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GKLocalPlayer Class


Represents the authenticated local player.

[Foundation.Register("GKLocalPlayer", true)]
[ObjCRuntime.Introduced(ObjCRuntime.PlatformName.WatchOS, 3, 0, ObjCRuntime.PlatformArchitecture.All, null)]
public class GKLocalPlayer : GameKit.GKPlayer, GameKit.IGKSavedGameListener, IDisposable
[Foundation.Register("GKLocalPlayer", true)]
[ObjCRuntime.Introduced(ObjCRuntime.PlatformName.WatchOS, 3, 0, ObjCRuntime.PlatformArchitecture.All, null)]
[ObjCRuntime.Introduced(ObjCRuntime.PlatformName.MacOSX, 10, 8, ObjCRuntime.PlatformArchitecture.All, null)]
public class GKLocalPlayer : GameKit.GKPlayer, GameKit.IGKSavedGameListener, IDisposable
type GKLocalPlayer = class
    inherit GKPlayer
    interface IGKSavedGameListener
    interface INativeObject
    interface IDisposable


Represents the authenticated player for this device.

On iOS 6.0 and newer, to authenticate the user, set the AuthenticateHandler property to a delegate that takes both a UIViewController and an NSError parameters. This will trigger the authentication to take place. For older versions of iOS, you should call the Authenticate(Action<NSError>) method. The difference is that with iOS 6.0 your callback receives a UIViewController that you can present to your user, while the old API would present the API and invoke your callback on an arbitrary thread.

GameKit will call AuthenticateHandler on demand as your application transitions from background and foreground. It is important that you update any internal state when authenticated as the user might have logged off, and logged in with a different account.

// This shows how to authenticate on both iOS 6.0 and older versions
if (UIDevice.CurrentDevice.CheckSystemVersion (6, 0)) {
    // iOS 6.0 and newer
    GKLocalPlayer.LocalPlayer.AuthenticateHandler = (ui, error) => {

        // If ui is null, that means the user is already authenticated,
	// for example, if the user used Game Center directly to log in

	if (ui != null)
            current.PresentModalViewController (ui, true);
	else {
	    // Check if you are authenticated:
	    var authenticated = GKLocalPlayer.LocalPlayer.Authenticated;
	Console.WriteLine ("Authentication result: {0}",err);
} else {
    // Versions prior to iOS 6.0
    GKLocalPlayer.LocalPlayer.Authenticate ((err) => {
        Console.WriteLine ("Authentication result: {0}",err);



Default constructor that initializes a new instance of this class with no parameters.


A constructor used when creating managed representations of unmanaged objects; Called by the runtime.


A constructor that initializes the object from the data stored in the unarchiver object.


Constructor to call on derived classes to skip initialization and merely allocate the object.



Gets the player's chosen name.

(Inherited from GKPlayer)

Current authentication state for the local player.


Handler used to authenticate the user, triggers authentication when set.


Notification constant for AuthenticationDidChangeNoti

Class (Inherited from NSObject)

The handle for this class.


A developer-meaningful description of this object.

(Inherited from NSObject)

Description of the object, the Objective-C version of ToString.

(Inherited from NSObject)

Gets the diplay name for the player.

(Inherited from GKPlayer)

Deprecated. Gets an array of the local player's friends' identifiers.


Get the identifier that the developer assigned to a guest player.

(Inherited from GKPlayer)

Handle (pointer) to the unmanaged object representation.

(Inherited from NSObject)
IsDirectBinding (Inherited from NSObject)

Developers should not use this deprecated property. Developers should use 'GKLocalPlayer.LoadFriendPlayers' instead.

(Inherited from GKPlayer)
IsProxy (Inherited from NSObject)

Gets a value that tells whether the player is undreaged.


Gets the shared instance of the local player.


Gets the unique identifier that Game Center assigned to the player.

(Inherited from GKPlayer)

Returns the current Objective-C retain count for the object.

(Inherited from NSObject)
Self (Inherited from NSObject)
Superclass (Inherited from NSObject)

Handle used to represent the methods in the base class for this NSObject.

(Inherited from NSObject)
Zone (Inherited from NSObject)


AddObserver(NSObject, NSString, NSKeyValueObservingOptions, IntPtr)

Registers an object for being observed externally (using NSString keyPath).   Observed changes are dispatched to the observer’s object ObserveValue(NSString, NSObject, NSDictionary, IntPtr) method.

(Inherited from NSObject)
AddObserver(NSObject, String, NSKeyValueObservingOptions, IntPtr)

Registers an object for being observed externally (using string keyPath).   Observed changes are dispatched to the observer’s object ObserveValue(NSString, NSObject, NSDictionary, IntPtr) method.

(Inherited from NSObject)
AddObserver(NSString, NSKeyValueObservingOptions, Action<NSObservedChange>)

Registers an object for being observed externally using an arbitrary method.

(Inherited from NSObject)
AddObserver(String, NSKeyValueObservingOptions, Action<NSObservedChange>)

Registers an object for being observed externally using an arbitrary method.

(Inherited from NSObject)

Developers should not use this deprecated method. Set the 'AuthenticationHandler' instead.


Developers should not use this deprecated method. Set the 'AuthenticationHandler' instead.


Called after the object has been loaded from the nib file. Overriders must call base.AwakeFromNib().

(Inherited from NSObject)
BeginInvokeOnMainThread(Action) (Inherited from NSObject)
BeginInvokeOnMainThread(Selector, NSObject)

Invokes asynchrously the specified code on the main UI thread.

(Inherited from NSObject)
Bind(NSString, NSObject, String, NSDictionary) (Inherited from NSObject)
Bind(String, NSObject, String, NSDictionary)
(Inherited from NSObject)
(Inherited from NSObject)
(Inherited from NSObject)
(Inherited from NSObject)
CommitEditing() (Inherited from NSObject)
CommitEditing(NSObject, Selector, IntPtr) (Inherited from NSObject)

Invoked to determine if this object implements the specified protocol.

(Inherited from NSObject)

Performs a copy of the underlying Objective-C object.

(Inherited from NSObject)
DangerousAutorelease() (Inherited from NSObject)
DangerousRelease() (Inherited from NSObject)
DangerousRetain() (Inherited from NSObject)
DeleteSavedGames(String, Action<NSError>)

Deletes all saved games that are named name and passes null to handler on success, or an error on failure.

DidChange(NSKeyValueChange, NSIndexSet, NSString)

Indicates a change occurred to the indexes for a to-many relationship.

(Inherited from NSObject)
DidChange(NSString, NSKeyValueSetMutationKind, NSSet) (Inherited from NSObject)

Indicates that a change occurred on the specified key.

(Inherited from NSObject)
DidModifySavedGame(GKPlayer, GKSavedGame)

Releases the resources used by the NSObject object.

(Inherited from NSObject)

Releases the resources used by the NSObject object.

(Inherited from NSObject)

Indicates that this object does not recognize the specified selector.

(Inherited from NSObject)

Encodes the state of the object on the provided encoder

(Inherited from GKPlayer)
Equals(NSObject) (Inherited from NSObject)
Equals(Object) (Inherited from NSObject)
ExposedBindings() (Inherited from NSObject)

Retrieves all saved games and passes them to handler, along with null for success, or an error on failure.


Creates and returns a signature for authenticating the local player on a third-party server. See remarks


Creates and returns a signature for authenticating the local player on a third-party server. See remarks

GetBindingInfo(NSString) (Inherited from NSObject)
GetBindingOptionDescriptions(NSString) (Inherited from NSObject)
GetBindingValueClass(NSString) (Inherited from NSObject)

Retrieves the values of the specified keys.

(Inherited from NSObject)

Generates a hash code for the current instance.

(Inherited from NSObject)
GetMethodForSelector(Selector) (Inherited from NSObject)
(Inherited from NSObject)
GetNativeHash() (Inherited from NSObject)
HasConflictingSavedGames(GKPlayer, GKSavedGame[])
Init() (Inherited from NSObject)
InitializeHandle(IntPtr) (Inherited from NSObject)
InitializeHandle(IntPtr, String) (Inherited from NSObject)
Invoke(Action, Double) (Inherited from NSObject)
Invoke(Action, TimeSpan) (Inherited from NSObject)
InvokeOnMainThread(Action) (Inherited from NSObject)
InvokeOnMainThread(Selector, NSObject)

Invokes synchrously the specified code on the main UI thread.

(Inherited from NSObject)
IsEqual(NSObject) (Inherited from NSObject)
IsKindOfClass(Class) (Inherited from NSObject)
IsMemberOfClass(Class) (Inherited from NSObject)

Loads the local player's default leaderboard category ID, and passes it to completionHandler, along with an error object that is null if no error occurred.


Loads the local player's default leaderboard category ID, and passes it to completionHandler, along with an error object that is null if no error occurred.


Loads the local player's default leaderboard identifier, and passes it to completionHandler, along with an error object that is null if no error occurred.


Loads the local player's default leaderboard identifier, and passes it to completionHandler, along with an error object that is null if no error occurred.


Loads an array of the local player's friends' identifiers and passes it to completionHandler, along with an error object that is null if no error occurred.


Loads an array of the local player's friends' identifiers and passes it to completionHandler, along with an error object that is null if no error occurred.


Deprecated. Loads an array of the local player's friends' identifiers and passes it to handler, along with an error object that is null if no error occurred.


Deprecated. Loads an array of the local player's friends' identifiers and passes it to handler, along with an error object that is null if no error occurred.

LoadPhoto(GKPhotoSize, GKPlayerPhotoLoaded)

Loads the player's photo from the Game Center and runs a completion handler after the photo is loaded.

(Inherited from GKPlayer)

Asynchronously loads the player's photo from the Game Center.

(Inherited from GKPlayer)

Loads the recent players.


Loads the recent players.


Promotes a regular peer object (IsDirectBinding is true) into a toggleref object.

(Inherited from NSObject)

Creates a mutable copy of the specified NSObject.

(Inherited from NSObject)
ObjectDidEndEditing(NSObject) (Inherited from NSObject)
ObserveValue(NSString, NSObject, NSDictionary, IntPtr)

Indicates that the value at the specified keyPath relative to this object has changed.

(Inherited from NSObject)
PerformSelector(Selector) (Inherited from NSObject)
PerformSelector(Selector, NSObject) (Inherited from NSObject)
PerformSelector(Selector, NSObject, Double)

Invokes the selector on the current instance and if the obj is not null, it passes this as its single parameter.

(Inherited from NSObject)
PerformSelector(Selector, NSObject, Double, NSString[]) (Inherited from NSObject)
PerformSelector(Selector, NSObject, NSObject) (Inherited from NSObject)
PerformSelector(Selector, NSThread, NSObject, Boolean) (Inherited from NSObject)
PerformSelector(Selector, NSThread, NSObject, Boolean, NSString[]) (Inherited from NSObject)
PrepareForInterfaceBuilder() (Inherited from NSObject)

Registers listener in order to monitor the events that it listens for.

RemoveObserver(NSObject, NSString)

Stops the specified observer from receiving further notifications of changed values for the specified keyPath.

(Inherited from NSObject)
RemoveObserver(NSObject, NSString, IntPtr)

Stops the specified observer from receiving further notifications of changed values for the specified keyPath and context.

(Inherited from NSObject)
RemoveObserver(NSObject, String)

Stops the specified observer from receiving further notifications of changed values for the specified keyPath.

(Inherited from NSObject)
RemoveObserver(NSObject, String, IntPtr)

Stops the specified observer from receiving further notifications of changed values for the specified keyPath and context.

(Inherited from NSObject)
ResolveConflictingSavedGames(GKSavedGame[], NSData, Action<GKSavedGame[],NSError>)

Resolves the specified conflicting saved games that are listed in conflictingSavedGames and stored in data, then passes a list of all the games (conflicting games first) to handler, along with an error object that is null if no error occurred.


Whether this object recognizes the specified selector.

(Inherited from NSObject)
SaveGameData(NSData, String, Action<GKSavedGame,NSError>)

Saves the game data data under the name name, and then passes the game metadata to handler, along with an error object that is null if no error occurred.

SetDefaultLeaderboardCategoryID(String, Action<NSError>)

Deprecated. Sets the local player's default leaderboard category ID, and passes it to completionHandler, along with an error object that is null if no error occurred.


Deprecated. Sets the local player's default leaderboard category ID, and passes it to completionHandler, along with an error object that is null if no error occurred.

SetDefaultLeaderboardIdentifier(String, Action<NSError>)

Sets the local player's default leaderboard identifier, and passes it to completionHandler, along with an error object that is null if no error occurred..


Sets the local player's default leaderboard identifier, and passes it to completionHandler, along with an error object that is null if no error occurred..

SetNativeField(String, NSObject)
(Inherited from NSObject)

Sets the value of the specified key to null.

(Inherited from NSObject)
SetValueForKey(NSObject, NSString)

Sets the value of the property specified by the key to the specified value.

(Inherited from NSObject)
SetValueForKeyPath(IntPtr, NSString)

A constructor used when creating managed representations of unmanaged objects; Called by the runtime.

(Inherited from NSObject)
SetValueForKeyPath(NSObject, NSString)

Sets the value of a property that can be reached using a keypath.

(Inherited from NSObject)
SetValueForUndefinedKey(NSObject, NSString)

Indicates an attempt to write a value to an undefined key. If not overridden, raises an NSUndefinedKeyException.

(Inherited from NSObject)

Sets the values of this NSObject to those in the specified dictionary.

(Inherited from NSObject)

Returns a string representation of the value of the current instance.

(Inherited from NSObject)
Unbind(NSString) (Inherited from NSObject)
(Inherited from NSObject)

Unregisters all event listeners.


Unregisters listener.


Returns the value of the property associated with the specified key.

(Inherited from NSObject)

Returns the value of a property that can be reached using a keypath.

(Inherited from NSObject)

Indicates an attempt to read a value of an undefined key. If not overridden, raises an NSUndefinedKeyException.

(Inherited from NSObject)
WillChange(NSKeyValueChange, NSIndexSet, NSString)

Indicates that the values of the specified indices in the specified key are about to change.

(Inherited from NSObject)
WillChange(NSString, NSKeyValueSetMutationKind, NSSet) (Inherited from NSObject)

Indicates that the value of the specified key is about to change.

(Inherited from NSObject)

Extension Methods

ObjectDidBeginEditing(NSObject, INSEditor)
ObjectDidEndEditing(NSObject, INSEditor)
GetValidModes(NSObject, NSFontPanel)
ValidateToolbarItem(NSObject, NSToolbarItem)
DidModifySavedGame(IGKSavedGameListener, GKPlayer, GKSavedGame)
HasConflictingSavedGames(IGKSavedGameListener, GKPlayer, GKSavedGame[])
AcceptsPreviewPanelControl(NSObject, QLPreviewPanel)
BeginPreviewPanelControl(NSObject, QLPreviewPanel)
EndPreviewPanelControl(NSObject, QLPreviewPanel)

Gets the array of UIAccessibilityCustomRotor objects appropriate for this object.

SetAccessibilityCustomRotors(NSObject, UIAccessibilityCustomRotor[])

Sets the array of UIAccessibilityCustomRotor objects appropriate for this object.

Applies to

See also