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Big Things in Mini Packages

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Mini Packages

Yes! , paid delegates to Australia's TechEd 2009 are each receiving Microsoft Windows 7 on a HP 2140 Mini notebook (aka: netbook). Pop over to the TechEd 2009 web site to register to see all the terms and conditions etc.

Mini-note Relevant Speeds and Feeds:

Screen: 10.1”
HD: 160Gb
Memory: 2Gb
Wireless: 802.11 a/b/g
Processor: Intel Atom 1.6GHz N270

Delegates will be able to take their HP Mini back to work to show off Windows 7, or just loan the device for the duration of TechEd. Of those returned, Microsoft will be donating these these loan to charity.

Imagine each and every delegate with a mini-note roving around TechEd doing everything online; Messenger, Office Communicator, Twitter’n, downloading presentations … the list is endless.

Also imagine the IT skills provided to those less fortunate than ourselves.

Big Things: A Call-out to the TechEd Community:

What would you like to see running across these 2000+ devices?

  • A mass Azure stress test web application?
  • A magical Powershell configuration script?
  • A WPF-based network game?
  • A new Windows 7 based WinForms/Win32 Twitter client that doesn’t suck?

Ideas are endless … we’d love to get you, the community, involved in creating interesting scenarios.

Let the big ideas flow!