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jorkeo - hosting geek

tales from the infrastructure of the web

Reporting your deployed sites on WebsiteSpark

As part of participating in WebsiteSpark we like to hear about what you're doing with our great...

Author: RockPaperJorke Date: 04/28/2010

WebsiteSpark Competition Terms and Conditions

  1. Instructions on how to enter form part of the conditions of entry. By participating entrants...

Author: RockPaperJorke Date: 04/26/2010

Web Platform Installer Released!

If you’ve been to any presentations I’ve done recently you’ve seen how much I love talking about...

Author: RockPaperJorke Date: 09/25/2009

Announcing WebSiteSpark in Australia

I am VERY excited to announce the launch of a new *SPARK program at Microsoft for Australia;...

Author: RockPaperJorke Date: 09/24/2009

Tech.Ed 2009 Windows 7 Experience – Netbooks for you!

So FINALLY we can talk about a project that’s been happening for a while now. I’ve picked up a job...

Author: RockPaperJorke Date: 06/30/2009

“Microsoft”.“Open Source” == “unhandled exceptions.”

Nick Hodge and I have been talking to our local Open Source communities for the past year and we’ve...

Author: RockPaperJorke Date: 06/14/2009

IIS SEO Toolkit

Again the IIS team are kicking butt in showing the value of using Windows as a web platform, this...

Author: RockPaperJorke Date: 06/04/2009

Old New Series – Cannon PI

Keep watching as Cannon makes life easier for today's web developers using the Microsoft Web...

Author: RockPaperJorke Date: 05/07/2009

Windows 7 RC download

get it now, now now, while it lasts - its HOT HOT HOT! Don’t...

Author: RockPaperJorke Date: 05/05/2009

Remix Australia 09 – Register now!

REMIX 09 – The Next Web Now, registration is open now! – check out the action packed agenda. June 11...

Author: RockPaperJorke Date: 05/05/2009

“The subsystem needed to support the image type is not present"

You might be getting this error on server 2008 R2 or in fact any x64 system. I’ve had a bunch of...

Author: RockPaperJorke Date: 04/19/2009

Samsung Blackjack on Telstra NextG as a modem

This works on Vista and Windows 7. Most Windows Mobile devices can be used as a network device to...

Author: RockPaperJorke Date: 01/12/2009

Apache httpd/htaccess config for IE8 Compatability

Some great advice for infrastructure providers that may get calls from customers wondering why their...

Author: RockPaperJorke Date: 12/07/2008

Configuring NFS on Windows Server 2008 core

Hasn't really changed since 2003 R2, but its all over the command line. From the start: Installation...

Author: RockPaperJorke Date: 09/10/2008

Partial Trust MVC, LINQ and OLE/ODBC Providers

So if you're a hosting provider or even just developer, you'll be running your applications in...

Author: RockPaperJorke Date: 09/09/2008

DST changes for Australia in 2008!

Does that mean Queensland will have daylight savings time? NOOOO - fades the curtains apparently......

Author: RockPaperJorke Date: 09/04/2008

SQL 2008 Released

The final product of the Launch Wave has RTM'd - SQL Server 2008 - with a snazzy new logo:   If...

Author: RockPaperJorke Date: 08/07/2008

SQL 2005 PHP Driver RTM'd

We've just shipped the released version for the SQL Server 2005 Driver extensions for PHP 5 - if...

Author: RockPaperJorke Date: 08/01/2008

Microsoft contributing to Open Source

This is why I love working for Microsoft - as Nick Hodge often says "This is not your fathers...

Author: RockPaperJorke Date: 07/25/2008

PHP on IIS7 for Shared Hosting- AWESOME article!

check it out on IIS.NET -  here are a...

Author: RockPaperJorke Date: 06/25/2008

Installing FTP with IIS7 on 2008 Server Core

I had a few questions from an old colleague, Virgil, who had just built a 2008 server core machine...

Author: RockPaperJorke Date: 06/05/2008

Fastlane Hosting Days Silverlight examples

For those that have visited my session at the hosting days "Silverlight for Web Hosters"...

Author: RockPaperJorke Date: 05/28/2008

REMIX08 Rocked

Another event down REMIX08 - two cities on week - what a blast. Check out Michael Kordahi's wrap up...

Author: RockPaperJorke Date: 05/26/2008

reMIX 08 Australia

reMIX is back this year bigger and faster than ever. I know this is old news but I'm running a...

Author: RockPaperJorke Date: 04/29/2008

Hosting Days Australia - Coming to a City Near you!

via Christian This years Hosting Days is "Fast Tracking Your Success with FastLane" in a...

Author: RockPaperJorke Date: 04/29/2008

Hacked Web Applications causing storm - rattling Windows...

For the past few days a "Cyber attack" has been taking place and according to...

Author: RockPaperJorke Date: 04/28/2008

IIS7 Shared Hosting

IIS7 Shared Hosting doc. IIS 7.0 Hosting Deployment Guide.docx

Author: RockPaperJorke Date: 04/20/2008

Potential Security Vulnerability for NetworkService / potential new IIS exploit

Important heads up with regards to a potential privilege escalation issue when running under...

Author: RockPaperJorke Date: 04/18/2008

HUGE performance increases with PHP on Windows 2008

One of our local developers Dallas J Clark (Brisbane local) blogged about an article that shows PHP...

Author: RockPaperJorke Date: 04/13/2008

MIX: IIS7 bring hosters and developers together

Attended a great presentation at MIX by Tito Leverette Web Platform Architect Evangelist aka Hosting...

Author: RockPaperJorke Date: 03/07/2008

Rich Media @ MIX

So I'm in vegas at MIX08 and have spent ages typing a post about some awesome new media delivery...

Author: RockPaperJorke Date: 03/07/2008

Back from Techready

and my brain is officially full - lots of awesome stuff to talk about. But straight back to work....

Author: RockPaperJorke Date: 02/20/2008

TechReady halfway.. and shattered

the shear brain power of having 6000 geeks in one location with thousands of session on the coolest...

Author: RockPaperJorke Date: 02/14/2008 - a blog for.. er.. MS Experts

Cam told me about this blog a little ago and I've been following it so see what they're up to. I...

Author: RockPaperJorke Date: 02/05/2008

Windows Server 2008 RTM!!!

HOORAAYY! I've had many people asking me when Windows Server 2008 was going to RTM. So here it is:...

Author: RockPaperJorke Date: 02/04/2008

HMC stuff

Latest HMC sizing tool

Author: RockPaperJorke Date: 01/31/2008

Microsoft Web Deployment Tool

A brand new IIS blog and a shiny new tool in tech preview. Check out the tech preview of the ...

Author: RockPaperJorke Date: 01/23/2008 - from Emantra

The guys at Emantra pinged me today with a project we've been talking about for a while, and I'm...

Author: RockPaperJorke Date: 01/23/2008

mstsc.exe /console != console where OS = 2008 || ver > 6.0 -- WHAT THE?

(ok, that's pseudo code above and is never intended to run - just illustrate concept :) ) If you're...

Author: RockPaperJorke Date: 01/13/2008

Infrastructure Architecture Design Questions

This is very interesting and fairly comprehensive list of basic operational questions to ask when...

Author: RockPaperJorke Date: 01/13/2008

The Lone Server

Check out the story of the Lone Server, the last Windows 2003 server in the web farm....

Author: RockPaperJorke Date: 01/09/2008

MIX on campus - a lot of dodgy mo's around

Just finished doing a presentation with the Bronwen and John from SoulSolutions to a group of...

Author: RockPaperJorke Date: 11/19/2007

What size footprint does your worker process leave?

Well it all depends on what you are cramming into your request pipeline! With IIS7's modular...

Author: RockPaperJorke Date: 11/05/2007
