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SeasonalFields.CreateOrUpdate Methode


Erstellt oder Updates eine saisonale Feldressource unter einer bestimmten Partei.

public virtual Azure.Response CreateOrUpdate (string partyId, string seasonalFieldId, Azure.Core.RequestContent content, Azure.RequestContext context = default);
abstract member CreateOrUpdate : string * string * Azure.Core.RequestContent * Azure.RequestContext -> Azure.Response
override this.CreateOrUpdate : string * string * Azure.Core.RequestContent * Azure.RequestContext -> Azure.Response
Public Overridable Function CreateOrUpdate (partyId As String, seasonalFieldId As String, content As RequestContent, Optional context As RequestContext = Nothing) As Response



ID der zugeordneten Parteiressource.


ID der saisonalen Feldressource.


Der Inhalt, der als Textkörper der Anforderung gesendet werden soll. Details zum Anforderungstextschema finden Sie im Abschnitt Hinweise unten.


Der Anforderungskontext, der das Standardverhalten der Clientpipeline pro Aufruf außer Kraft setzen kann.

Gibt zurück

Die vom Dienst zurückgegebene Antwort. Details zum Antworttextschema finden Sie im Abschnitt Hinweise unten.


partyId, seasonalFieldId oder content ist NULL.

partyId oder seasonalFieldId ist eine leere Zeichenfolge und wurde erwartet, dass sie nicht leer ist.

Der Dienst hat einen nicht erfolgreichen status Code zurückgegeben.


In diesem Beispiel wird gezeigt, wie Sie CreateOrUpdate mit den erforderlichen Parametern aufrufen und das Ergebnis analysieren.

var credential = new DefaultAzureCredential();
var client = new FarmBeatsClient(credential).GetSeasonalFieldsClient(<2022-11-01-preview>);

var data = new {};

Response response = client.CreateOrUpdate("<partyId>", "<seasonalFieldId>", RequestContent.Create(data));

JsonElement result = JsonDocument.Parse(response.ContentStream).RootElement;

In diesem Beispiel wird gezeigt, wie CreateOrUpdate mit allen Parametern und Anforderungsinhalten aufgerufen und das Ergebnis analysiert wird.

var credential = new DefaultAzureCredential();
var client = new FarmBeatsClient(credential).GetSeasonalFieldsClient(<2022-11-01-preview>);

var data = new {
    farmId = "<farmId>",
    fieldId = "<fieldId>",
    seasonId = "<seasonId>",
    cropProductIds = new[] {
    cropId = "<cropId>",
    status = "<status>",
    source = "<source>",
    name = "<name>",
    description = "<description>",
    properties = new {
        key = new {},

Response response = client.CreateOrUpdate("<partyId>", "<seasonalFieldId>", RequestContent.Create(data));

JsonElement result = JsonDocument.Parse(response.ContentStream).RootElement;


Im Folgenden finden Sie das JSON-Schema für die Anforderungs- und Antwortnutzlasten.


Schema für SeasonalField:

  partyId: string, # Optional. Party Id.
  farmId: string, # Optional. Id of the associated Farm.
  fieldId: string, # Optional. Id of the associated Field.
  seasonId: string, # Optional. Id of the season it belongs to.
  cropProductIds: [string], # Optional. CropProduct ids.
  cropId: string, # Optional. Id of the crop it belongs to.
  id: string, # Optional. Unique resource ID.
  eTag: string, # Optional. The ETag value to implement optimistic concurrency.
  status: string, # Optional. Status of the resource.
  createdDateTime: string (ISO 8601 Format), # Optional. Date-time when resource was created, sample format: yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ.
  modifiedDateTime: string (ISO 8601 Format), # Optional. Date-time when resource was last modified, sample format: yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ.
  source: string, # Optional. Source of the resource.
  name: string, # Optional. Name to identify resource.
  description: string, # Optional. Textual description of the resource.
  createdBy: string, # Optional. Created by user/tenant id.
  modifiedBy: string, # Optional. Modified by user/tenant id.
  properties: Dictionary<string, any>, # Optional. A collection of key value pairs that belongs to the resource.
Each pair must not have a key greater than 50 characters
and must not have a value greater than 150 characters.
Note: A maximum of 25 key value pairs can be provided for a resource and only string,
numeral and datetime (yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ) values are supported.


Schema für SeasonalField:

  partyId: string, # Optional. Party Id.
  farmId: string, # Optional. Id of the associated Farm.
  fieldId: string, # Optional. Id of the associated Field.
  seasonId: string, # Optional. Id of the season it belongs to.
  cropProductIds: [string], # Optional. CropProduct ids.
  cropId: string, # Optional. Id of the crop it belongs to.
  id: string, # Optional. Unique resource ID.
  eTag: string, # Optional. The ETag value to implement optimistic concurrency.
  status: string, # Optional. Status of the resource.
  createdDateTime: string (ISO 8601 Format), # Optional. Date-time when resource was created, sample format: yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ.
  modifiedDateTime: string (ISO 8601 Format), # Optional. Date-time when resource was last modified, sample format: yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ.
  source: string, # Optional. Source of the resource.
  name: string, # Optional. Name to identify resource.
  description: string, # Optional. Textual description of the resource.
  createdBy: string, # Optional. Created by user/tenant id.
  modifiedBy: string, # Optional. Modified by user/tenant id.
  properties: Dictionary<string, any>, # Optional. A collection of key value pairs that belongs to the resource.
Each pair must not have a key greater than 50 characters
and must not have a value greater than 150 characters.
Note: A maximum of 25 key value pairs can be provided for a resource and only string,
numeral and datetime (yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ) values are supported.

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