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ContainerSortingProvider Class


The provider supplies sorting

public abstract class ContainerSortingProvider : Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Sdk.Differencing.SPI.Provider
type ContainerSortingProvider = class
    interface Provider
Public MustInherit Class ContainerSortingProvider
Implements Provider




AreGraphsSupported(ISfcSimpleNode, ISfcSimpleNode)

Indicates if this provider supports the specified graphs. If it is, returns true, false otherwise.

If true is returned, the following calls to GetSortedList() and GetComparer() method must return a valid non-null object.

The method is called only one on the top most node of each graph.

GetComparer(ISfcSimpleList, ISfcSimpleList)

Obtain a Comparer for the specified list. The method is called only if AreListsComparable(ISfcSimpleList, ISfcSimpleList) returns true.

If AreListsComparable() returns true, this method must return a valid comparer.

SortLists(ISfcSimpleList, ISfcSimpleList, IEnumerable<ISfcSimpleNode>, IEnumerable<ISfcSimpleNode>)

Obtains a sorted list. This implementation sorts the list using standard List>Object< .Sort(IComparer) method. The IComparer is obtained by GetComparer(ISfcSimpleNode, ISfcSimpleNode) method.

The method is called only if AreListsComparable(ISfcSimpleList, ISfcSimpleList) returns true.

A provider overrides this method if it can provide a faster sorting. If the list is already sorted, the orignal list can be returned.

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