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SearchService Class



public class SearchService : Azure.Provisioning.Primitives.Resource
type SearchService = class
    inherit Resource
Public Class SearchService
Inherits Resource


SearchService(String, String)

Creates a new SearchService.



Defines the options for how the data plane API of a search service authenticates requests. This cannot be set if 'disableLocalAuth' is set to true.


Declares explicit dependencies on other resources.

(Inherited from Resource)

A list of data exfiltration scenarios that are explicitly disallowed for the search service. Currently, the only supported value is 'All' to disable all possible data export scenarios with more fine grained controls planned for the future.


Specifies any policy regarding encryption of resources (such as indexes) using customer manager keys within a search service.


A system generated property representing the service's etag that can be for optimistic concurrency control during updates.


Applicable only for the standard3 SKU. You can set this property to enable up to 3 high density partitions that allow up to 1000 indexes, which is much higher than the maximum indexes allowed for any other SKU. For the standard3 SKU, the value is either 'default' or 'highDensity'. For all other SKUs, this value must be 'default'.


Gets the Id.


Gets or sets the the Bicep identifier name of the resource. This can be used to refer to the resource in expressions, but is not the Azure name of the resource. This value can contain letters, numbers, and underscores.

(Inherited from NamedProvisioningConstruct)

The identity of the resource.


A list of IP restriction rules used for an IP firewall. Any IPs that do not match the rules are blocked by the firewall. These rules are only applied when the 'publicNetworkAccess' of the search service is 'enabled'.


Gets whether this is referencing an existing resource or we're defining a new resource.

(Inherited from Resource)

When set to true, calls to the search service will not be permitted to utilize API keys for authentication. This cannot be set to true if 'dataPlaneAuthOptions' are defined.


Gets or sets the Location.


The name of the Azure AI Search service to create or update. Search service names must only contain lowercase letters, digits or dashes, cannot use dash as the first two or last one characters, cannot contain consecutive dashes, and must be between 2 and 60 characters in length. Search service names must be globally unique since they are part of the service URI (https://<name> You cannot change the service name after the service is created.


Network specific rules that determine how the Azure AI Search service may be reached.


The number of partitions in the search service; if specified, it can be 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, or 12. Values greater than 1 are only valid for standard SKUs. For 'standard3' services with hostingMode set to 'highDensity', the allowed values are between 1 and 3.


The list of private endpoint connections to the Azure AI Search service.


The state of the last provisioning operation performed on the search service. Provisioning is an intermediate state that occurs while service capacity is being established. After capacity is set up, provisioningState changes to either 'succeeded' or 'failed'. Client applications can poll provisioning status (the recommended polling interval is from 30 seconds to one minute) by using the Get Search Service operation to see when an operation is completed. If you are using the free service, this value tends to come back as 'succeeded' directly in the call to Create search service. This is because the free service uses capacity that is already set up.


This value can be set to 'enabled' to avoid breaking changes on existing customer resources and templates. If set to 'disabled', traffic over public interface is not allowed, and private endpoint connections would be the exclusive access method.


The number of replicas in the search service. If specified, it must be a value between 1 and 12 inclusive for standard SKUs or between 1 and 3 inclusive for basic SKU.


Gets the type of the resource.

(Inherited from Resource)

Gets or sets the version of the resource.

(Inherited from Resource)

The SKU of the search service. Valid values include: 'free': Shared service. 'basic': Dedicated service with up to 3 replicas. 'standard': Dedicated service with up to 12 partitions and 12 replicas. 'standard2': Similar to standard, but with more capacity per search unit. 'standard3': The largest Standard offering with up to 12 partitions and 12 replicas (or up to 3 partitions with more indexes if you also set the hostingMode property to 'highDensity'). 'storage_optimized_l1': Supports 1TB per partition, up to 12 partitions. 'storage_optimized_l2': Supports 2TB per partition, up to 12 partitions.'.


Sets options that control the availability of semantic search. This configuration is only possible for certain Azure AI Search SKUs in certain locations.


The list of shared private link resources managed by the Azure AI Search service.


The status of the search service. Possible values include: 'running': The search service is running and no provisioning operations are underway. 'provisioning': The search service is being provisioned or scaled up or down. 'deleting': The search service is being deleted. 'degraded': The search service is degraded. This can occur when the underlying search units are not healthy. The search service is most likely operational, but performance might be slow and some requests might be dropped. 'disabled': The search service is disabled. In this state, the service will reject all API requests. 'error': The search service is in an error state. 'stopped': The search service is in a subscription that's disabled. If your service is in the degraded, disabled, or error states, it means the Azure AI Search team is actively investigating the underlying issue. Dedicated services in these states are still chargeable based on the number of search units provisioned.


The details of the search service status.


Gets the SystemData.


Gets or sets the Tags.



Compose the resource into a provisioning plan that can be saved as Bicep or deployed directly.

(Inherited from Resource)

Compile the resource into a set of Bicep statements.

(Inherited from Resource)
CreateRoleAssignment(SearchBuiltInRole, BicepValue<RoleManagementPrincipalType>, BicepValue<Guid>, String)

Creates a role assignment for a principal that grants access to this SearchService.

CreateRoleAssignment(SearchBuiltInRole, UserAssignedIdentity)

Creates a role assignment for a user-assigned identity that grants access to this SearchService.

FromExisting(String, String)

Creates a reference to an existing SearchService.


Get any resources represented by this object. This will typically only be the object itself for everything but Infrastructure.

(Inherited from Provisionable)

Set this construct to represent the result of an expression. This is primarily meant to be called via FromExpression static methods on specific resources or constructs.

(Inherited from ProvisioningConstruct)

Resolve any resources or properties that were not explicitly specified.

(Inherited from ProvisioningConstruct)

Validate the presence of any required members.

(Inherited from Resource)

Applies to