Thomas: "You are not saying that the brand new flagship of yours has a bad architecture, do you? "

    Sure i am. Well... sorta.

    More like the comprimises we made to make one scenerio work great ended up affecting our ability to agilely respond to a new demand.

    Unfortunate, but it happens.
  • Anonymous
    April 04, 2005
    The comment has been removed
  • Anonymous
    April 06, 2005
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  • Anonymous
    April 06, 2005
    (My indentation appears to have been lost in that last comment, but hopefully it's obvious what I meant. Naturally I don't put everything in the first column :) )
  • Anonymous
    April 06, 2005
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  • Anonymous
    April 06, 2005
    Stuart: "It would also be great if "implement interface" would respect the order that the members are declared in the interface, rather than forcing them to alphabetical. Often there's a reason for the order that was chosen..."

    I'll look into that today. Often times we choose data structures internally that have certain benefits but some disadvantages. I don't have the code in front of me, but i'm guessing that i used a hashtable there for quick lookup by name and that's causing the ordering to be lost.

    I'll see if there's something i can do about this.
  • Anonymous
    April 06, 2005
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  • Anonymous
    April 06, 2005
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  • Anonymous
    April 06, 2005
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  • Anonymous
    April 06, 2005
    Thanks, once again, for the timely and helpful responses :)

    If the snippet for "implement interface" is configurable, could you avoid the option of "insert #regions around generated code" by just having people who want this behavior modify the snippet to not include the #regions?
  • Anonymous
    April 06, 2005
    Stuart: "If the snippet for "implement interface" is configurable, could you avoid the option of "insert #regions around generated code" by just having people who want this behavior modify the snippet to not include the #regions? "

    Good point. unfortunatley the #region is not part of the snippet. The snippet only covers teh method taht is pumped in.

    So if we put the regions in taht then we'd end up surround every method with #region's!


    In the future it would make perfect sense to expand the snippet architecture so that this would fit naturally into it.
  • Anonymous
    April 07, 2005
    Gah, the snippet architecture doesn't have a looping construct? :(