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A powershell script which balances the load of Hyper-V VMs across all cluster nodes

Hi everyone,

I run a 2 node cluster with Hyper-V. While debugging and testing, i often have to reboot a node and end up with all my VM's on one node, and find myself moving them arround manually.

So i came up with the below script to automate this.

Let me know how it works for you!



 P.S. I'm happy to see that this found it's way as a feature into SCVMM 2012. It's called Dynamic Optimization (DO)

# VmBalancer.ps1 - A powershell script which balances the load of Hyper-V VMs across all cluster nodes
# Environment: Windows Server 2008 R2, Hyper-V, Failover cluster
# How it works:
# All cluster nodes are checked for their virtual to logical processor ratio.
# Then the average of this values is value is calculated for the entire cluster
# Then the 2 nodes with the maximum and minimum distance to this average are calculated
# If the minimum distance is greater then the maximum, the least loaded host is very likely capable
# to take a VM from the maximum loaded host. So the script does LiveMigrate -one- VM per run
# Notes:
# The script does run standalone, if you set Set-ExecutionPolicy correctly. I run it as a Scheduled Task
# every 30 minutes on each cluster node. The script checks if it runs on the one node currently owning the
# Cluster Group, to ensure it is not run simulateneously on multiple nodes.
# on Each run, only one VM might be moved, to allow for one LiveMigration at a time
# When a VM is moved, an event from VM Balancer is written to the Application Event log.
# Thoughts:
# Once you reboot a cluster node, by default, the running VM's are migrated to other nodes. When the node comes
# back online, VM's are not moved back. You may set Prefered Owners and define a failback policy, but this is
# rather static. In future, the script might make use of VMM's star rating for best placement, but for now it should also run without VMM
# The recommended virtual to logical processer ratio is 8:1. Courtesy of algorithm
# See:
# It might happen that the destination node is not able to take the VM as it has not enough memory. This should be
# covered by LiveMigration checks and the VM is then not moved.
# Warning:
# This script had limited testing, on my 2 identical node cluster. Use at own risk after your own testing.
# robertvi at
# v1.0 101007

Import-Module FailoverClusters # load cluster cmdlet

$maxload = 0
$minload = 1000
$maxloadedhost = 'undefined'
$minloadedhost = 'undefined'

#ensure we run on one node only
$master = Get-ClusterGroup | ?{ $_.Name -like "Cluster Group" }
$thishost = Get-WmiObject -class win32_computersystem

$master = $master.OwnerNode.Name.ToLower()
$thishost = $thishost.Name.ToLower()

Write-Host "Cluster Group owner:" $master "Script Host:" $thishost "<"

if ( $master -ne $thishost)
Write-Host "Exiting Script as it is not run on the node that owns the Cluster Group"


# Get all nodes
$nodes = get-clusternode

foreach ($node in $nodes)

 $Hostinfo = Get-WmiObject -class win32_computersystem -computername $node
Write-Host "Host " $Hostinfo.Name
$load = (@(gwmi -ns root\virtualization MSVM_Processor -computername $node).count / (@(gwmi Win32_Processor -computername $node) | measure -p NumberOfLogicalProcessors -sum).Sum)
Write-Host "Load " $load

 if ($load -ge $maxload)
$maxload = $load
$maxloadedhost = $node

 if ($load -le $minload)
$minload = $load
$minloadedhost = $node


 $averageload += $load
$numberofnodes += 1


$averageload /= $numberofnodes
Write-Host "Average Load " $averageload
Write-Host "Max Load " $maxload
Write-Host "Min Load " $minload

# Now if the maximum loaded host - minimum loaded host is still above average, push a VM from maximum to minimum.

if (($maxload - $averageload) -gt $minload) #is maxload distance to average greater then minloads distance?
Write-Host "Push a VM from" $maxloadedhost "to " $minloadedhost

 #find a running VM on $maxloadedhost and move to $minloadedhost

 $VMGroups = Get-ClusterNode $maxloadedhost.Name | Get-ClusterGroup | ?{ $_ | Get-ClusterResource | ?{ $_.ResourceType -like "Virtual Machine" } }

 foreach ($vm in $VMGroups)

    if ($vm.State -eq 'Online')
Write-Host "VM Group to mmigrate" $

  # This is our best candidate. May still not possible to move when destination memory not sufficent.
# LiveMigration will determine this and abort the migrate.
# if Quick Migration should be used: Move-ClusterGroup $vm -Node $minloadedhost

  $evtinfo = "Moving " + $vm + " to Node " + $minloadedhost + " Avg load " +$averageload + " maxload " + $maxload + " minload " + $minload
$evt=new-object System.Diagnostics.EventLog("Application")
$evt.Source="VM Balancer"

          Move-ClusterVirtualMachineRole $vm -Node $minloadedhost -Wait 0



Write-Host "No Balancing needed"


  • Anonymous
    November 30, 2010 usual, great stuff Robert ;-)

  • Anonymous
    October 14, 2013
    What if I have 4 nodes in the cluster? What current script does, is taking ALL VMs from the most loaded and move ALL them to the less loaded, and after that i am getting the less loaded as a most loaded :).... Is it possible to add some extra logic and calculate how many VMs should be loaded from the most loaded node to to other nodes, members of the cluster? Thanks, Misha

  • Anonymous
    March 20, 2014
    The comment has been removed

  • Anonymous
    October 05, 2015
    Hi, I'm having an issue with the WMI class MSVM_Processor. Getting error below: gwmi : Invalid class "MSVM_Processor" At C:scriptsvm_balance_vms_across_all_nodes.ps1:47 char:16

  •                 $load = (@(gwmi -ns rootvirtualization MSVM_Processor -computername $node). ...
  •                            ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~    + CategoryInfo          : InvalidType: (:) [Get-WmiObject], ManagementException    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : GetWMIManagementException,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.GetWmiObjectCommand Server 2012r2, Powershell V4, any assistance with why that class is an error for me would be appreciated.
  • Anonymous
    October 07, 2015
    The comment has been removed