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Accessibility in SharePoint using AKS

I have been really busy over the past few weeks and something I missed last week I thought was worth mentioning.  Lawrence Liu of the product team wrote an excellent article describing the difficulties on providing accessible web sites using MOSS.  It is no secret that Microsoft have been working with HiSoftware to create an addition to SharePoint to provide accessible capabilities and I have blogged about it here before.  What is great to hear is that there is definite support for this direction for the immediate future and also the next version of SharePoint.  Lawrence describes the recent update of the Accessibility Kit for SharePoint (AKS 1.1) and goes on to talk about the next version AKS 2.0 and a new Accessible Rich Text Editor (aRTE).  In addition he makes reference to SharePoint vNext (which internally is being call SharePoint 14 - we skipped 13, I think someone is superstitious).

So check out Lawrence's post on the Microsoft SharePoint Products and Technologies Team Blog at