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compiler padawan

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Part of the Entity Framework FAQ. 6. Query 6.1. How is Span used? What is Span? (aka. How does the...

Author: simmdan Date: 08/10/2008

Entity Classes & Architecture Patterns

Part of the Entity Framework FAQ. 2. Architecture and Patterns 2.1. Does Entity Framework have...

Author: simmdan Date: 08/10/2008

EF v1 (delivered by VS 2008/.net 3.5 SP1) is... almost... here. (And the .Net Rocks podcast announcing it is already here.)

I suspect some of you are quite anxious for EF v1 to finally RTM. I wish I could announce that it is...

Author: simmdan Date: 08/05/2008

Part 2 of dnrTV about the Entity Framework now up

Check it out at In this episdoe we build on the first...

Author: simmdan Date: 07/28/2008

Entity Framework Intro up on dnrTV

I recently recorded a couple of dnrTV episodes which give some basic introduction to parts of the...

Author: simmdan Date: 07/14/2008

Software Development Meme

Julie Lerman called me out to participate in this set of questions about how folks got started...

Author: simmdan Date: 07/06/2008

Items of Interest: Sample Oracle Provider, Transparent Design Process

Just a quick note to make sure people are aware of a couple interesting events from the last day or...

Author: simmdan Date: 06/24/2008

New in version 0.6 of the EF FAQ...

Updated: 1.2 Where else should I go to learn more about the EF? New: 7.7 Why does deleting an entity...

Author: simmdan Date: 06/06/2008

DP Advisory Council

As we wrap up VS 2008/.Net 3.5 SP1 and begin planning in earnest for the next release, we’ve been...

Author: simmdan Date: 06/03/2008

New in version 0.5 of the FAQ…

· Some minor formatting edits. · Updated: 1.2 Where else should I go to learn more about the EF? ·...

Author: simmdan Date: 05/21/2008

Why use the Entity Framework?

There are a number of places where you can read an introduction to the Entity Framework, listen to a...

Author: simmdan Date: 05/17/2008

A little more about SP1 Beta and the EF

Just a quick note to point out a few interesting things about the updated version of the EF which...

Author: simmdan Date: 05/14/2008

Lazy Loading

There's a lot going on today! Not only has VS 2008 SP1 Beta been released (with the EF fully...

Author: simmdan Date: 05/12/2008

I'll be at DevConnections in Orlando in a couple of weeks

I had so much fun talking with folks at DevConnections in Las Vegas last fall that I really wanted...

Author: simmdan Date: 04/09/2008

EF will ship with SP1 of VS 2008/.Net Framework 3.5

Probably the most frequent question I get these days is, "by the way, when will the EF finally...

Author: simmdan Date: 04/09/2008

Just delete it already!

Today in the forum a question came up that illuminates some non-obvious aspects of the...

Author: simmdan Date: 03/18/2008

More about how to fit the ObjectContext into apps

In my ongoing series of trying to repurpose / further broadcast important topics that come up in the...

Author: simmdan Date: 03/02/2008

SQL Compact Edition Reloaded -- now with support for the EF

It was somewhat delayed, but a CTP of SQL Compact Edition with support for the EF that works with...

Author: simmdan Date: 02/28/2008

Check out EF Contrib!

OK. First off I have to apologize for the fact that I've been pretty silently lately. I've got a...

Author: simmdan Date: 02/26/2008

Context Lifetimes -- Dispose or Reuse?

Here's another topic which I believe is important to educate more folks on, but I just haven't had...

Author: simmdan Date: 02/17/2008

EntityBag – Wrap-up and Future Directions

Over the course of quite a few posts during the last several weeks I’ve shared source code that adds...

Author: simmdan Date: 01/28/2008

EntityBag Part VI – RelationshipEntry

Here’s the last piece in the EntityBag saga. RelationshipEntry is a small, DataContract...

Author: simmdan Date: 01/24/2008

EntityBag Part V – ContextSnapshot Constructing and Applying

For this post, I’m going to set a new personal record for least prose/most code. We’re going to look...

Author: simmdan Date: 01/23/2008

EntityBag Part IV – ContextSnapshot Fields and Properties

Well, we’re moving right along—at the fourth part in this series already. I imagine, though, that...

Author: simmdan Date: 01/22/2008

EntityBag Part III – Public Surface and Serialization

Now that we can construct an EntityBag, we’ll continue pulling apart the top level class. Public...

Author: simmdan Date: 01/21/2008

EntityBag Part II – Modes and Constructor

In my last post I described the way the EntityBag class can be used. This time around we’ll take a...

Author: simmdan Date: 01/20/2008

EntityBag Part I – Goals

Well, I guess it’s high time that I get down to business of sharing and explaining the “general...

Author: simmdan Date: 01/19/2008

EF Extension Methods Extravaganza Part III – Fun with LINQ to Objects

In this previous post and its follow-on I shared a series of extension methods that I’ve been using...

Author: simmdan Date: 01/17/2008

EF Extension Methods Extravaganza part II – Relationship Entry & IRelatedEnd

In my last post I shared a few extension methods that I’ve found useful when working with the EF....

Author: simmdan Date: 01/16/2008

EF Extension Method Extravaganza Part I - ObjectStateEntry

So I’ve begun drinking the kool-aide. Extension methods are frighteningly addictive and don’t even...

Author: simmdan Date: 01/15/2008

When deserialize(serialize(x)) != x

So here’s another random little piece of information that might help someone else out (or me 6...

Author: simmdan Date: 01/09/2008

Did you know that connection string builders will parse connection strings not just create them?

OK. So this one was new on me. Thanks to my colleague down the hall, Alazel Acheson, (being able to...

Author: simmdan Date: 01/09/2008

EF FAQ updated - v0.3

I've not spent near as much time on this as I would like, but this morning, I decided to do a quick...

Author: simmdan Date: 01/04/2008

Filtered association loading and re-creating an entity graph across a web service boundary...

Roger Jennings, in his recent post Controlling the Depth and Order of EntitySets for 1:Many...

Author: simmdan Date: 12/21/2007

So they're hard, but what if I need them...

In my last post I started a survey of problems with building data-centric web services. When we left...

Author: simmdan Date: 12/20/2007

Why are data-centric web services so hard anyway?

Let’s say I’ve got a database and even some decent technology to help me to handle persistence...

Author: simmdan Date: 12/19/2007

DataContract Serialization, Entity Framework and "Known Types"

One of the challenges encountered when using DataContract serialization (the default for WCF web...

Author: simmdan Date: 12/13/2007

Computing an Original Value Graph

In a previous post I shared some code which can be used to compute an original value version of an...

Author: simmdan Date: 12/08/2007

How To: use your existing CSDL/MSL/SSDL files in the Entity Designer CTP2

Sanjay Nagamangalam who is the lead PM for the Entity Designer wrote up this great how-to for taking...

Author: simmdan Date: 12/07/2007

EF Beta 3 is finally available!

It has been a long time in coming (especially for those of you who have installed VS 2008 RTM and...

Author: simmdan Date: 12/06/2007

December 1 and Winter Has Arrived in Redmond

While there are places nearby that do get a lot of snow, normally weather is pretty mild around...

Author: simmdan Date: 12/03/2007

Concepts Part II: Relationships

Recently I shared this post which has some code that demonstrates how to create an object matching...

Author: simmdan Date: 12/02/2007

Me too...

OK. So I just read this post on Julie Lerman's blog, and my reaction is "me too, me too." What I...

Author: simmdan Date: 11/28/2007

If you don't know what Astoria is...

I highly recommend checking out Astoria. Pablo Castro, a major driving force behind Astoria, was on...

Author: simmdan Date: 11/27/2007

Creating an original value object from the separate values stored in the ObjectStateManager

Update October 21, 2009: The EF has progressed quite a bit since this original post, but the need...

Author: simmdan Date: 11/21/2007

Question: Deep serialization of an object graph--how deep should it go?

So, I've been thinking lately about serializing/remoting object graphs. The entity framework...

Author: simmdan Date: 11/20/2007

An Interesting Relationship Mapping Scenario

This week on the ADO.Net pre-release forum, someone brought up an interesting relationship mapping...

Author: simmdan Date: 11/18/2007

First draft of an EF FAQ posted

One of the PMs on the team, Asad Khan, sent me a list of questions and answers which he culled from...

Author: simmdan Date: 11/08/2007

Entity Framework FAQ

The EF FAQ has moved (and been updated substantially). It can now be found at...

Author: simmdan Date: 11/08/2007

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