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MOSSIG Launch a huge success

Last night was the launch of the Microsoft Office System Special Interest Group (MOSSIG), which was a huge success. We had around 50 people registered for this inargural event and about 40 people turned up. This shows that there is a great interest in the new Ofice System. At the end of the night we had a show of hands as to who found the evening enjoyable and interesting and who would attend another MOSSIG event (overwelming support).

It was clear last night that the participants would like a community feel to the SIG, this will involve getting together to discuss and solve real world problems in a group forum, participating in discussion threads and attending presentation evenings like last night.

Some future presentation topics are already in discussions: InfoPath Server 2007 (Ben Walters), Enterprise Content Management in MOSS 2007 (William Cornwill), Workflow in MOSS 2007 (Tim Wragg).

If you have any ideas on what could be presented, if you have experiences you would like to present or if you have any ideas on how the MOSSIG could operate please post comments to this entry.
