Berechnet den Betrag einer komplexen Zahl.
template <class Type>
Type abs(const complex<Type>& complexNum);
Die komplexe Zahl, deren Betrag bestimmt werden soll
Der Betrag einer komplexen Zahl
Der Betrag einer komplexen Zahl ist ein Maß für die Länge des Vektors, der die komplexe Zahl darstellt. Das Modul einer komplexen Zahl a + bi ist die Quadratwurzel von (a2 + b2), geschrieben |a + bi|. Die Norm einer komplexen Zahl a + bi ist (a2 + b2). Die Norm einer komplexen Zahl entspricht der Quadratwurzel ihres Betrags.
// complex_abs.cpp
// compile with: /EHsc
#include <complex>
#include <iostream>
int main( )
using namespace std;
double pi = 3.14159265359;
// Complex numbers can be entered in polar form with
// modulus and argument parameter inputs but are
// stored in Cartesian form as real & imag coordinates
complex <double> c1 ( polar ( 5.0 ) ); // Default argument = 0
complex <double> c2 ( polar ( 5.0 , pi / 6 ) );
complex <double> c3 ( polar ( 5.0 , 13 * pi / 6 ) );
cout << "c1 = polar ( 5.0 ) = " << c1 << endl;
cout << "c2 = polar ( 5.0 , pi / 6 ) = " << c2 << endl;
cout << "c3 = polar ( 5.0 , 13 * pi / 6 ) = " << c3 << endl;
// The modulus and argument of a complex number can be recovered
// using abs & arg member functions
double absc1 = abs ( c1 );
double argc1 = arg ( c1 );
cout << "The modulus of c1 is recovered from c1 using: abs ( c1 ) = "
<< absc1 << endl;
cout << "Argument of c1 is recovered from c1 using:\n arg ( c1 ) = "
<< argc1 << " radians, which is " << argc1 * 180 / pi
<< " degrees." << endl;
double absc2 = abs ( c2 );
double argc2 = arg ( c2 );
cout << "The modulus of c2 is recovered from c2 using: abs ( c2 ) = "
<< absc2 << endl;
cout << "Argument of c2 is recovered from c2 using:\n arg ( c2 ) = "
<< argc2 << " radians, which is " << argc2 * 180 / pi
<< " degrees." << endl;
// Testing if the principal angles of c2 and c3 are the same
if ( (arg ( c2 ) <= ( arg ( c3 ) + .00000001) ) ||
(arg ( c2 ) >= ( arg ( c3 ) - .00000001) ) )
cout << "The complex numbers c2 & c3 have the "
<< "same principal arguments."<< endl;
cout << "The complex numbers c2 & c3 don't have the "
<< "same principal arguments." << endl;
c1 = polar ( 5.0 ) = (5,0)
c2 = polar ( 5.0 , pi / 6 ) = (4.33013,2.5)
c3 = polar ( 5.0 , 13 * pi / 6 ) = (4.33013,2.5)
The modulus of c1 is recovered from c1 using: abs ( c1 ) = 5
Argument of c1 is recovered from c1 using:
arg ( c1 ) = 0 radians, which is 0 degrees.
The modulus of c2 is recovered from c2 using: abs ( c2 ) = 5
Argument of c2 is recovered from c2 using:
arg ( c2 ) = 0.523599 radians, which is 30 degrees.
The complex numbers c2 & c3 have the same principal arguments.
template<class T> complex<T> acos(const complex<T>&);
template<class T> complex<T> acosh(const complex<T>&);
Extrahiert das Argument aus einer komplexen Zahl.
template <class Type>
Type arg(const complex<Type>& complexNum);
Die komplexe Zahl, deren Argument bestimmt werden soll
Das Argument der komplexen Zahl
Das Argument ist der Winkel, den der komplexe Vektor mit der positiven realen Achse in der komplexen Ebene macht. Bei einer komplexen Zahl a + bi ist das Argument gleich arctan(b/a). Der Winkel ist positiv, wenn er von der positiven realen Achse im Uhrzeigersinn gemessen wird. Er ist negativ, wenn er entgegen dem Uhrzeigersinn gemessen wird. Die Prinzipalwerte sind größer als -pi und kleiner als oder gleich +pi.
// complex_arg.cpp
// compile with: /EHsc
#include <complex>
#include <iostream>
int main( )
using namespace std;
double pi = 3.14159265359;
// Complex numbers can be entered in polar form with
// modulus and argument parameter inputs but are
// stored in Cartesian form as real & imag coordinates
complex <double> c1 ( polar ( 5.0 ) ); // Default argument = 0
complex <double> c2 ( polar ( 5.0 , pi / 6 ) );
complex <double> c3 ( polar ( 5.0 , 13 * pi / 6 ) );
cout << "c1 = polar ( 5.0 ) = " << c1 << endl;
cout << "c2 = polar ( 5.0 , pi / 6 ) = " << c2 << endl;
cout << "c3 = polar ( 5.0 , 13 * pi / 6 ) = " << c3 << endl;
// The modulus and argument of a complex number can be rcovered
// using abs & arg member functions
double absc1 = abs ( c1 );
double argc1 = arg ( c1 );
cout << "The modulus of c1 is recovered from c1 using: abs ( c1 ) = "
<< absc1 << endl;
cout << "Argument of c1 is recovered from c1 using:\n arg ( c1 ) = "
<< argc1 << " radians, which is " << argc1 * 180 / pi
<< " degrees." << endl;
double absc2 = abs ( c2 );
double argc2 = arg ( c2 );
cout << "The modulus of c2 is recovered from c2 using: abs ( c2 ) = "
<< absc2 << endl;
cout << "Argument of c2 is recovered from c2 using:\n arg ( c2 ) = "
<< argc2 << " radians, which is " << argc2 * 180 / pi
<< " degrees." << endl;
// Testing if the principal angles of c2 and c3 are the same
if ( (arg ( c2 ) <= ( arg ( c3 ) + .00000001) ) ||
(arg ( c2 ) >= ( arg ( c3 ) - .00000001) ) )
cout << "The complex numbers c2 & c3 have the "
<< "same principal arguments."<< endl;
cout << "The complex numbers c2 & c3 don't have the "
<< "same principal arguments." << endl;
c1 = polar ( 5.0 ) = (5,0)
c2 = polar ( 5.0 , pi / 6 ) = (4.33013,2.5)
c3 = polar ( 5.0 , 13 * pi / 6 ) = (4.33013,2.5)
The modulus of c1 is recovered from c1 using: abs ( c1 ) = 5
Argument of c1 is recovered from c1 using:
arg ( c1 ) = 0 radians, which is 0 degrees.
The modulus of c2 is recovered from c2 using: abs ( c2 ) = 5
Argument of c2 is recovered from c2 using:
arg ( c2 ) = 0.523599 radians, which is 30 degrees.
The complex numbers c2 & c3 have the same principal arguments.
template<class T> complex<T> asin(const complex<T>&);
template<class T> complex<T> asinh(const complex<T>&);
template<class T> complex<T> atan(const complex<T>&);
template<class T> complex<T> atanh(const complex<T>&);
Gibt die konjugierte Zahl einer komplexen Zahl zurück.
template <class Type>
complex<Type> conj(const complex<Type>& complexNum);
Die komplexe Zahl, deren konjugierte Zahl zurückgegeben wird
Die konjugierte Zahl einer komplexen Eingabezahl
Das komplexe Konjugat einer komplexen Zahl a + bi ist ein - bi. Das Produkt einer komplexen Zahl und ihrer konjugierten Zahl entspricht der Norm der Zahl a2 + b2.
// complex_conj.cpp
// compile with: /EHsc
#include <complex>
#include <iostream>
int main( )
using namespace std;
complex <double> c1 ( 4.0 , 3.0 );
cout << "The complex number c1 = " << c1 << endl;
double dr1 = real ( c1 );
cout << "The real part of c1 is real ( c1 ) = "
<< dr1 << "." << endl;
double di1 = imag ( c1 );
cout << "The imaginary part of c1 is imag ( c1 ) = "
<< di1 << "." << endl;
complex <double> c2 = conj ( c1 );
cout << "The complex conjugate of c1 is c2 = conj ( c1 )= "
<< c2 << endl;
double dr2 = real ( c2 );
cout << "The real part of c2 is real ( c2 ) = "
<< dr2 << "." << endl;
double di2 = imag ( c2 );
cout << "The imaginary part of c2 is imag ( c2 ) = "
<< di2 << "." << endl;
// The real part of the product of a complex number
// and its conjugate is the norm of the number
complex <double> c3 = c1 * c2;
cout << "The norm of (c1 * conj (c1) ) is c1 * c2 = "
<< real( c3 ) << endl;
The complex number c1 = (4,3)
The real part of c1 is real ( c1 ) = 4.
The imaginary part of c1 is imag ( c1 ) = 3.
The complex conjugate of c1 is c2 = conj ( c1 )= (4,-3)
The real part of c2 is real ( c2 ) = 4.
The imaginary part of c2 is imag ( c2 ) = -3.
The norm of (c1 * conj (c1) ) is c1 * c2 = 25
Gibt den Kosinus einer komplexen Zahl zurück.
template <class Type>
complex<Type> cos(const complex<Type>& complexNum);
Die komplexe Zahl, deren Kosinus bestimmt wird
Die komplexe Zahl, die dem Kosinus der eingegebenen komplexen Zahl entspricht
Identitäten, die komplexe Kosinus definieren:
cos (z) = (1/2)*(exp (iz) + exp (- iz) )
cos (z) = cos (a + bi) = cos (a) cosh ( b) - isin (a) sinh (b)
// complex_cos.cpp
// compile with: /EHsc
#include <vector>
#include <complex>
#include <iostream>
int main( )
using namespace std;
double pi = 3.14159265359;
complex <double> c1 ( 3.0 , 4.0 );
cout << "Complex number c1 = " << c1 << endl;
// Values of cosine of a complex number c1
complex <double> c2 = cos ( c1 );
cout << "Complex number c2 = cos ( c1 ) = " << c2 << endl;
double absc2 = abs ( c2 );
double argc2 = arg ( c2 );
cout << "The modulus of c2 is: " << absc2 << endl;
cout << "The argument of c2 is: "<< argc2 << " radians, which is "
<< argc2 * 180 / pi << " degrees." << endl << endl;
// Cosines of the standard angles in the first
// two quadrants of the complex plane
vector <complex <double> > v1;
vector <complex <double> >::iterator Iter1;
complex <double> vc1 ( polar (1.0, pi / 6) );
v1.push_back( cos ( vc1 ) );
complex <double> vc2 ( polar (1.0, pi / 3) );
v1.push_back( cos ( vc2 ) );
complex <double> vc3 ( polar (1.0, pi / 2) );
v1.push_back( cos ( vc3) );
complex <double> vc4 ( polar (1.0, 2 * pi / 3) );
v1.push_back( cos ( vc4 ) );
complex <double> vc5 ( polar (1.0, 5 * pi / 6) );
v1.push_back( cos ( vc5 ) );
complex <double> vc6 ( polar (1.0, pi ) );
v1.push_back( cos ( vc6 ) );
cout << "The complex components cos (vci), where abs (vci) = 1"
<< "\n& arg (vci) = i * pi / 6 of the vector v1 are:\n" ;
for ( Iter1 = v1.begin( ) ; Iter1 != v1.end( ) ; Iter1++ )
cout << *Iter1 << endl;
Complex number c1 = (3,4)
Complex number c2 = cos ( c1 ) = (-27.0349,-3.85115)
The modulus of c2 is: 27.3079
The argument of c2 is: -3.00009 radians, which is -171.893 degrees.
The complex components cos (vci), where abs (vci) = 1
& arg (vci) = i * pi / 6 of the vector v1 are:
Gibt den Kosinus Hyperbolicus einer komplexen Zahl zurück.
template <class Type>
complex<Type> cosh(const complex<Type>& complexNum);
Die komplexe Zahl, deren Kosinus Hyperbolicus bestimmt wird
Die komplexe Zahl, die dem Kosinus Hyperbolicus der eingegebenen komplexen Zahl entspricht
Identitäten, die komplexe Kosinus Hyperbolicus definieren:
cos (z) = (1/2)*( exp (z) + exp (- z) )
cos (z) = Cosh (a + bi) = cosh (a) cos (b) + isinh (a) Sin (b)
// complex_cosh.cpp
// compile with: /EHsc
#include <vector>
#include <complex>
#include <iostream>
int main( )
using namespace std;
double pi = 3.14159265359;
complex <double> c1 ( 3.0 , 4.0 );
cout << "Complex number c1 = " << c1 << endl;
// Values of cosine of a complex number c1
complex <double> c2 = cosh ( c1 );
cout << "Complex number c2 = cosh ( c1 ) = " << c2 << endl;
double absc2 = abs ( c2 );
double argc2 = arg ( c2 );
cout << "The modulus of c2 is: " << absc2 << endl;
cout << "The argument of c2 is: "<< argc2 << " radians, which is "
<< argc2 * 180 / pi << " degrees." << endl << endl;
// Hyperbolic cosines of the standard angles
// in the first two quadrants of the complex plane
vector <complex <double> > v1;
vector <complex <double> >::iterator Iter1;
complex <double> vc1 ( polar (1.0, pi / 6) );
v1.push_back( cosh ( vc1 ) );
complex <double> vc2 ( polar (1.0, pi / 3) );
v1.push_back( cosh ( vc2 ) );
complex <double> vc3 ( polar (1.0, pi / 2) );
v1.push_back( cosh ( vc3) );
complex <double> vc4 ( polar (1.0, 2 * pi / 3) );
v1.push_back( cosh ( vc4 ) );
complex <double> vc5 ( polar (1.0, 5 * pi / 6) );
v1.push_back( cosh ( vc5 ) );
complex <double> vc6 ( polar (1.0, pi ) );
v1.push_back( cosh ( vc6 ) );
cout << "The complex components cosh (vci), where abs (vci) = 1"
<< "\n& arg (vci) = i * pi / 6 of the vector v1 are:\n" ;
for ( Iter1 = v1.begin( ) ; Iter1 != v1.end( ) ; Iter1++ )
cout << *Iter1 << endl;
Complex number c1 = (3,4)
Complex number c2 = cosh ( c1 ) = (-6.58066,-7.58155)
The modulus of c2 is: 10.0392
The argument of c2 is: -2.28564 radians, which is -130.957 degrees.
The complex components cosh (vci), where abs (vci) = 1
& arg (vci) = i * pi / 6 of the vector v1 are:
Gibt die Exponentialfunktion einer komplexen Zahl zurück.
template <class Type>
complex<Type> exp(const complex<Type>& complexNum);
Die komplexe Zahl, deren Exponentialfunktion bestimmt wird
Die komplexe Zahl, die der Exponentialfunktion der eingegebenen komplexen Zahl entspricht
// complex_exp.cpp
// compile with: /EHsc
#include <vector>
#include <complex>
#include <iostream>
int main() {
using namespace std;
double pi = 3.14159265359;
complex <double> c1 ( 1 , pi/6 );
cout << "Complex number c1 = " << c1 << endl;
// Value of exponential of a complex number c1:
// note the argument of c2 is determined by the
// imaginary part of c1 & the modulus by the real part
complex <double> c2 = exp ( c1 );
cout << "Complex number c2 = exp ( c1 ) = " << c2 << endl;
double absc2 = abs ( c2 );
double argc2 = arg ( c2 );
cout << "The modulus of c2 is: " << absc2 << endl;
cout << "The argument of c2 is: "<< argc2 << " radians, which is "
<< argc2 * 180 / pi << " degrees." << endl << endl;
// Exponentials of the standard angles
// in the first two quadrants of the complex plane
vector <complex <double> > v1;
vector <complex <double> >::iterator Iter1;
complex <double> vc1 ( 0.0 , -pi );
v1.push_back( exp ( vc1 ) );
complex <double> vc2 ( 0.0, -2 * pi / 3 );
v1.push_back( exp ( vc2 ) );
complex <double> vc3 ( 0.0, 0.0 );
v1.push_back( exp ( vc3 ) );
complex <double> vc4 ( 0.0, pi / 3 );
v1.push_back( exp ( vc4 ) );
complex <double> vc5 ( 0.0 , 2 * pi / 3 );
v1.push_back( exp ( vc5 ) );
complex <double> vc6 ( 0.0, pi );
v1.push_back( exp ( vc6 ) );
cout << "The complex components exp (vci), where abs (vci) = 1"
<< "\n& arg (vci) = i * pi / 3 of the vector v1 are:\n" ;
for ( Iter1 = v1.begin() ; Iter1 != v1.end() ; Iter1++ )
cout << ( * Iter1 ) << "\n with argument = "
<< ( 180/pi ) * arg ( *Iter1 )
<< " degrees\n modulus = "
<< abs ( * Iter1 ) << endl;
Extrahiert die imaginäre Komponente einer komplexen Zahl.
template <class Type>
Type imag(const complex<Type>& complexNum);
Die komplexe Zahl, deren reeller Teil extrahiert werden soll.
Der imaginäre Teil der komplexen Zahl als globale Funktion.
Diese Vorlagenfunktion kann nicht zum Ändern des reellen Teils der komplexen Zahl verwendet werden. Dem Komponentenwert muss eine neue komplexe Zahl zugewiesen werden, um den reellen Teil zu ändern.
// complexc_imag.cpp
// compile with: /EHsc
#include <complex>
#include <iostream>
int main( )
using namespace std;
complex <double> c1 ( 4.0 , 3.0 );
cout << "The complex number c1 = " << c1 << endl;
double dr1 = real ( c1 );
cout << "The real part of c1 is real ( c1 ) = "
<< dr1 << "." << endl;
double di1 = imag ( c1 );
cout << "The imaginary part of c1 is imag ( c1 ) = "
<< di1 << "." << endl;
The complex number c1 = (4,3)
The real part of c1 is real ( c1 ) = 4.
The imaginary part of c1 is imag ( c1 ) = 3.
Gibt den natürlichen Logarithmus einer komplexen Zahl zurück.
template <class Type>
complex<Type> log(const complex<Type>& complexNum);
Die komplexe Zahl, deren natürlicher Logarithmus bestimmt wird
Die komplexe Zahl, die dem natürlichen Logarithmus der eingegebenen komplexen Zahl entspricht
Die Achsenabschnitte liegen auf der negativen reellen Achse.
// complex_log.cpp
// compile with: /EHsc
#include <vector>
#include <complex>
#include <iostream>
int main() {
using namespace std;
double pi = 3.14159265359;
complex <double> c1 ( 3.0 , 4.0 );
cout << "Complex number c1 = " << c1 << endl;
// Values of log of a complex number c1
complex <double> c2 = log ( c1 );
cout << "Complex number c2 = log ( c1 ) = " << c2 << endl;
double absc2 = abs ( c2 );
double argc2 = arg ( c2 );
cout << "The modulus of c2 is: " << absc2 << endl;
cout << "The argument of c2 is: "<< argc2 << " radians, which is "
<< argc2 * 180 / pi << " degrees." << endl << endl;
// log of the standard angles
// in the first two quadrants of the complex plane
vector <complex <double> > v1;
vector <complex <double> >::iterator Iter1;
complex <double> vc1 ( polar (1.0, pi / 6) );
v1.push_back( log ( vc1 ) );
complex <double> vc2 ( polar (1.0, pi / 3) );
v1.push_back( log ( vc2 ) );
complex <double> vc3 ( polar (1.0, pi / 2) );
v1.push_back( log ( vc3) );
complex <double> vc4 ( polar (1.0, 2 * pi / 3) );
v1.push_back( log ( vc4 ) );
complex <double> vc5 ( polar (1.0, 5 * pi / 6) );
v1.push_back( log ( vc5 ) );
complex <double> vc6 ( polar (1.0, pi ) );
v1.push_back( log ( vc6 ) );
cout << "The complex components log (vci), where abs (vci) = 1 "
<< "\n& arg (vci) = i * pi / 6 of the vector v1 are:\n" ;
for ( Iter1 = v1.begin() ; Iter1 != v1.end() ; Iter1++ )
cout << *Iter1 << " " << endl;
Gibt den Zehnerlogarithmus einer komplexen Zahl zurück.
template <class Type>
complex<Type> log10(const complex<Type>& complexNum);
Die komplexe Zahl, deren Zehnerlogarithmus bestimmt wird
Die komplexe Zahl, die dem Zehnerlogarithmus der eingegebenen komplexen Zahl entspricht
Die Achsenabschnitte liegen auf der negativen reellen Achse.
// complex_log10.cpp
// compile with: /EHsc
#include <vector>
#include <complex>
#include <iostream>
int main() {
using namespace std;
double pi = 3.14159265359;
complex <double> c1 ( 3.0 , 4.0 );
cout << "Complex number c1 = " << c1 << endl;
// Values of log10 of a complex number c1
complex <double> c2 = log10 ( c1 );
cout << "Complex number c2 = log10 ( c1 ) = " << c2 << endl;
double absc2 = abs ( c2 );
double argc2 = arg ( c2 );
cout << "The modulus of c2 is: " << absc2 << endl;
cout << "The argument of c2 is: "<< argc2 << " radians, which is "
<< argc2 * 180 / pi << " degrees." << endl << endl;
// log10 of the standard angles
// in the first two quadrants of the complex plane
vector <complex <double> > v1;
vector <complex <double> >::iterator Iter1;
complex <double> vc1 ( polar (1.0, pi / 6) );
v1.push_back( log10 ( vc1 ) );
complex <double> vc2 ( polar (1.0, pi / 3) );
v1.push_back( log10 ( vc2 ) );
complex <double> vc3 ( polar (1.0, pi / 2) );
v1.push_back( log10 ( vc3) );
complex <double> vc4 ( polar (1.0, 2 * pi / 3) );
v1.push_back( log10 ( vc4 ) );
complex <double> vc5 ( polar (1.0, 5 * pi / 6) );
v1.push_back( log10 ( vc5 ) );
complex <double> vc6 ( polar (1.0, pi ) );
v1.push_back( log10 ( vc6 ) );
cout << "The complex components log10 (vci), where abs (vci) = 1"
<< "\n& arg (vci) = i * pi / 6 of the vector v1 are:\n" ;
for ( Iter1 = v1.begin( ) ; Iter1 != v1.end( ) ; Iter1++ )
cout << *Iter1 << endl;
Extrahiert die Norm einer komplexen Zahl.
template <class Type>
Type norm(const complex<Type>& complexNum);
Die komplexe Zahl, deren Norm bestimmt werden soll
Die Norm einer komplexen Zahl
Die Norm einer komplexen Zahl a + bi ist (a2 + b2). Die Norm einer komplexen Zahl entspricht der Quadratwurzel ihres Betrags. Der Betrag einer komplexen Zahl ist ein Maß für die Länge des Vektors, der die komplexe Zahl darstellt. Das Modul einer komplexen Zahl a + bi ist die Quadratwurzel von (a2 + b2), geschrieben |a + bi|.
// complex_norm.cpp
// compile with: /EHsc
#include <complex>
#include <iostream>
int main( )
using namespace std;
double pi = 3.14159265359;
// Complex numbers can be entered in polar form with
// modulus and argument parameter inputs but are
// stored in Cartesian form as real & imag coordinates
complex <double> c1 ( polar ( 5.0 ) ); // Default argument = 0
complex <double> c2 ( polar ( 5.0 , pi / 6 ) );
complex <double> c3 ( polar ( 5.0 , 13 * pi / 6 ) );
cout << "c1 = polar ( 5.0 ) = " << c1 << endl;
cout << "c2 = polar ( 5.0 , pi / 6 ) = " << c2 << endl;
cout << "c3 = polar ( 5.0 , 13 * pi / 6 ) = " << c3 << endl;
if ( (arg ( c2 ) <= ( arg ( c3 ) + .00000001) ) ||
(arg ( c2 ) >= ( arg ( c3 ) - .00000001) ) )
cout << "The complex numbers c2 & c3 have the "
<< "same principal arguments."<< endl;
cout << "The complex numbers c2 & c3 don't have the "
<< "same principal arguments." << endl;
// The modulus and argument of a complex number can be recovered
double absc2 = abs ( c2 );
double argc2 = arg ( c2 );
cout << "The modulus of c2 is recovered from c2 using: abs ( c2 ) = "
<< absc2 << endl;
cout << "Argument of c2 is recovered from c2 using:\n arg ( c2 ) = "
<< argc2 << " radians, which is " << argc2 * 180 / pi
<< " degrees." << endl;
// The norm of a complex number is the square of its modulus
double normc2 = norm ( c2 );
double sqrtnormc2 = sqrt ( normc2 );
cout << "The norm of c2 given by: norm ( c2 ) = " << normc2 << endl;
cout << "The modulus of c2 is the square root of the norm: "
<< "sqrt ( normc2 ) = " << sqrtnormc2 << ".";
c1 = polar ( 5.0 ) = (5,0)
c2 = polar ( 5.0 , pi / 6 ) = (4.33013,2.5)
c3 = polar ( 5.0 , 13 * pi / 6 ) = (4.33013,2.5)
The complex numbers c2 & c3 have the same principal arguments.
The modulus of c2 is recovered from c2 using: abs ( c2 ) = 5
Argument of c2 is recovered from c2 using:
arg ( c2 ) = 0.523599 radians, which is 30 degrees.
The norm of c2 given by: norm ( c2 ) = 25
The modulus of c2 is the square root of the norm: sqrt ( normc2 ) = 5.
Gibt die komplexe Zahl, die einem angegebenen Betrag und Argument entspricht, in kartesischer Form zurück.
template <class Type>
complex<Type> polar(const Type& _Modulus, const Type& _Argument = 0);
Der Betrag der komplexen Zahl, die eingegeben wird
Das Argument der komplexen Zahl, die eingegeben wird
Kartesische Form der komplexen Zahl, die in Polarform dargestellt wird
Die polare Form einer komplexen Zahl liefert das Modulus r und das Argument p, wobei diese Parameter mit den realen und imaginären kartesischen Komponenten a und b durch die Gleichungen a = r * cos p und b = * sin p zusammenhängen.
// complex_polar.cpp
// compile with: /EHsc
#include <complex>
#include <iostream>
int main( )
using namespace std;
double pi = 3.14159265359;
// Complex numbers can be entered in polar form with
// modulus and argument parameter inputs but are
// stored in Cartesian form as real & imag coordinates
complex <double> c1 ( polar ( 5.0 ) ); // Default argument = 0
complex <double> c2 ( polar ( 5.0 , pi / 6 ) );
complex <double> c3 ( polar ( 5.0 , 13 * pi / 6 ) );
cout << "c1 = polar ( 5.0 ) = " << c1 << endl;
cout << "c2 = polar ( 5.0 , pi / 6 ) = " << c2 << endl;
cout << "c3 = polar ( 5.0 , 13 * pi / 6 ) = " << c3 << endl;
if ( (arg ( c2 ) <= ( arg ( c3 ) + .00000001) ) ||
(arg ( c2 ) >= ( arg ( c3 ) - .00000001) ) )
cout << "The complex numbers c2 & c3 have the "
<< "same principal arguments."<< endl;
cout << "The complex numbers c2 & c3 don't have the "
<< "same principal arguments." << endl;
// the modulus and argument of a complex number can be rcovered
double absc2 = abs ( c2 );
double argc2 = arg ( c2 );
cout << "The modulus of c2 is recovered from c2 using: abs ( c2 ) = "
<< absc2 << endl;
cout << "Argument of c2 is recovered from c2 using:\n arg ( c2 ) = "
<< argc2 << " radians, which is " << argc2 * 180 / pi
<< " degrees." << endl;
c1 = polar ( 5.0 ) = (5,0)
c2 = polar ( 5.0 , pi / 6 ) = (4.33013,2.5)
c3 = polar ( 5.0 , 13 * pi / 6 ) = (4.33013,2.5)
The complex numbers c2 & c3 have the same principal arguments.
The modulus of c2 is recovered from c2 using: abs ( c2 ) = 5
Argument of c2 is recovered from c2 using:
arg ( c2 ) = 0.523599 radians, which is 30 degrees.
Wertet die komplexe Zahl aus, die sich dadurch ergibt, dass eine Basis, die eine komplexe Zahl ist, mit einer anderen komplexen Zahl potenziert wird.
template <class Type>
complex<Type> pow(const complex<Type>& _Base, int _Power);
template <class Type>
complex<Type> pow(const complex<Type>& _Base, const Type& _Power);
template <class Type>
complex<Type> pow(const complex<Type>& _Base, const complex<Type>& _Power);
template <class Type>
complex<Type> pow(const Type& _Base, const complex<Type>& _Power);
Die komplexe Zahl oder Zahl vom Parametertyp einer komplexen Zahl, die als Basis für die Potenzierung durch eine Memberfunktion dient
Ganze Zahl oder komplexe Zahl oder Zahl vom Parametertyp einer komplexen Zahl, die als Basis für die Potenzierung durch eine Memberfunktion dient
Die komplexe Zahl, die sich durch die angegebene Potenzierung der angegebenen Basis ergibt
Die Funktionen konvertieren beide Operanden in den Rückgabetyp und übergeben die konvertierten linksseitigen Werte an die rechtsseitige Potenzfunktion.
Der Achsenabschnitt liegt auf der negativen reellen Achse.
// complex_pow.cpp
// compile with: /EHsc
#include <complex>
#include <iostream>
int main( )
using namespace std;
double pi = 3.14159265359;
// First member function
// type complex<double> base & type integer power
complex <double> cb1 ( 3 , 4);
int cp1 = 2;
complex <double> ce1 = pow ( cb1 ,cp1 );
cout << "Complex number for base cb1 = " << cb1 << endl;
cout << "Integer for power = " << cp1 << endl;
cout << "Complex number returned from complex base and integer power:"
<< "\n ce1 = cb1 ^ cp1 = " << ce1 << endl;
double absce1 = abs ( ce1 );
double argce1 = arg ( ce1 );
cout << "The modulus of ce1 is: " << absce1 << endl;
cout << "The argument of ce1 is: "<< argce1 << " radians, which is "
<< argce1 * 180 / pi << " degrees." << endl << endl;
// Second member function
// type complex<double> base & type double power
complex <double> cb2 ( 3 , 4 );
double cp2 = pi;
complex <double> ce2 = pow ( cb2 ,cp2 );
cout << "Complex number for base cb2 = " << cb2 << endl;
cout << "Type double for power cp2 = pi = " << cp2 << endl;
cout << "Complex number returned from complex base and double power:"
<< "\n ce2 = cb2 ^ cp2 = " << ce2 << endl;
double absce2 = abs ( ce2 );
double argce2 = arg ( ce2 );
cout << "The modulus of ce2 is: " << absce2 << endl;
cout << "The argument of ce2 is: "<< argce2 << " radians, which is "
<< argce2 * 180 / pi << " degrees." << endl << endl;
// Third member function
// type complex<double> base & type complex<double> power
complex <double> cb3 ( 3 , 4 );
complex <double> cp3 ( -2 , 1 );
complex <double> ce3 = pow ( cb3 ,cp3 );
cout << "Complex number for base cb3 = " << cb3 << endl;
cout << "Complex number for power cp3= " << cp3 << endl;
cout << "Complex number returned from complex base and complex power:"
<< "\n ce3 = cb3 ^ cp3 = " << ce3 << endl;
double absce3 = abs ( ce3 );
double argce3 = arg ( ce3 );
cout << "The modulus of ce3 is: " << absce3 << endl;
cout << "The argument of ce3 is: "<< argce3 << " radians, which is "
<< argce3 * 180 / pi << " degrees." << endl << endl;
// Fourth member function
// type double base & type complex<double> power
double cb4 = pi;
complex <double> cp4 ( 2 , -1 );
complex <double> ce4 = pow ( cb4 ,cp4 );
cout << "Type double for base cb4 = pi = " << cb4 << endl;
cout << "Complex number for power cp4 = " << cp4 << endl;
cout << "Complex number returned from double base and complex power:"
<< "\n ce4 = cb4 ^ cp4 = " << ce4 << endl;
double absce4 = abs ( ce4 );
double argce4 = arg ( ce4 );
cout << "The modulus of ce4 is: " << absce4 << endl;
cout << "The argument of ce4 is: "<< argce4 << " radians, which is "
<< argce4 * 180 / pi << " degrees." << endl << endl;
Complex number for base cb1 = (3,4)
Integer for power = 2
Complex number returned from complex base and integer power:
ce1 = cb1 ^ cp1 = (-7,24)
The modulus of ce1 is: 25
The argument of ce1 is: 1.85459 radians, which is 106.26 degrees.
Complex number for base cb2 = (3,4)
Type double for power cp2 = pi = 3.14159
Complex number returned from complex base and double power:
ce2 = cb2 ^ cp2 = (-152.915,35.5475)
The modulus of ce2 is: 156.993
The argument of ce2 is: 2.91318 radians, which is 166.913 degrees.
Complex number for base cb3 = (3,4)
Complex number for power cp3= (-2,1)
Complex number returned from complex base and complex power:
ce3 = cb3 ^ cp3 = (0.0153517,-0.00384077)
The modulus of ce3 is: 0.0158249
The argument of ce3 is: -0.245153 radians, which is -14.0462 degrees.
Type double for base cb4 = pi = 3.14159
Complex number for power cp4 = (2,-1)
Complex number returned from double base and complex power:
ce4 = cb4 ^ cp4 = (4.07903,-8.98725)
The modulus of ce4 is: 9.8696
The argument of ce4 is: -1.14473 radians, which is -65.5882 degrees.
template<class T> complex<T> proj(const complex<T>&);
Extrahiert die reelle Komponente einer komplexen Zahl.
template <class Type>
Type real(const complex<Type>& complexNum);
Die komplexe Zahl, deren reeller Teil extrahiert werden soll.
Der reelle Teil der komplexen Zahl als globale Funktion.
Diese Vorlagenfunktion kann nicht zum Ändern des reellen Teils der komplexen Zahl verwendet werden. Dem Komponentenwert muss eine neue komplexe Zahl zugewiesen werden, um den reellen Teil zu ändern.
// complex_real.cpp
// compile with: /EHsc
#include <complex>
#include <iostream>
int main( )
using namespace std;
complex <double> c1 ( 4.0 , 3.0 );
cout << "The complex number c1 = " << c1 << endl;
double dr1 = real ( c1 );
cout << "The real part of c1 is real ( c1 ) = "
<< dr1 << "." << endl;
double di1 = imag ( c1 );
cout << "The imaginary part of c1 is imag ( c1 ) = "
<< di1 << "." << endl;
The complex number c1 = (4,3)
The real part of c1 is real ( c1 ) = 4.
The imaginary part of c1 is imag ( c1 ) = 3.
Gibt den Sinus einer komplexen Zahl zurück.
template <class Type>
complex<Type> sin(const complex<Type>& complexNum);
Die komplexe Zahl, deren Sinus bestimmt wird
Die komplexe Zahl, die dem Sinus der eingegebenen komplexen Zahl entspricht
Identitäten, die komplexe Sinus definieren:
sin (z) = (1/2 i)*( exp (iz) - exp (- iz) )
sin (z) = sin (a + bi) = sin (a) cosh (b) + icos (a) sinh (b)
// complex_sin.cpp
// compile with: /EHsc
#include <vector>
#include <complex>
#include <iostream>
int main( )
using namespace std;
double pi = 3.14159265359;
complex <double> c1 ( 3.0 , 4.0 );
cout << "Complex number c1 = " << c1 << endl;
// Values of sine of a complex number c1
complex <double> c2 = sin ( c1 );
cout << "Complex number c2 = sin ( c1 ) = " << c2 << endl;
double absc2 = abs ( c2 );
double argc2 = arg ( c2 );
cout << "The modulus of c2 is: " << absc2 << endl;
cout << "The argument of c2 is: "<< argc2 << " radians, which is "
<< argc2 * 180 / pi << " degrees." << endl << endl;
// sines of the standard angles in the first
// two quadrants of the complex plane
vector <complex <double> > v1;
vector <complex <double> >::iterator Iter1;
complex <double> vc1 ( polar ( 1.0, pi / 6 ) );
v1.push_back( sin ( vc1 ) );
complex <double> vc2 ( polar ( 1.0, pi / 3 ) );
v1.push_back( sin ( vc2 ) );
complex <double> vc3 ( polar ( 1.0, pi / 2 ) );
v1.push_back( sin ( vc3 ) );
complex <double> vc4 ( polar ( 1.0, 2 * pi / 3 ) );
v1.push_back( sin ( vc4 ) );
complex <double> vc5 ( polar ( 1.0, 5 * pi / 6 ) );
v1.push_back( sin ( vc5 ) );
complex <double> vc6 ( polar ( 1.0, pi ) );
v1.push_back( sin ( vc6 ) );
cout << "The complex components sin (vci), where abs (vci) = 1"
<< "\n& arg (vci) = i * pi / 6 of the vector v1 are:\n" ;
for ( Iter1 = v1.begin( ) ; Iter1 != v1.end( ) ; Iter1++ )
cout << *Iter1 << endl;
Complex number c1 = (3,4)
Complex number c2 = sin ( c1 ) = (3.85374,-27.0168)
The modulus of c2 is: 27.2903
The argument of c2 is: -1.42911 radians, which is -81.882 degrees.
The complex components sin (vci), where abs (vci) = 1
& arg (vci) = i * pi / 6 of the vector v1 are:
Gibt den Sinus Hyperbolicus einer komplexen Zahl zurück.
template <class Type>
complex<Type> sinh(const complex<Type>& complexNum);
Die komplexe Zahl, deren Sinus Hyperbolicus bestimmt wird
Die komplexe Zahl, die dem Sinus Hyperbolicus der eingegebenen komplexen Zahl entspricht
Identitäten, die die komplexen Sinus Hyperbolicus definieren:
sinh (z) = (1/2)*( exp (z) - exp (- z) )
sinh (z) = sinh (a + bi) = sinh (a) cos (b) + icosh (a) sin (b)
// complex_sinh.cpp
// compile with: /EHsc
#include <vector>
#include <complex>
#include <iostream>
int main( )
using namespace std;
double pi = 3.14159265359;
complex <double> c1 ( 3.0 , 4.0 );
cout << "Complex number c1 = " << c1 << endl;
// Values of sine of a complex number c1
complex <double> c2 = sinh ( c1 );
cout << "Complex number c2 = sinh ( c1 ) = " << c2 << endl;
double absc2 = abs ( c2 );
double argc2 = arg ( c2 );
cout << "The modulus of c2 is: " << absc2 << endl;
cout << "The argument of c2 is: "<< argc2 << " radians, which is "
<< argc2 * 180 / pi << " degrees." << endl << endl;
// Hyperbolic sines of the standard angles in
// the first two quadrants of the complex plane
vector <complex <double> > v1;
vector <complex <double> >::iterator Iter1;
complex <double> vc1 ( polar ( 1.0, pi / 6 ) );
v1.push_back( sinh ( vc1 ) );
complex <double> vc2 ( polar ( 1.0, pi / 3 ) );
v1.push_back( sinh ( vc2 ) );
complex <double> vc3 ( polar ( 1.0, pi / 2 ) );
v1.push_back( sinh ( vc3) );
complex <double> vc4 ( polar ( 1.0, 2 * pi / 3 ) );
v1.push_back( sinh ( vc4 ) );
complex <double> vc5 ( polar ( 1.0, 5 * pi / 6 ) );
v1.push_back( sinh ( vc5 ) );
complex <double> vc6 ( polar ( 1.0, pi ) );
v1.push_back( sinh ( vc6 ) );
cout << "The complex components sinh (vci), where abs (vci) = 1"
<< "\n& arg (vci) = i * pi / 6 of the vector v1 are:\n" ;
for ( Iter1 = v1.begin( ) ; Iter1 != v1.end( ) ; Iter1++ )
cout << *Iter1 << endl;
Complex number c1 = (3,4)
Complex number c2 = sinh ( c1 ) = (-6.54812,-7.61923)
The modulus of c2 is: 10.0464
The argument of c2 is: -2.28073 radians, which is -130.676 degrees.
The complex components sinh (vci), where abs (vci) = 1
& arg (vci) = i * pi / 6 of the vector v1 are:
Berechnet die Quadratwurzel einer komplexen Zahl
template <class Type>
complex<Type> sqrt(const complex<Type>& complexNum);
Die komplexe Zahl, deren Quadratwurzel bestimmt werden soll
Die Quadratwurzel einer komplexen Zahl
Die Quadratwurzel hat einen Phasenwinkel im halb geöffneten Intervall (-Pi/2 und Pi/2].
Die Achsenabschnitte in der komplexen Ebene liegen auf der negativen reellen Achse.
Die Quadratwurzel einer komplexen Zahl hat einen Betrag, der der Quadratwurzel des Betrages der Eingabezahl entspricht, und ein Argument, das der Hälfte der Eingabezahl entspricht.
// complex_sqrt.cpp
// compile with: /EHsc
#include <complex>
#include <iostream>
int main( )
using namespace std;
double pi = 3.14159265359;
// Complex numbers can be entered in polar form with
// modulus and argument parameter inputs but are
// stored in Cartesian form as real & imag coordinates
complex <double> c1 ( polar ( 25.0 , pi / 2 ) );
complex <double> c2 = sqrt ( c1 );
cout << "c1 = polar ( 5.0 ) = " << c1 << endl;
cout << "c2 = sqrt ( c1 ) = " << c2 << endl;
// The modulus and argument of a complex number can be recovered
double absc2 = abs ( c2 );
double argc2 = arg ( c2 );
cout << "The modulus of c2 is recovered from c2 using: abs ( c2 ) = "
<< absc2 << endl;
cout << "Argument of c2 is recovered from c2 using:\n arg ( c2 ) = "
<< argc2 << " radians, which is " << argc2 * 180 / pi
<< " degrees." << endl;
// The modulus and argument of c2 can be directly calculated
absc2 = sqrt( abs ( c1 ) );
argc2 = 0.5 * arg ( c1 );
cout << "The modulus of c2 = sqrt( abs ( c1 ) ) =" << absc2 << endl;
cout << "The argument of c2 = ( 1 / 2 ) * arg ( c1 ) ="
<< argc2 << " radians,\n which is " << argc2 * 180 / pi
<< " degrees." << endl;
c1 = polar ( 5.0 ) = (-2.58529e-012,25)
c2 = sqrt ( c1 ) = (3.53553,3.53553)
The modulus of c2 is recovered from c2 using: abs ( c2 ) = 5
Argument of c2 is recovered from c2 using:
arg ( c2 ) = 0.785398 radians, which is 45 degrees.
The modulus of c2 = sqrt( abs ( c1 ) ) =5
The argument of c2 = ( 1 / 2 ) * arg ( c1 ) =0.785398 radians,
which is 45 degrees.
Gibt den Tangens einer komplexen Zahl zurück.
template <class Type>
complex<Type> tan(const complex<Type>& complexNum);
Die komplexe Zahl, deren Tangens bestimmt wird
Die komplexe Zahl, die dem Tangens der eingegebenen komplexen Zahl entspricht
Identitäten, die den komplexen Tangens definieren:
tan (z) = sin (z) / cos (z) = ( exp (iz) - exp (- iz) ) / i( exp (iz) + exp (- iz) )
// complex_tan.cpp
// compile with: /EHsc
#include <vector>
#include <complex>
#include <iostream>
int main( )
using namespace std;
double pi = 3.14159265359;
complex <double> c1 ( 3.0 , 4.0 );
cout << "Complex number c1 = " << c1 << endl;
// Values of cosine of a complex number c1
complex <double> c2 = tan ( c1 );
cout << "Complex number c2 = tan ( c1 ) = " << c2 << endl;
double absc2 = abs ( c2 );
double argc2 = arg ( c2 );
cout << "The modulus of c2 is: " << absc2 << endl;
cout << "The argument of c2 is: "<< argc2 << " radians, which is "
<< argc2 * 180 / pi << " degrees." << endl << endl;
// Hyperbolic tangent of the standard angles
// in the first two quadrants of the complex plane
vector <complex <double> > v1;
vector <complex <double> >::iterator Iter1;
complex <double> vc1 ( polar ( 1.0, pi / 6 ) );
v1.push_back( tan ( vc1 ) );
complex <double> vc2 ( polar ( 1.0, pi / 3 ) );
v1.push_back( tan ( vc2 ) );
complex <double> vc3 ( polar ( 1.0, pi / 2 ) );
v1.push_back( tan ( vc3) );
complex <double> vc4 ( polar ( 1.0, 2 * pi / 3 ) );
v1.push_back( tan ( vc4 ) );
complex <double> vc5 ( polar ( 1.0, 5 * pi / 6 ) );
v1.push_back( tan ( vc5 ) );
complex <double> vc6 ( polar ( 1.0, pi ) );
v1.push_back( tan ( vc6 ) );
cout << "The complex components tan (vci), where abs (vci) = 1"
<< "\n& arg (vci) = i * pi / 6 of the vector v1 are:\n" ;
for ( Iter1 = v1.begin() ; Iter1 != v1.end() ; Iter1++ )
cout << *Iter1 << endl;
Complex number c1 = (3,4)
Complex number c2 = tan ( c1 ) = (-0.000187346,0.999356)
The modulus of c2 is: 0.999356
The argument of c2 is: 1.57098 radians, which is 90.0107 degrees.
The complex components tan (vci), where abs (vci) = 1
& arg (vci) = i * pi / 6 of the vector v1 are:
Gibt den Tangens Hyperbolicus einer komplexen Zahl zurück.
template <class Type>
complex<Type> tanh(const complex<Type>& complexNum);
Die komplexe Zahl, deren Tangens Hyperbolicus bestimmt wird
Die komplexe Zahl, die dem Tangens Hyperbolicus der eingegebenen komplexen Zahl entspricht
Identitäten, die komplexe Kotangens Hyperbolicus definieren:
tanh (z) = sinh (z) / cosh (z) = ( exp (z) - exp (- z) ) / ( exp (z) + exp (- z) )
// complex_tanh.cpp
// compile with: /EHsc
#include <vector>
#include <complex>
#include <iostream>
int main( )
using namespace std;
double pi = 3.14159265359;
complex <double> c1 ( 3.0 , 4.0 );
cout << "Complex number c1 = " << c1 << endl;
// Values of cosine of a complex number c1
complex <double> c2 = tanh ( c1 );
cout << "Complex number c2 = tanh ( c1 ) = " << c2 << endl;
double absc2 = abs ( c2 );
double argc2 = arg ( c2 );
cout << "The modulus of c2 is: " << absc2 << endl;
cout << "The argument of c2 is: "<< argc2 << " radians, which is "
<< argc2 * 180 / pi << " degrees." << endl << endl;
// Hyperbolic tangents of the standard angles
// in the first two quadrants of the complex plane
vector <complex <double> > v1;
vector <complex <double> >::iterator Iter1;
complex <double> vc1 ( polar ( 1.0, pi / 6 ) );
v1.push_back( tanh ( vc1 ) );
complex <double> vc2 ( polar ( 1.0, pi / 3 ) );
v1.push_back( tanh ( vc2 ) );
complex <double> vc3 ( polar ( 1.0, pi / 2 ) );
v1.push_back( tanh ( vc3 ) );
complex <double> vc4 ( polar ( 1.0, 2 * pi / 3 ) );
v1.push_back( tanh ( vc4 ) );
complex <double> vc5 ( polar ( 1.0, 5 * pi / 6 ) );
v1.push_back( tanh ( vc5 ) );
complex <double> vc6 ( polar ( 1.0, pi ) );
v1.push_back( tanh ( vc6 ) );
cout << "The complex components tanh (vci), where abs (vci) = 1"
<< "\n& arg (vci) = i * pi / 6 of the vector v1 are:\n" ;
for ( Iter1 = v1.begin( ) ; Iter1 != v1.end( ) ; Iter1++ )
cout << *Iter1 << endl;
Complex number c1 = (3,4)
Complex number c2 = tanh ( c1 ) = (1.00071,0.00490826)
The modulus of c2 is: 1.00072
The argument of c2 is: 0.00490474 radians, which is 0.281021 degrees.
The complex components tanh (vci), where abs (vci) = 1
& arg (vci) = i * pi / 6 of the vector v1 are: