Overview of PropertyandCasualtyDataModel
Property and Casualty Data Model CDM entity definitions
Name | Description |
Account | Business that represents a customer or potential customer. The company that is billed in business transactions. |
Affiliation | A company that contracted the Insurer (sometime via an Agency/Agent) to issue policies under a set of product’s terms and conditions. |
Agency | An office or intermediary where insurance is sold and can be independent or an Insurer office. |
Agent | Information about the Agent, or other insurance representative who has responsibility for selling insurance. |
AgentAgency | Information about the relationship between the Agency and the Agent. |
AgentInsurer | Information about the relationship between the Insurer and the Agent. |
AssetDetail | Details (attributes) extensions to an Insured Asset which varies based on Line of business. e.g., vehicle for Auto insurance, apartment for home insurance. |
AssetDetailCatalog | A definition of an asset detail (attribute) which is later used when extending a Policy Insured Asset’s detail. |
AuthorizedJurisdiction | Country and State where business is authorized/not authorized to be conducted. |
BrokerAgency | Information about the relationship between the broker and its Agency. |
CauseOfLoss | The perils that can trigger damage or loss. Relates to Policy's Coverages, Exclusions and Inclusions. |
CauseOfLossCatalog | The inventory of all cause of loss. |
CauseOfLossLOB | Definition of cause of loss related to Coverages/Exclusions/Inclusion for a Line of business. One or more LOBs comprise a product which is subsequently used to create a Policy. |
Claim | A demand raised by a customer with an active Insurance Policy to recover in the event of a loss that is covered under their Policy. |
ClaimRevision | Captures any updates that happen to the claim incident. |
Contact | Person with whom a business unit has a relationship, such as customer, supplier, and colleague. |
Country | Generic country table. |
Coverage | Protection provided by the Insurer and the level of indemnification provided under an Insurance Policy, example include liability, earthquake, or collision. |
CoverageCatalog | Inventory of all Coverages which are subsequently used to create the Line of business. |
CoverageDetail | Details (attributes) extensions to a Coverage which varies based on Line of business. |
CoverageDetailCatalog | A definition of a Coverage detail (attribute) which is later used when extending a Policy Coverages detail. |
CoverageLOB | Definition of Coverage for a Line of business. One or more LOBs comprise a product which is subsequently used to create a Policy. |
DetailType | The details type provides additional semantics to the Coverage/Insured Assets details, to be used when performing analytics on the details extended information. |
Document | Correspondence document between insurance personas about insurance items. |
DocumentPartyContract | Information about the relationship between the contract (e.g., Policy) and a party, including the party role relating to the document. |
ExclusionInclusion | A provision related to hazards, circumstances, or specific property not covered by the Insurance Policy (related to a Coverage). |
ExclusionInclusionCatalog | Inventory of all Exclusions/Inclusions which are subsequently used to create the Line of business. |
ExclusionInclusionLOB | Definition of provisions related to Coverages for a Line of business. One or more LOBs comprise a product which is subsequently used to create a Policy. |
InsuredAssetClaim | Information about the relationship between the Insured Asset/location and a claim. |
InsuredAssetLocation | Information about an Insured Asset's location. In many cases the asset's location (e.g., car parking lot, mall) are also insured with the asset. |
InsuredAssetLocationAsset | Information about the relationship between the Insured Asset and its location. |
InsuredAutoAsset | Information of an Insured Auto. |
InsuredGenericAsset | Information on a generic insurable item. Insured cars and Homes have specialized tables. The model can be extended by adding other specialized Insured Asset tables. |
InsuredHomeAsset | Information of an Insured Home. |
Insurer | Information about the business that insures or carries the insurance policies. e.g., insurance company. An Insurer can relate to a parent Insurer as in the case of subsidiaries. |
InsurerAgency | Information about the relationship between an Insurer and an Agency. |
LOB | A Line of business definition (Coverages, exclusions, Inclusions, cause of loss, details). One or more LOBs comprise a product which is subsequently used to create a Policy. |
LOBAssetDetailCatalog | Information about the relationship between a Line of business and a detail in the details catalog. This information is subsequently used, in conjunction with Insured Asset/location categories, to create the details extensions for the Insured Assets in the generated Policy. |
LOBCatalog | Inventory of all LOBs which are subsequently used to create the Line of business. |
Payment | Any payment that relates to a Policy, e.g., Policy monthly premium payment from the insured to the Insurer, claim payment from the Insurer to the insured, payment to the tow company for towing a damaged car. |
PaymentParty | Participants of a payment transaction. |
Policy | A contract of insurance between the customer and the Insurer. The Policy relates to a parent Policy. This provides support to different scenarios, e.g., handling Policy amendments (add only the new amendments to a child Policy record) or handling collective policies. |
PolicyAgency | Information about the relationship between an Insurance Policy and Agency. |
PolicyAgent | Information about the relationship between the Agent and a Policy he handles. |
PolicyProduct | Definitions of Policy product. A product is comprised of one or more Line of business. |
PolicyProductLOB | Information about the relationship between a Policy product and one or more lines of business. |
PolicyTransaction | A Policy transaction provides information of each transaction (e.g., amendment) of the Policy. |
ProfessionalLicense | A permit from an authority for insurance professionals, for example to sell insurance policies. |
RelatedPartyContract | A related party having an agreement with an insurance party on a contract. 1. Party:an insurance entity (Insurer, Agent...) 2. Related party:either a 1st party (a law office being insured), or a 3rd party (a law office handling a claim). 3. Contract part - Policy, claim... |
StateProvince | Generic State/Province table. |
TermDocumentCatalog | Reference to terms and conditions applicable to various catalog parts. |
TermDocumentPolicyPart | A helper table to define the relationship between a term document and its Policy part. |