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Overview of higherEducation

CDM Solution for the 'HIGHEREDUCATION' CDS Solution


Name Description
AcademicPeriod The periods of time in which courses are offered by the institution, such as a term or semester.
AcademicPeriodDetail Status between student and their academic periods.
Accomplishments This entity is used to store the accomplishments of a particular student
Account Business that represents a customer or potential customer. The company that is billed in business transactions.
Address Address and shipping information. Used to store additional addresses for an account or contact.
AreaOfInterest The master list of all area of interests offered by an institution. Areas of interest are higher level subject groupings like astronomy, or business.
AreaOfStudy The master list of all area of studies offered by an institution. Areas of studies are more specific program offerings, such as Master's of Public Administration - Emergency Management.
Contact Person with whom a business unit has a relationship, such as customer, supplier, and colleague.
Course The master list of all courses offered by an institution.
CourseHistory The course history for a student.
CourseSection The relationship between an instructor and a specific course.
EducationLevel The master list of all education levels mapped in the external system, such as Associate of Arts, Bachelor, Certificate.
ExtraCurricularActivity The master list of all extra curricular activities tracked by the institution.
ExtraCurricularParticipant The relationship between a Contact and a specific Extra Curricular Activity.
Grant This entity stores the list of grants offered to a school by all business partners
GrantApplicant This entity is used as an internship application form and to store the list of students who have applied to a particular internship.
GrantApplicationBusinessProcessFlow Base entity for process Grant Application Business Process Flow
Internship This entity stores the list of internships offered to a school by all business partners.
InternshipApplicant This entity is used as an internship application form and to store the list of students who have applied to a particular internship.
InternshipApplicationFlow Base entity for process Internship Application Flow
PreviousEducation The previous education history for a student.
Program The master list of all program levels offered by the institution.
ProgramLevel Collection of all Program Levels offered by the institution
ProgramVersion The master list of all program versions defined by the institution.
ProgramVersionDetail The master list of program versions start dates defined by the institution.
RegistrationStatus The master list of registration statuses tracked by the institution. The registration status is associated to the student course history.
Scholarship This entity stores the list of scholarships offered to a school by all business partners
ScholarshipApplicant This entity is used as an scholarship application form and to store the list of students who have applied to a particular scholarship.
ScholarshipApplicationBusinessProcessFlow Base entity for process Scholarship Application Business Process Flow
StudentProgramType The master list of program types defined by the institution, such as major, minor, or concentration.
StudentStatus The master list of student statuses defined by the institution.
TestScore Test scores for a Student Contact
TestType Type of test taken by a Student Contact