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Script de configuration Hyper-V Server in depth : hvconfig

Encore plus fort que Windows Server Core Configurator (cf. voici le script de configuration disponible dans Microsoft Hyper-V Server 2008.

Fabrice a trouvé la config et surtout récupéré le script sur sa machine Microsoft Hyper-V Server 2008. Good Job  ;-)

La documentation

Voici le script il est dans "%windir%\system32\en-US\hvconfig.vbs" (de là à le réutiliser pour les installations core...)

' Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
' Version 1.0
' hvconfig.vbs - Configuration script used to setup a Hyper-V machine for remote configuration

const L_Msg001_Text  = "No IP address"
const L_Msg002_Text  = "   No IP   "
const L_Msg003_Text  = "No active network adapters found."
const L_Msg004_Text  = "Warning"
const L_Msg005_Text  = "                           Hyper-V Configuration"
const L_Msg006_Text  = "1) Domain/Workgroup:   "
const L_Msg007_Text  = "2) Computer Name:   "
const L_Msg008_Text  = "3) Network Settings"
const L_Msg009_Text  = "4) Add Local Administrator"
const L_Msg010_Text  = "5) Windows Update Settings:  "
const L_Msg011_Text  = "6) Download and Install Updates: "
const L_Msg012_Text  = "7) Remote Desktop:   "
const L_Msg013_Text  = "8) Regional and Language Options"
const L_Msg014_Text  = "9) Date and Time"
const L_Msg015_Text  = "10) Log Off User"
const L_Msg016_Text  = "11) Restart Server"
const L_Msg017_Text   = "12) Shut Down Server"
const L_Msg018_Text   = "13) Exit to Command Line"
const L_Msg019_Text  = "Enter number to select an option: "
const L_Msg020_Text  = "Change Domain/Workgroup Membership"
const L_Msg021_Text  = "Join (D)omain or (W)orkgroup? (Blank=Cancel) "
const L_Msg022_Text  = "Domain"
const L_Msg023_Text  = "Workgroup"
const L_Msg024_Text  = "Machine currently joined to a domain."
const L_Msg025_Text  = "Do you want to remove this computer from the current domain now?"
const L_Msg026_Text  = "Specify an authorized domain\user:  "
const L_Msg027_Text  = "Removing computer from current domain..."
const L_Msg028_Text  = "You must restart your computer to apply these changes."
const L_Msg029_Text  = "Restart now?"
const L_Msg030_Text  = "Restart"
const L_Msg031_Text  = "Specify domain\user:  "
const L_Msg032_Text  = "Join Domain"
const L_Msg033_Text  = "Enter new computer name (Blank=Cancel): "
const L_Msg034_Text  = "Computer Name"
const L_Msg035_Text  = "Changing Computer name..."
const L_Msg036_Text  = "Enter account to join local Administrators group (Blank=Cancel): "
const L_Msg037_Text  = "Adding to local Administrators group..."
const L_Msg038_Text  = "Local Administrators Group" 
const L_Msg039_Text  = "User added to local Administrators group."
const L_Msg040_Text  = "User not found."
const L_Msg041_Text  = "User already in local Administrators group."
const L_Msg042_Text  = "Failed to add user to local Administrators group."
const L_Msg043_Text  = "Windows Update currently set to: "
const L_Msg044_Text  = "Select (A)utomatic or (M)anual updates: "
const L_Msg045_Text  = "Automatic"
const L_Msg046_Text  = "System will check for and install updates every day at 3:00 AM."
const L_Msg047_Text  = "Enabling Automatic updates..."
const L_Msg048_Text  = "Manual"
const L_Msg049_Text  = "System will never check for updates."
const L_Msg050_Text  = "Disabling Automatic updates..."
const L_Msg051_Text  = "Windows Update set to "
const L_Msg052_Text  = "Update Settings"
const L_Msg053_Text  = "(E)nable or (D)isable Remote Desktop? (Blank=Cancel) "
const L_Msg054_Text  = "1) Allow only clients running Remote Desktop with Network Level Authentication (more secure)"
const L_Msg055_Text  = "2) Allow clients running any version of Remote Desktop (less secure)"
const L_Msg056_Text  = "Enter selection: "
const L_Msg057_Text  = "Enabling Remote Desktop..."
const L_Msg058_Text  = "Remote Desktop enabled for clients running any version of Remote Desktop (less secure)."
const L_Msg059_Text  = "Remote Desktop"
const L_Msg060_Text  = "Remote Desktop enabled for clients only running Remote Desktop with Network Level Authentication (more secure)."
const L_Msg061_Text  = "Failed to disable Remote Desktop."
const L_Msg062_Text  = "Disabling Remote Desktop..."
const L_Msg063_Text  = "Remote Desktop disabled."
const L_Msg064_Text  = "Are you sure you want to log off?"
const L_Msg065_Text  = "Log Off"
const L_Msg066_Text  = "Are you sure you want to restart?"
const L_Msg067_Text  = "Are you sure you want to shut down?"
const L_Msg068_Text  = "Shut Down"
const L_Msg069_Text  = "Enabled (all clients)"
const L_Msg070_Text  = "Enabled (more secure clients only)"
const L_Msg071_Text  = "Disabled"
const L_Msg072_Text  = "--------------------------------"
const L_Msg073_Text  = "    Network settings"
const L_Msg074_Text  = "Available Network Adapters"
const L_Msg075_Text  = "Index# IP address Description"
const L_Msg076_Text  = "Select Network Adapter Index# (Blank=Cancel):  "
const L_Msg077_Text  = "    Network Adapter Settings"
const L_Msg078_Text  = "NIC Index"
const L_Msg079_Text  = "Description"
const L_Msg080_Text  = "IP Address"
const L_Msg081_Text  = "DHCP enabled"
const L_Msg082_Text  = "Preferred DNS Server"
const L_Msg083_Text  = "Alternate DNS Server"
const L_Msg084_Text  = "1) Set Network Adapter IP Address"  
const L_Msg085_Text  = "2) Set DNS Servers"
const L_Msg086_Text  = "3) Clear DNS Server Settings"
const L_Msg087_Text  = "4) Return to Main Menu"
const L_Msg088_Text  = "Select option:  "
const L_Msg089_Text  = "Select (D)HCP, (S)tatic IP (Blank=Cancel): "
const L_Msg090_Text  = "Set Static IP"
const L_Msg091_Text  = "Enter static IP address: "
const L_Msg092_Text  = "Enter subnet mask (Blank = Default "
const L_Msg093_Text  = "): "
const L_Msg094_Text  = "Enter default gateway: "
const L_Msg095_Text  = "Setting NIC to static IP..."
const L_Msg096_Text  = "The IP address could not be changed."
const L_Msg097_Text  = "Network Settings"
const L_Msg098_Text  = "Setting NIC to use DHCP..."
const L_Msg099_Text  = "DNS Servers"
const L_Msg100_Text  = "Enter new preferred DNS server (Blank=Cancel): "
const L_Msg101_Text  = "Preferred DNS server set."
const L_Msg102_Text  = "Enter alternate DNS server (Blank = none): "
const L_Msg103_Text  = "Alternate DNS server set."
const L_Msg104_Text  = "Alternate DNS server could not be set."
const L_Msg105_Text  = "Preferred DNS server could not be set."
const L_Msg106_Text  = "DNS servers removed. DNS servers will be automatically obtained from network."
const L_Msg107_Text  = "DNS servers could not be deleted."
const L_Msg108_Text  = "Failed to join workgroup"
const L_Msg109_Text  = "Welcome to workgroup: "
const L_Msg110_Text  = "Unknown"
const L_Msg111_Text  = "Inspecting system..."
const L_Msg112_Text  = "Please specify a valid IP address."
const L_Msg113_Text  = "IP addresses with 127 are not valid because they are reserved for loopback addresses. Please specify some other valid value between 1 and 223."
const L_Msg114_Text  = "Access is denied."
const L_Msg115_Text  = "The parameter is incorrect."
const L_Msg116_Text  = "The system cannot open the specified object."
const L_Msg117_Text  = "Unable to update the password."
const L_Msg118_Text   = "Logon failure: unknown username or password."
const L_Msg119_Text  = "The specified domain either does not exist or could not be contacted."
const L_Msg120_Text  = "The account already exists."
const L_Msg121_Text  = "The machine is already joined to the domain."
const L_Msg122_Text  = "The machine is not currently joined to a domain."
const L_Msg123_Text  = "Failed to join domain."
const L_Msg124_Text  = "Name of domain to join:  "
const L_Msg125_Text  = "Name of workgroup to join:  "
const L_Msg126_Text   = "Joining "
const L_Msg127_Text   = "..."
const L_Msg128_Text  = "==============================================================================="
const L_Msg129_Text  = "E" '(E)nable
const L_Msg130_Text  = "D" '(D)isable
const L_Msg131_Text  = "S" '(S)tatic IP
const L_Msg132_Text  = "D"  '(D)HCP
const L_Msg133_Text  = "W" '(W)orkgroup
const L_Msg134_Text  = "D"  '(D)omain
const L_Msg135_Text  = "In a domain environment, specify domain\username."
const L_Msg136_Text  = "In a workgroup environment, specify username."
const L_Msg137_Text  = "M" 'Manual
const L_Msg138_Text  = "A" 'Automatic
const L_Msg139_Text  = "Subnet Mask"
const L_Msg140_Text  = "Default Gateway"
const L_Msg141_Text  = "Last manual check: "

const WUA_Script  = "cscript WUA_SearchDownloadInstall.vbs"


Dim CmdResults
Dim pcname
Dim group_type
Dim groupname
Dim InDomain
Dim MgmtNIC
Dim patching_status
Dim Autopatch
Dim Update_schedule
Dim objNetAdapter
Dim DNSsetting
Dim DisplayIP
Dim objWshScriptExec
Dim TS_status
Dim ResultsTitle

Set oShell = WScript.CreateObject ("")
Set objWMIService = GetObject( "winmgmts:\\.\root\cimv2")

'Force to run with cscript
if Instr(1,Wscript.FullName,"Cscript",vbTextCompare)=0 then
 oShell.Run "cscript " & chr(34) & wscript.ScriptFullName & chr(34)
end if



' Get NICs
Set nics = objWMIService.ExecQuery("SELECT * FROM Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration where IPenabled=TRUE")
' Try to select the first NIC with an active IP  
for each n in nics
 MgmtNIC= n.index
 Set objNetAdapter = GetObject("winmgmts:Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration=" & MgmtNIC)
 exit for
' Deal with case where NICs go away
if MgmtNIC="" then
 'No active NIC
 DisplayIP = L_Msg003_Text
 Set objNetAdapter = GetObject("winmgmts:Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration=" & MgmtNIC)
 if objNetAdapter.IPenabled then
  DisplayIP = objNetAdapter.IPAddress(0)
  'No Active NICs
  DisplayIP = L_Msg003_Text
 end if 
end if

' Get Domain status
InDomain = GetDomainStatus()

' Get Remote Desktop status

wscript.echo L_Msg128_Text
wscript.echo L_Msg005_Text
wscript.echo L_Msg128_Text
wscript.echo L_Msg006_Text & group_type &":  " & groupname
wscript.echo L_Msg007_Text & pcname

if MgmtNIC="" then
 wscript.echo L_Msg008_Text & vbTab & vbTab & vbTab & DisplayIP
 wscript.echo L_Msg008_Text
end if

wscript.echo L_Msg009_Text
wscript.echo ""
wscript.echo L_Msg010_Text & Update_schedule
wscript.echo L_Msg011_Text & L_Msg141_Text & patching_status
wscript.echo L_Msg012_Text & TS_status
wscript.echo ""
wscript.echo L_Msg013_Text
wscript.echo L_Msg014_Text
wscript.echo ""
wscript.echo L_Msg015_Text
wscript.echo L_Msg016_Text
wscript.echo L_Msg017_Text
wscript.echo ""
wscript.echo L_Msg018_Text

For i=1 to 2

wscript.StdOut.Write L_Msg019_Text      
OptionSelection = Wscript.StdIn.ReadLine  


Select Case OptionSelection
 Case "1" 'Change Domain/workgroup name

  wscript.echo L_Msg020_Text

  wscript.StdOut.Write L_Msg021_Text
  DorW = Wscript.StdIn.ReadLine

  'added ascw(DorW)=164 and ascw(DorW)=1072 to detect Russian character choice
  loop until ucase(DorW)=ucase(L_Msg134_Text) or ucase(DorW)=ucase(L_Msg133_Text) or DorW="" or ascw(DorW)=164 or ascw(DorW)=1072

  if ucase(DorW)=ucase(L_Msg133_Text) or ascw(DorW)=1072 then
   'Join Workgroup
   'If in a domain, we need to remove it first before joining a workgroup
   if InDomain then
    confirm = msgbox(L_Msg024_Text & vbCRLF & L_Msg025_Text,VBYesNo,L_Msg004_Text)
    if confirm=vbYes then
     wscript.StdOut.Write L_Msg026_Text
     domainuser = Wscript.StdIn.ReadLine

     wscript.echo L_Msg027_Text
     targetstr = "netdom remove %computername% /domain:" & NewGroupName & " /userd:" & domainuser & " /passwordd:*"
     result= oShell.Run(targetstr,1,TRUE)
     if result=0 then
      confirm = msgbox(L_Msg028_Text & vbCRLF & L_Msg029_Text, VBYesNo,L_Msg030_Text)
      if confirm=vbYes then oShell.Run "shutdown /r /t 0",1
     end if  
    end if
   end if
   end if
   if ucase(DorW)=ucase(L_Msg134_Text) or ascw(DorW)=164 then 
    'Joining Domain
   group_type= L_Msg022_Text
   wscript.StdOut.Write L_Msg124_Text
   NewGroupName = Wscript.StdIn.ReadLine
   wscript.StdOut.Write L_Msg026_Text
   domainuser = Wscript.StdIn.ReadLine

   wscript.echo L_Msg126_Text & NewGroupName & L_Msg127_Text    
   targetstr = "netdom join %computername% /domain:" & NewGroupName & " /userd:" & domainuser & " /passwordd:*"
   result= oShell.Run(targetstr,1,TRUE)
   if result=0 then
    confirm = msgbox(L_Msg028_Text & vbCRLF & L_Msg029_Text, VBYesNo,L_Msg032_Text)
    if confirm=vbYes then oShell.Run "shutdown /r /t 0",1
   end if   
    end if

 Case "2" 'Change Computer Name
  wscript.StdOut.Write L_Msg033_Text
  NewComputerName = Wscript.StdIn.ReadLine
  if NewComputerName<>"" then
   ResultsTitle= L_Msg034_Text   
   wscript.echo L_Msg035_Text
   if not InDomain then
    'In workgroup                
      Set objWshScriptExec = oShell.Exec("netdom renamecomputer %computername% /force /NewName:" & NewComputerName)         
      result= objWshScriptExec.exitcode
    'In Domain
      wscript.StdOut.Write L_Msg026_Text
      domainuser = Wscript.StdIn.ReadLine
      result = oShell.Run("netdom renamecomputer %computername% /force /NewName:" & NewComputerName & " /userd:" & domainuser & " /passwordd:*",1,TRUE)
      if result<>0 then
      end if
   end if
   if result=0 then
    confirm = msgbox(L_Msg028_Text & vbCRLF & L_Msg029_Text, VBYesNo,L_Msg030_Text)
    if confirm=vbYes then oShell.Run "shutdown /r /t 0",1
   end if
  end if
 Case "3"  'Change Management NIC Assignment
  If MgmtNIC<>"" then 
   'Display no active NIC message
   DisplayIP = L_Msg003_Text
   Msgbox DisplayIP,vbExclamation,L_Msg004_Text
  end if
 Case "4" 'Add Account to local admin
  wscript.echo L_Msg135_Text
  wscript.echo L_Msg136_Text
  wscript.StdOut.Write L_Msg036_Text
  AddUserAcct = Wscript.StdIn.ReadLine
  if AddUserAcct="" then
   if not InDomain then
    'Handle workgroup case by creating account first
    targetstr = "net user " & AddUserAcct & " * /add"
    result= oShell.Run(targetstr,1,TRUE)           
   end if
   wscript.echo L_Msg037_Text
   targetstr= "net localgroup administrators /add " & AddUserAcct   
   result= oShell.Run(targetstr,7,TRUE)  
   select case result
    Case 0
     msgbox L_Msg039_Text & vbCrLf & AddUserAcct,vbInformation,L_Msg038_Text 
    Case 1
     msgbox L_Msg040_Text & vbCrLf & AddUserAcct,vbCritical,L_Msg038_Text
    Case else
     msgbox L_Msg042_Text & vbCrLf & AddUserAcct,vbCritical,L_Msg038_Text 
   end select   
  end if

 Case "5" 'Update Settings
  wscript.echo L_Msg043_Text & Update_schedule
  wscript.StdOut.Write L_Msg044_Text
  updateselection = Wscript.StdIn.ReadLine
  if ucase(updateselection)=ucase(L_Msg138_Text) then
   'Make updates automatic
   Update_schedule= L_Msg045_Text
   strSchedule= L_Msg046_Text
   wscript.echo L_Msg047_Text
   oShell.Run "Cscript %WinDir%\System32\SCregEdit.wsf /AU 4" & NewComputerName,7,TRUE   
  end if
  if ucase(updateselection)=ucase(L_Msg137_Text) then  
      'Make updates manual
   Update_schedule= L_Msg048_Text
   strSchedule= L_Msg049_Text
   wscript.echo L_Msg050_Text
   oShell.Run "Cscript %WinDir%\System32\SCregEdit.wsf /AU 1" & NewComputerName,7,TRUE 
  end if
  if ucase(updateselection)=ucase(L_Msg137_Text) or ucase(updateselection)=ucase(L_Msg138_Text) then
   oShell.Run "Net stop wuauserv",7,TRUE 
   oShell.Run "Net start wuauserv",7,TRUE 
   MsgBox L_Msg051_Text & Update_schedule & ".  " & strSchedule, vbInformation, L_Msg052_Text
  end if 
 Case "6" 'Install Security Patches
  'Install all patches
  oShell.Run WUA_Script,1,False

  on error resume next
  patching_status = Now()
  oShell.RegWrite "HKLM\Software\Microsoft\HyperVServerQuickSettings\PatchDate",patching_status
  on error goto 0
 Case "7"    'Enable/disable Remote Desktop

    wscript.StdOut.Write L_Msg053_Text
    rd = Wscript.StdIn.ReadLine

    if ucase(rd)=ucase(L_Msg129_Text) then ' Enable
    wscript.echo L_Msg054_Text
    wscript.echo L_Msg055_Text
    wscript.StdOut.Write L_Msg056_Text
    rdsecuritylevel = Wscript.StdIn.ReadLine
   loop while not (rdsecuritylevel="1" or rdsecuritylevel="2")
   wscript.echo L_Msg057_Text
   'Enable Remote Desktop Admin mode
   result=oShell.Run("Cscript %WinDir%\System32\Scregedit.wsf /ar 0 " & NewComputerName,7,TRUE)
   oShell.Run "Cscript %WinDir%\System32\Scregedit.wsf /cs 1 " & NewComputerName,7,TRUE  
   if result=0 then
    if rdsecuritylevel=2 then
     'Allow WinXP and Win 2003 clients
     oShell.Run "Cscript %WinDir%\System32\Scregedit.wsf /cs 0 " & NewComputerName,7,TRUE
     msgbox L_Msg058_Text,Information,L_Msg059_Text    
     msgbox L_Msg060_Text,Information,L_Msg059_Text    
    end if
    msgbox L_Msg061_Text,vbCritical,L_Msg059_Text
   end if    
    end if
    if ucase(rd)=ucase(L_Msg130_Text) then
   wscript.echo L_Msg062_Text
   'Disable Remote Desktop mode
   result=oShell.Run("Cscript %WinDir%\System32\Scregedit.wsf /ar 1 " & NewComputerName,7,TRUE)
   oShell.Run "Cscript %WinDir%\System32\Scregedit.wsf /cs 1 " & NewComputerName,7,TRUE
   if result=0 then
    msgbox L_Msg063_Text,vbInformation,L_Msg059_Text
    msgbox L_Msg061_Text,vbCritical,L_Msg059_Text
   end if  
    end if

 Case "8" 'Set Region and Language 
  oShell.Run "control intl.cpl"
 Case "9" 'Set Date and Time
  oShell.Run "control timedate.cpl"      
 Case "10" 'Logoff
  confirm = msgbox(L_Msg064_Text, vbYesNo+vbDefaultButton2,L_Msg065_Text)
  if confirm=vbYes then
   oShell.Run "logoff",7,True
  end if  

 Case "11" ' Restart
  confirm = msgbox(L_Msg066_Text, vbYesNo+vbDefaultButton2,L_Msg030_Text)
  if confirm=vbYes then oShell.Run "shutdown /r /t 0",1  
 Case "12" ' Shut Down
  confirm = msgbox(L_Msg067_Text, vbYesNo+vbDefaultButton2,L_Msg068_Text)
  if confirm=vbYes then oShell.Run "shutdown /s /t 0",1 

 Case "13"  'Exit

 Case Else
  'msgbox "--- Invalid input! ---"

end Select

Loop until OptionSelection="13"  'Loops back to main menu unless exiting


sub CheckRemoteDesktop()
 ' True if Remote Desktop enabled
 Dim Sh, sKey, sValueName, sValue, nValue
 Set Sh = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
 sKey = "HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Terminal Server\"
 sValueName = "fDenyTSConnections"
 sValue = Sh.RegRead(SKey & sValueName)
 if sValue=0 then
  nValue= Sh.RegRead(sKey & "WinStations\RDP-Tcp\UserAuthentication")
 if nValue = 0 then
  TS_status= L_Msg069_Text
  TS_status= L_Msg070_Text
 end if
  TS_status= L_Msg071_Text
 end if
End sub

Function LegalNicSelected(pickedNIC)
 For Each nic in nics
  if pickedNIC=CStr(nic.Index) then
  end if
end Function

Sub ManagementNICsettings()

 Set nics = objWMIService.ExecQuery("SELECT * FROM Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration where IPenabled=TRUE")
 Set objNetAdapter = GetObject("winmgmts:Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration=" & MgmtNIC)  
 wscript.echo L_Msg072_Text
 wscript.echo L_Msg073_Text
 wscript.echo L_Msg072_Text
 wscript.echo L_Msg074_Text
 wscript.echo L_Msg075_Text
 For Each nic in nics   
  if nic.IPenabled then
   DisplayIP = nic.IPAddress(0)
  end if
  'Adjust spacing for non EN-US
  if instr(L_Msg075_Text,"Index#") then  
   wscript.StdOut.Write "  " & nic.Index & VBTab & DisplayIP & VBTab & left(nic.Description,54) 
   wscript.StdOut.Write "  " & nic.Index & VBTab & VBTab & DisplayIP & VBTab & left(nic.Description,47)
  end if
  wscript.StdOut.Write L_Msg076_Text
  SelectedNIC = Wscript.StdIn.ReadLine
 loop until LegalNicSelected(SelectedNIC) or SelectedNIC = ""
 if SelectedNIC="" then
   'Do nothing, Cancel was selected, return to main menu
  'Set the MgmtNIC to a legal value  
   wscript.echo L_Msg072_Text
   wscript.echo L_Msg077_Text
   wscript.echo L_Msg072_Text
   Set nics = objWMIService.ExecQuery("SELECT * FROM Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration where IPenabled=TRUE")  
   Set objNetAdapter = GetObject("winmgmts:Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration=" & MgmtNIC)
   'Display NIC info (IP, DHCP, DNS)   
   For Each nic in nics
     if nic.index=cint(MgmtNIC) then  
    if nic.IPenabled then
     DisplayIP = nic.IPAddress(0)
    end if
    wscript.echo L_Msg078_Text & vbTab & vbTab & MgmtNIC
    wscript.echo L_Msg079_Text & vbTab & vbTab & nic.Description
    wscript.echo L_Msg080_Text & vbTab & vbTab & DisplayIP
    wscript.echo L_Msg139_Text & vbTab & vbTab & nic.IPSubnet(0)
    wscript.echo L_Msg081_Text & vbTab & vbTab & nic.DHCPenabled
    on error resume next
    DefaultGateway= cstr(nic.DefaultIPGateway(0))
    if err<>0 then
    end if
    on error goto 0    
    wscript.echo L_Msg140_Text & vbTab & vbTab & DefaultGateway 

    on error resume next
    primarydns= cstr(nic.DNSServerSearchOrder(0))
    if err<>0 then
    end if
    altdns= cstr(nic.DNSServerSearchOrder(1))
    if err<>0 then
    end if
    on error goto 0
    wscript.echo L_Msg082_Text & vbTab & primarydns
    wscript.echo L_Msg083_Text & vbTab & altdns
     end if
   'Display Network Adapter Options        
   wscript.echo L_Msg084_Text 
   wscript.echo L_Msg085_Text
   wscript.echo L_Msg086_Text
   wscript.echo L_Msg087_Text
    wscript.StdOut.Write L_Msg088_Text
    NIC_option = Wscript.StdIn.ReadLine 
   loop until (left(NIC_option,1)>= "1" and left(NIC_option,1) <= "4") or NIC_option=""   

   Select Case NIC_option
    Case "1"  ' Set NIC IP to DCHP or Static
     '---- Set IP for Selected NIC
     wscript.StdOut.Write L_Msg089_Text
     IPtypeSelection = Wscript.StdIn.ReadLine      
     Select Case ucase(IPtypeSelection)
      Case ucase(L_Msg131_Text) 'Set Static IP
       wscript.echo L_Msg090_Text
        wscript.StdOut.Write L_Msg091_Text
        ip_address = wscript.StdIn.ReadLine
       loop until CheckStaticIP(ip_address)
       wscript.StdOut.Write L_Msg092_Text & DefaultNetmask(ip_address) & L_Msg093_Text
       netmask = wscript.StdIn.ReadLine
       if netmask="" then netmask=DefaultNetmask(ip_address)
       ' Get Gateway
        wscript.StdOut.Write L_Msg094_Text
         gateway = wscript.StdIn.ReadLine 
        loop until CheckStaticIPGateway(gateway)      
       strIPAddress = Array(ip_address)
       strSubnetMask = Array(netmask)
       strGateway = Array(gateway)
       strGatewayMetric = Array(1)
       wscript.echo L_Msg095_Text
       'clear out all gateway entries first
       arrClearGateways = Array()
       errGateways = objNetAdapter.SetGateways(arrClearGateways, null)
       errEnable = objNetAdapter.EnableStatic(strIPAddress, strSubnetMask)
       errGateways = objNetAdapter.SetGateways(strGateway, strGatewaymetric)
       If errEnable=0 Then
        Set objNetAdapter = GetObject("winmgmts:Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration=" & MgmtNIC) 
        msgbox L_Msg096_Text,vbCritical,L_Msg097_Text
        wscript.echo L_Msg096_Text
       End If
      Case ucase(L_Msg132_Text)   'Set DHCP
       wscript.echo L_Msg098_Text
       'clear out all gateway entries first
       arrClearGateways = Array()
       errGateways = objNetAdapter.SetGateways(arrClearGateways, null)   
       errEnable = objNetAdapter.EnableDHCP()
       If errEnable = 0 Then
        Set objNetAdapter = GetObject("winmgmts:Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration=" & MgmtNIC)       
        msgbox L_Msg096_Text,vbCritical,L_Msg097_Text
        wscript.echo L_Msg096_Text
       End If     
      Case Else
     end Select
    Case "2"   ' Change DNS
      wscript.echo L_Msg099_Text  
      wscript.StdOut.Write L_Msg100_Text
      DNSServer = wscript.StdIn.ReadLine 
      if DNSServer="" then
       'Set Preferred DNS
       errDNS = objNetAdapter.SetDNSServerSearchOrder(strDNSServer)
       If errDNS=0 Then
        'Preferred DNS successfully set, set alternate
        msgbox L_Msg101_Text,vbInformation,L_Msg097_Text
        wscript.StdOut.Write L_Msg102_Text
        altDNSServer = wscript.StdIn.ReadLine 
        if altDNSServer="" then
         'skip entering alternate DNS
         errDNS = objNetAdapter.SetDNSServerSearchOrder(strDNSServer)
         If errDNS=0 Then
         'Alternate DNS successfully set
          msgbox L_Msg103_Text,vbInformation,L_Msg097_Text
          wscript.echo L_Msg103_Text
          msgbox L_Msg104_Text,vbCritical,L_Msg097_Text
          wscript.echo L_Msg104_Text
         end If  
        end if  
        msgbox L_Msg105_Text,vbCritical,L_Msg097_Text
       end If    
      end if  
    Case "3"   ' Remove DNS server settings
      'clear out all entries and reset
      arrDNSServers = Array()
      errDNS = objNetAdapter.SetDNSServerSearchOrder(arrDNSServers)
      If errDNS=0 Then
       'DNS successfully cleared
       msgbox L_Msg106_Text,vbInformation,L_Msg097_Text
       wscript.echo L_Msg106_Text   
       msgbox L_Msg107_Text,vbCritical,L_Msg097_Text
       wscript.echo L_Msg107_Text
      end If  
    Case "4" ' return to Main Menu
    Case else  
   end Select
  Loop Until NIC_option="4" or NIC_option=""
 end if
end sub

sub DisplayCmdLineOutput()

 Set objStdOut = objWshScriptExec.StdOut

 CmdResults = ""
 While Not objStdOut.AtEndOfStream
  strLine = objStdOut.ReadLine
  wscript.echo strLine
  CmdResults = CmdResults & vbCrLF & strLine
 If len(CmdResults)>2 then msgbox CmdResults,vbInformation,resultstitle
end sub

sub JoinWorkgroup
 group_type= L_Msg023_Text
 wscript.StdOut.Write L_Msg125_Text
 NewGroupName = Wscript.StdIn.ReadLine
 wscript.echo L_Msg126_Text & NewGroupName & L_Msg127_Text 
 targetstr = "Wmic computersystem where name=" & chr(34) & "%computername%" & chr(34) & " call joindomainorworkgroup name=" & chr(34) & NewGroupName & chr(34)
 returncode = oShell.Run(targetstr,7,TRUE)
 if returncode<>0 then
  msgbox L_Msg108_Text,VBCritical,L_Msg023_Text
  msgbox L_Msg109_Text & NewGroupName,vbInformation,L_Msg023_Text
 end if
end sub

Sub GetInitialStatusValues()
 wscript.echo L_Msg111_Text
 on error resume next
 regexists = oShell.RegRead("HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\HyperVserverQuickSettings\PatchDate")
 if isEmpty(regexists) then
  oShell.RegWrite "HKLM\Software\Microsoft\HyperVServerQuickSettings\PatchDate",L_Msg110_Text
 end if
 ' Get update settings status
 AutoPatch = oShell.RegRead("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\WindowsUpdate\Auto Update\AUOptions")
 if AutoPatch=4 then
  Update_schedule = L_Msg045_Text
  Update_schedule = L_Msg048_Text
 end if
 patching_status = oShell.RegRead("HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\HyperVserverQuickSettings\PatchDate")

 Set nics = objWMIService.ExecQuery("SELECT * FROM Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration where IPenabled=TRUE")
 ' Try to select the first NIC with an active IP 
 if MgmtNIC="" then  
  DisplayIP = L_Msg001_Text  
  for each n in nics
   MgmtNIC= n.index
   Set objNetAdapter = GetObject("winmgmts:Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration=" & MgmtNIC)
   exit for
 end if 

 if MgmtNIC="" then
  'Display no active NIC message
  DisplayIP = L_Msg003_Text
  Msgbox DisplayIP,vbExclamation,L_Msg004_Text
 end if
 on error goto 0

End Sub

Function CheckStaticIP(ip)
 on error resume next
 IPstart = left(ip,instr(ip,".")-1)
 on error goto 0
 if IPstart>=1 and IPstart<224 then
  msgbox L_Msg112_Text,vbCritical,L_Msg097_Text
 end if
 if IPstart=127 then
  msgbox L_Msg113_Text,vbCritical,L_Msg097_Text
 end if
end function

Function CheckStaticIPGateway(ip)
 on error resume next
 IPstart = left(ip,instr(ip,".")-1)
 on error goto 0
 if (IPstart>=1 and IPstart<224) or ip="" then
  msgbox L_Msg112_Text,vbCritical,L_Msg097_Text
 end if
 if IPstart=127 then
  msgbox L_Msg113_Text,vbCritical,L_Msg097_Text
 end if
end function

Function DefaultNetmask(ip)

 on error resume next
 IPstart = left(ip,instr(ip,".")-1)
 on error goto 0

 if IPstart>=0 and IPstart <127 then
 end if
 if IPstart>127 and IPstart <224 then
 end if

end function

Sub DomainAccessErrorMsg(result)
 Select Case result
  Case 5 strErrorDescription = L_Msg114_Text
  Case 87 strErrorDescription = L_Msg115_Text
  Case 110 strErrorDescription = L_Msg116_Text
  Case 1323 strErrorDescription = L_Msg117_Text
  Case 1326 strErrorDescription = L_Msg118_Text
  Case 1355 strErrorDescription = L_Msg119_Text
  Case 2224 strErrorDescription = L_Msg120_Text
  Case 2691 strErrorDescription = L_Msg121_Text
  Case 2692 strErrorDescription = L_Msg122_Text
  Case else strErrorDescription = L_Msg123_Text
 End Select    
 msgbox strErrorDescription,vbCritical,L_Msg022_Text 

end sub

Function GetDomainStatus()

 Set colItems = objWMIService.ExecQuery( "Select * from Win32_ComputerSystem", , 48 )
 For Each objItem in colItems
  pcname = objItem.Name
     strComputerDomain = objItem.Domain
     If objItem.PartOfDomain Then
      group_type= L_Msg022_Text
         groupname= strComputerDomain
      group_type= L_Msg023_Text
         groupname= strComputerDomain
     End If

end Function

Tags: Microsoft+Hyper-V+Server