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A Tag Cloud control for Windows Phone 7

The tag cloud represents items size according to the sum of their occurences in the list. This is typically the kind of control that you see on blogs, to show the post tags.
When having a large list containing lots of items, the tag cloud can be used for a first filter to avoid sliding in the list for too long.

Here is an example of 2 tag clouds. You can change the background, foreground and the font family of the control. The tag cloud is compatible with both portrait and landscape mode.

  image[19] image[4]

The datasource used by the control is a collection of objects, and uses .ToString() for its representation.

In my case it is a collection of int for the first tag cloud and a collection of string for the second tag cloud. Bind the ItemsSource property of the tag cloud with this collection just like you would for a ListBox.
The font size will be computed automatically, according to the item occurrences in the source list.

Use SelectedItem property or SelectionChanged event to get the selected tag.

In my example, I use a collection of DataSample:

 public class DataSample
    public string City { get; set; }
    public int Year { get; set; }

The datasources of my 2 tag clouds are like follows, where dataSampleList is a collection of DataSample :

ct1.ItemsSource = dataSampleList.Select(d => d.Year);

ct2.ItemsSource = dataSampleList.Select(d => d.City);

In the XAML code, the namespace should be declared like this:


Here is the code to declare the first tag cloud:

 <cloud:TagCloud x:Name="ct1" FontFamily="Georgia"/>
 Here is the second one, added with a TextBlock binded on the SelectedItem of the tag cloud and also handling the SelectionChanged event:
 <cloud:TagCloud x:Name="ct2"

<TextBlock Text="Selected City:"/>
<TextBlock Text="{Binding ElementName=ct2, Path=SelectedItem}"/>

Here is the assembly you should download to use the tag cloud control.

The source code should be available soon in the Coding4Fun Toolkit (thanks Clint Winking smile).