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This page contains relevant information regarding the triage dispositions, triage configurations and outcomes.

Capita triage dispositions

Capita’s Clinical Content offers over 30 different dispositions (representing next steps or levels of care for the patient). The dispositions include both the type of service that is required (for example, ED, MD, Dentist) and the timeframe to seek assistance (with nine levels of priority from immediate to nonurgent), ensuring patients are guided to the most appropriate level of care first time. Dispositions include mental health, dentists, diabetes, sexual health, poison control, amongst others.

"capita.triage.dispositions.default.ED": {
    "value": "Attend the Emergency Department as soon as possible",
"capita.triage.dispositions.default.DR6": {
    "value": "Contact Doctor for urgent advice within 6 hours",
"capita.triage.dispositions.default.OBG2": {
    "value": "Contact Midwife or Local Maternity Unit Urgently",
"capita.triage.dispositions.default.OBG6": {
    "value": "Contact Midwife or Local Maternity Unit within 6 hours",
"capita.triage.dispositions.default.TD2": {
    "value": "Contact Doctor for a Telephone Consultation within 2 hours",
"capita.triage.dispositions.default.DR72": {
    "value": "Contact Doctor within 72 hours [the next 1-3 Days]",
"capita.triage.dispositions.default.DR2": {
    "value": "Contact Doctor to be seen within 2 hours",
"capita.triage.dispositions.default.TD6": {
    "value": "Contact Doctor for a Telephone Consultation within 6 hours",
"capita.triage.dispositions.default.SC": {
    "value": "Self-Care Advice",
"capita.triage.dispositions.default.DRR": {
    "value": "Contact Doctor for a Routine Appointment within 2 weeks",
"capita.triage.dispositions.default.MHP": {
    "value": "Get in touch with a mental health provider straight away",
"capita.triage.dispositions.default.TD12": {
    "value": "Contact Doctor for a Telephone Consultation within 12 hours",
"capita.triage.dispositions.default.SAA": {
    "value": "Select an appropriate guide",
"capita.triage.dispositions.default.PHA12": {
    "value": "Refer to Pharmacist 12 hours (same day)",
"capita.triage.dispositions.default.DR12": {
    "value": "Contact Doctor's Office for advice within 12 hours",
"capita.triage.dispositions.default.DEN6": {
    "value": "Arrange Dentist Urgent Appointment",
"capita.triage.dispositions.default.DENR": {
    "value": "Arrange Dentist Routine Appointment",
"capita.triage.dispositions.default.ORT6": {
    "value": "Arrange Urgent Orthodontist Appointment",
"capita.triage.dispositions.default.ORTR": {
    "value": "Arrange Orthodontist Routine Appointment",
"capita.triage.dispositions.default.HVPN": {
    "value": "Contact Health Visitor or Practice Nurse",
"capita.triage.dispositions.default.OPT": {
    "value": "Schedule an appointment to see an Optometrist / Ophthalmologist within the next 24 hours",
"capita.triage.dispositions.default.POD": {
    "value": "Speak to your doctor or diabetes nurse as soon as possible to arrange a referral to a Foot Protection Service or Specialist Podiatrist to get a foot check.",
"capita.triage.dispositions.default.POL": {
    "value": "Contact Police",
"capita.triage.dispositions.default.HI": {
    "value": "Health Information required",
"capita.triage.dispositions.default.SS": {
    "value": "You need to contact social services for the appropriate assistance",
"capita.triage.dispositions.default.HOS": {
    "value": "Contact the Hospital",
"capita.triage.dispositions.default.EC2": {
    "value": "Arrange Emergency Contraception within the next 2 hours",
"capita.triage.dispositions.default.IPS": {
    "value": "Arrange to Speak with an Insulin Pump Specialist",
"capita.triage.dispositions.default.DNS": {
    "value": "Arrange an appointment with your Diabetes Nurse Specialist",
"capita.triage.dispositions.default.PHA1": {
    "value": "Refer to Pharmacist before the next scheduled dose",
"capita.triage.dispositions.default.PHI": {
    "value": "Public Health Information",
"capita.triage.dispositions.default.EA": {
    "value": "Emergency Ambulance",

Capita Triage Configurations

You can pass an optional configuration object to the Capita triage when extending triage in a custom scenario. The configurations override any options you have set in the management portal (Configuration > Medical > Triage > Capita).

Screenshot of passing arguments to Capita subscenario

When passing the arguments to the Capita scenario, you only need the path to the configuration property and the new value (you don't need to include the other information such as the doc or the default). For example, to disable the message that shows the possible causes, you would pass this configuration:

"configuration": {
        "show_causes": false

Below is the full list of the available configurations.

    "feedback": {
        "enabled": {
            "doc": "Should triage activate feedback built in scenario",
            "format": "Boolean",
            "default": true
    "conversation": {
        "gender_prompt_choice": {
            "male": {
                "doc": "Male Choice for prompting the user for her/his gender.",
                "format": "LocalizedString",
                "default": "capita.conversation.gender_prompt_choice.male"
            "female": {
                "doc": "Female Choice for prompting the user for her/his gender.",
                "format": "LocalizedString",
                "default": "capita.conversation.gender_prompt_choice.female"
        "show_rationale": {
            "doc": "An indication whether to show the question rationale or not.",
            "format": "Boolean",
            "default": true
    "triage": {
        "show_triage": {
            "doc": "An indication whether to show the triage outcome or not.",
            "format": "Boolean",
            "default": true
        "show_disposition_title": {
            "doc": "An indication whether to show the triage disposition title or not.",
            "format": "Boolean",
            "default": true
        "suggested_care_mode": {
            "doc": "Buttons allow end-users to expand or collapse each section of the instructions. The text option displays all care instructions as a single continuous message.",
            "format": [
            "default": "Buttons"
        "show_main_suggested_care": {
            "doc": "An indication whether to show the main suggested care or not.",
            "format": "Boolean",
            "default": true
        "show_additional_suggested_care": {
            "doc": "An indication whether to show the additional suggested care or not.",
            "format": "Boolean",
            "default": true
        "show_patient_worsening_fast": {
            "doc": "An indication whether to show the patient worsening instructions or not.",
            "format": "Boolean",
            "default": true
    "symptom_summary": {
        "show_summary": {
            "doc": "An indication whether to show the symptom summary or not.",
            "format": "Boolean",
            "default": true

Capita outcomes

The Capita triage also returns a result object with the important information collected during the assessment. This is an example of a full result object:

    "status": "success",
    "user_details": {
        "ageInDays": 16425,
        "ageText": "45 years",
        "gender": "M",
        "genderText": "Male"
    "questions": [
            "question": {
                "QuestionNumber": 1,
                "Type": "Boolean",
                "ScriptName": "Fever Adult",
                "Title": "Airway and Breathing",
                "Prompt": "Are you or the person you are worried about having any of these problems (which are different from normal):",
                "Preamble": null,
                "Options": [
                        "Text": "Yes",
                        "Value": "1"
                        "Text": "No",
                        "Value": "2"
                        "Text": "Unsure",
                        "Value": "3"
                "InitialValue": "",
                "InternalRationale": "This question will help work out if you or the person you are worried about need emergency treatment.\nMORE INFORMATION\nIf the airway is blocked, you won’t be able to breathe. Blocked airways can happen quickly and can be fatal.\nThe airway can become blocked by a swelling of the throat. This may be caused by a severe allergic reaction, a reaction to animal bites or stings, a reaction to medication, throat infection or an injury to the face, neck or throat. The airway can also be blocked by food, vomit, or, in an unconscious person, by the tongue.\n",
                "Cormobids": [],
                "Medications": [],
                "PromptList": [
                    "Choking and unable to stop, having trouble breathing or feeling that the airways are getting blocked",
                    "Breathing noisily or unable to swallow saliva",
                    "Too breathless to speak or gasping for breath",
                    "Turning blue around the mouth or lips",
                    "Feeling unwell and skin feeling cold and sweaty or is very pale or blotchy",
                    "Unconscious or hard to wake up or keep awake"
                "PreviousAnswer": null,
                "SessionState": "EgMIriUYASACKIkIQgIITUoCCE1SAghNWgIITWIGEE0YASgBagYQTRgBKAE=",
                "Terminology": {},
                "Notes": null
            "response": {
                "Text": "Yes",
                "Value": "1"
    "triage_result": {
        "ScriptName": "Fever Adult",
        "DispositionMessage": "Emergency Ambulance",
        "DispositionCode": "EA",
        "CareInstructions": [
                "Topic": "Call an Ambulance",
                "Instructions": [
                    "Call an ambulance immediately and follow the instructions given by the Call Handler.\n",
                    "Advise the Call Handler if there is any possibility that the patient has been exposed to an infectious disease or virus.\n",
                    "If the person is unconscious but breathing and has no other injuries that would prevent them from being moved, place them on their side until help arrives.\n",
                    "If the person is unconscious, not breathing and has no heartbeat, start chest compressions as explained by the Call Handler.\n",
                    "If the person is awake, do not give them anything to eat or drink until they have been checked by a healthcare professional.\n",
                    "Ensure the person is safe and watch them closely while waiting for the ambulance to arrive.\n",
                    "If you have time, gather any medicines the person takes regularly and any care plans or do not resuscitate orders to help the healthcare professional with their assessment. Also write down the name of the person’s doctor and any allergies they may have.\n",
                    "To allow the ambulance crew access to the house, if you have time, ensure the front door is unlocked and turn on an outdoor light if needed.\n",
                    "Put any cats or dogs in a room with the door closed.\n"
                "Topic": "Airway Concerns",
                "Instructions": [
                    "Sit upright; it may help to rest elbows on a table at the height of the middle of the chest or place hands on hips.\n",
                    "If the person affected is a baby, hold them in an upright position where they are comfortable; this could be sitting on your knee or cradled upright against your chest with their face exposed.\n",
                    "Loosen any tight clothing.\n",
                    "Take slow, steady deep breaths.\n",
                    "Keep calm.\n",
                    "An adult should stay with you or the person concerned, preferably one trained in mouth-to-mouth resuscitation.\n"
                "Topic": "Shock",
                "Instructions": [
                    "Keep the individual calm and quiet and give lots of reassurance until medical care is available.\n",
                    "If the legs or back are not injured and the person concerned shows signs of shock, such as turning blue around the mouth or lips, getting confused, looking very pale or skin feeling cold and sweaty, then get them to lie down with their feet on a cushion or pillow. Cradle a baby in your arms.\n",
                    "If the person concerned is having airway or breathing problems, get them into a position that is comfortable such as sitting in a reclined position.\n",
                    "Loosen any tight clothing.\n",
                    "Cover the individual with a coat or blanket.\n",
                    "Do not give anything to eat or drink.\n",
                    "Stay with the person concerned until medical help arrives.\n",
                    "Monitor the person - if they stop breathing, start cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) if you know how to.\n"
                "Topic": "WORSENING FAST",
                "Instructions": [
                    "WORSENING: If you or the person you are worried about get worse or your condition changes while you are waiting for the ambulance, and you have already hung up on the ambulance service, call them back immediately.\n"
    "initial_complaint": {
        "umlsId": "C0015967",
        "umlsTitle": "Fever"
    "protocol_title": "Fever Adult",
    "summary": "Summary: Here is what you said \nAge: 45 years, Gender: Male \n\n \n \nInitial complaint: \nFever \n \nProtocol: \nFever Adult \n \nQuestion asked (answered "yes"): \nAirway and Breathing \n \nQuestion asked (answered "no" or "unsure"): \n \n"