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All Enum


public enum All
type All = 


ActiveTexture 34016
Add 260
AddSigned 34164
AliasedLineWidthRange 33902
AliasedPointSizeRange 33901
Alpha 6406
Alpha8Ext 32828
AlphaBits 3413
AlphaScale 3356
AlphaTest 3008
AlphaTestFunc 3009
AlphaTestRef 3010
Always 519
Ambient 4608
AmbientAndDiffuse 5634
And 5377
AndInverted 5380
AndReverse 5378
AppleCopyTextureLevels 1
AppleFramebufferMultisample 1
AppleTexture2DLimitedNpot 1
AppleTextureFormatBgra8888 1
AppleTextureMaxLevel 1
ArrayBuffer 34962
ArrayBufferBinding 34964
Back 1029
Bgra 32993
Bgra8Ext 37793
BgraExt 32993
BgraImg 32993
Blend 3042
BlendDst 3040
BlendDstAlphaOes 32970
BlendDstRgbOes 32968
BlendEquationAlphaOes 34877
BlendEquationOes 32777
BlendEquationRgbOes 32777
BlendSrc 3041
BlendSrcAlphaOes 32971
BlendSrcRgbOes 32969
BlueBits 3412
BufferAccessOes 35003
BufferMappedOes 35004
BufferMapPointerOes 35005
BufferObjectExt 37201
BufferSize 34660
BufferUsage 34661
Byte 5120
Ccw 2305
ClampToEdge 33071
Clear 5376
ClientActiveTexture 34017
ClipPlane0 12288
ClipPlane1 12289
ClipPlane2 12290
ClipPlane3 12291
ClipPlane4 12292
ClipPlane5 12293
ColorArray 32886
ColorArrayBufferBinding 34968
ColorArrayPointer 32912
ColorArraySize 32897
ColorArrayStride 32899
ColorArrayType 32898
ColorAttachment0Oes 36064
ColorBufferBit 16384
ColorClearValue 3106
ColorExt 6144
ColorLogicOp 3058
ColorMaterial 2903
ColorWritemask 3107
Combine 34160
CombineAlpha 34162
CombineRgb 34161
CompressedRgbaPvrtc2Bppv1Img 35843
CompressedRgbaPvrtc4Bppv1Img 35842
CompressedRgbPvrtc2Bppv1Img 35841
CompressedRgbPvrtc4Bppv1Img 35840
CompressedTextureFormats 34467
Constant 34166
ConstantAttenuation 4615
CoordReplaceOes 34914
Copy 5379
CopyInverted 5388
CullFace 2884
CullFaceMode 2885
CurrentColor 2816
CurrentNormal 2818
CurrentPaletteMatrixOes 34883
CurrentTextureCoords 2819
Cw 2304
Decal 8449
Decr 7683
DecrWrapOes 34056
Depth24Stencil8Oes 35056
DepthAttachmentOes 36096
DepthBits 3414
DepthBufferBit 256
DepthClearValue 2931
DepthComponent16Oes 33189
DepthComponent24Oes 33190
DepthExt 6145
DepthFunc 2932
DepthRange 2928
DepthStencilOes 34041
DepthTest 2929
DepthWritemask 2930
Diffuse 4609
Dither 3024
DontCare 4352
Dot3Rgb 34478
Dot3Rgba 34479
DrawFramebufferApple 36009
DrawFramebufferBindingApple 36006
DstAlpha 772
DstColor 774
DynamicDraw 35048
ElementArrayBuffer 34963
ElementArrayBufferBinding 34965
Emission 5632
Equal 514
Equiv 5385
Exp 2048
Exp2 2049
ExtBlendMinmax 1
ExtDebugLabel 1
ExtDebugMarker 1
ExtDiscardFramebuffer 1
Extensions 7939
ExtMapBufferRange 1
ExtReadFormatBgra 1
ExtTextureFilterAnisotropic 1
ExtTextureLodBias 1
ExtTextureStorage 1
False 0
Fastest 4353
Fixed 5132
Flat 7424
Float 5126
Fog 2912
FogColor 2918
FogDensity 2914
FogEnd 2916
FogHint 3156
FogMode 2917
FogStart 2915
FramebufferAttachmentObjectNameOes 36049
FramebufferAttachmentObjectTypeOes 36048
FramebufferAttachmentTextureCubeMapFaceOes 36051
FramebufferAttachmentTextureLevelOes 36050
FramebufferBindingOes 36006
FramebufferCompleteOes 36053
FramebufferIncompleteAttachmentOes 36054
FramebufferIncompleteDimensionsOes 36057
FramebufferIncompleteFormatsOes 36058
FramebufferIncompleteMissingAttachmentOes 36055
FramebufferIncompleteMultisampleApple 36182
FramebufferOes 36160
FramebufferUnsupportedOes 36061
Front 1028
FrontAndBack 1032
FrontFace 2886
FuncAddOes 32774
FuncReverseSubtractOes 32779
FuncSubtractOes 32778
GenerateMipmap 33169
GenerateMipmapHint 33170
Gequal 518
Greater 516
GreenBits 3411
ImgReadFormat 1
ImgTextureCompressionPvrtc 1
ImgTextureFormatBgra8888 1
ImplementationColorReadFormatOes 35739
ImplementationColorReadTypeOes 35738
Incr 7682
IncrWrapOes 34055
Interpolate 34165
InvalidEnum 1280
InvalidFramebufferOperationOes 1286
InvalidOperation 1282
InvalidValue 1281
Invert 5386
Keep 7680
Lequal 515
Less 513
Light0 16384
Light1 16385
Light2 16386
Light3 16387
Light4 16388
Light5 16389
Light6 16390
Light7 16391
Lighting 2896
LightModelAmbient 2899
LightModelTwoSide 2898
Linear 9729
LinearAttenuation 4616
LinearMipmapLinear 9987
LinearMipmapNearest 9985
LineLoop 2
Lines 1
LineSmooth 2848
LineSmoothHint 3154
LineStrip 3
LineWidth 2849
LogicOpMode 3056
Luminance 6409
Luminance8Alpha8Ext 32837
Luminance8Ext 32832
LuminanceAlpha 6410
MapFlushExplicitBitExt 16
MapInvalidateBufferBitExt 8
MapInvalidateRangeBitExt 4
MapReadBitExt 1
MapUnsynchronizedBitExt 32
MapWriteBitExt 2
MatrixIndexArrayBufferBindingOes 35742
MatrixIndexArrayOes 34884
MatrixIndexArrayPointerOes 34889
MatrixIndexArraySizeOes 34886
MatrixIndexArrayStrideOes 34888
MatrixIndexArrayTypeOes 34887
MatrixMode 2976
MatrixPaletteOes 34880
MaxClipPlanes 3378
MaxExt 32776
MaxLights 3377
MaxModelviewStackDepth 3382
MaxPaletteMatricesOes 34882
MaxProjectionStackDepth 3384
MaxRenderbufferSizeOes 34024
MaxSamplesApple 36183
MaxTextureLodBiasExt 34045
MaxTextureMaxAnisotropyExt 34047
MaxTextureSize 3379
MaxTextureStackDepth 3385
MaxTextureUnits 34018
MaxVertexUnitsOes 34468
MaxViewportDims 3386
MinExt 32775
MirroredRepeatOes 33648
Modelview 5888
ModelviewMatrix 2982
ModelviewMatrixFloatAsIntBitsOes 35213
ModelviewStackDepth 2979
Modulate 8448
Multisample 32925
Nand 5390
Nearest 9728
NearestMipmapLinear 9986
NearestMipmapNearest 9984
Never 512
Nicest 4354
NoError 0
Noop 5381
Nor 5384
NormalArray 32885
NormalArrayBufferBinding 34967
NormalArrayPointer 32911
NormalArrayStride 32895
NormalArrayType 32894
Normalize 2977
Notequal 517
NumCompressedTextureFormats 34466
OesBlendEquationSeparate 1
OesBlendFuncSeparate 1
OesBlendSubtract 1
OesByteCoordinates 1
OesCompressedPalettedTexture 1
OesDepth24 1
OesDrawTexture 1
OesElementIndexUint 1
OesFboRenderMipmap 1
OesFixedPoint 1
OesFramebufferObject 1
OesMapbuffer 1
OesMatrixGet 1
OesMatrixPalette 1
OesPackedDepthStencil 1
OesPointSizeArray 1
OesPointSprite 1
OesReadFormat 1
OesRgb8Rgba8 1
OesSinglePrecision 1
OesStencil8 1
OesStencilWrap 1
OesTextureMirroredRepeat 1
OesVersion10 1
OesVersion11 1
OesVertexArrayObject 1
One 1
OneMinusDstAlpha 773
OneMinusDstColor 775
OneMinusSrcAlpha 771
OneMinusSrcColor 769
Operand0Alpha 34200
Operand0Rgb 34192
Operand1Alpha 34201
Operand1Rgb 34193
Operand2Alpha 34202
Operand2Rgb 34194
Or 5383
OrInverted 5389
OrReverse 5387
OutOfMemory 1285
PackAlignment 3333
Palette4R5G6B5Oes 35730
Palette4Rgb5A1Oes 35732
Palette4Rgb8Oes 35728
Palette4Rgba4Oes 35731
Palette4Rgba8Oes 35729
Palette8R5G6B5Oes 35735
Palette8Rgb5A1Oes 35737
Palette8Rgb8Oes 35733
Palette8Rgba4Oes 35736
Palette8Rgba8Oes 35734
PerspectiveCorrectionHint 3152
PointDistanceAttenuation 33065
PointFadeThresholdSize 33064
Points 0
PointSize 2833
PointSizeArrayBufferBindingOes 35743
PointSizeArrayOes 35740
PointSizeArrayPointerOes 35212
PointSizeArrayStrideOes 35211
PointSizeArrayTypeOes 35210
PointSizeMax 33063
PointSizeMin 33062
PointSmooth 2832
PointSmoothHint 3153
PointSpriteOes 34913
PolygonOffsetFactor 32824
PolygonOffsetFill 32823
PolygonOffsetUnits 10752
Position 4611
Previous 34168
PrimaryColor 34167
Projection 5889
ProjectionMatrix 2983
ProjectionMatrixFloatAsIntBitsOes 35214
ProjectionStackDepth 2980
QuadraticAttenuation 4617
ReadFramebufferApple 36008
ReadFramebufferBindingApple 36010
RedBits 3410
RenderbufferAlphaSizeOes 36179
RenderbufferBindingOes 36007
RenderbufferBlueSizeOes 36178
RenderbufferDepthSizeOes 36180
RenderbufferGreenSizeOes 36177
RenderbufferHeightOes 36163
RenderbufferInternalFormatOes 36164
RenderbufferOes 36161
RenderbufferRedSizeOes 36176
RenderbufferSamplesApple 36011
RenderbufferStencilSizeOes 36181
RenderbufferWidthOes 36162
Renderer 7937
Repeat 10497
Replace 7681
RescaleNormal 32826
Rgb 6407
Rgb565Oes 36194
Rgb5A1Oes 32855
Rgb8Oes 32849
Rgba 6408
Rgba4Oes 32854
Rgba8Oes 32856
RgbScale 34163
SampleAlphaToCoverage 32926
SampleAlphaToOne 32927
SampleBuffers 32936
SampleCoverage 32928
SampleCoverageInvert 32939
SampleCoverageValue 32938
Samples 32937
ScissorBox 3088
ScissorTest 3089
Set 5391
ShadeModel 2900
Shininess 5633
Short 5122
Smooth 7425
SmoothLineWidthRange 2850
SmoothPointSizeRange 2834
Specular 4610
SpotCutoff 4614
SpotDirection 4612
SpotExponent 4613
Src0Alpha 34184
Src0Rgb 34176
Src1Alpha 34185
Src1Rgb 34177
Src2Alpha 34186
Src2Rgb 34178
SrcAlpha 770
SrcAlphaSaturate 776
SrcColor 768
StackOverflow 1283
StackUnderflow 1284
StaticDraw 35044
StencilAttachmentOes 36128
StencilBits 3415
StencilBufferBit 1024
StencilClearValue 2961
StencilExt 6146
StencilFail 2964
StencilFunc 2962
StencilIndex8Oes 36168
StencilPassDepthFail 2965
StencilPassDepthPass 2966
StencilRef 2967
StencilTest 2960
StencilValueMask 2963
StencilWritemask 2968
SubpixelBits 3408
Subtract 34023
Texture 5890
Texture0 33984
Texture1 33985
Texture10 33994
Texture11 33995
Texture12 33996
Texture13 33997
Texture14 33998
Texture15 33999
Texture16 34000
Texture17 34001
Texture18 34002
Texture19 34003
Texture2 33986
Texture20 34004
Texture21 34005
Texture22 34006
Texture23 34007
Texture24 34008
Texture25 34009
Texture26 34010
Texture27 34011
Texture28 34012
Texture29 34013
Texture2D 3553
Texture3 33987
Texture30 34014
Texture31 34015
Texture4 33988
Texture5 33989
Texture6 33990
Texture7 33991
Texture8 33992
Texture9 33993
TextureBinding2D 32873
TextureCoordArray 32888
TextureCoordArrayBufferBinding 34970
TextureCoordArrayPointer 32914
TextureCoordArraySize 32904
TextureCoordArrayStride 32906
TextureCoordArrayType 32905
TextureCropRectOes 35741
TextureEnv 8960
TextureEnvColor 8705
TextureEnvMode 8704
TextureFilterControlExt 34048
TextureImmutableFormatExt 37167
TextureLodBiasExt 34049
TextureMagFilter 10240
TextureMatrix 2984
TextureMatrixFloatAsIntBitsOes 35215
TextureMaxAnisotropyExt 34046
TextureMaxLevelApple 33085
TextureMinFilter 10241
TextureStackDepth 2981
TextureWrapS 10242
TextureWrapT 10243
TriangleFan 6
Triangles 4
TriangleStrip 5
True 1
UnpackAlignment 3317
UnsignedByte 5121
UnsignedInt248Oes 34042
UnsignedIntOes 5125
UnsignedShort 5123
UnsignedShort1555Rev 33638
UnsignedShort1555RevExt 33638
UnsignedShort4444 32819
UnsignedShort4444Rev 33637
UnsignedShort4444RevExt 33637
UnsignedShort4444RevImg 33637
UnsignedShort5551 32820
UnsignedShort565 33635
Vendor 7936
Version 7938
VersionEsCl10 1
VersionEsCl11 1
VersionEsCm10 1
VersionEsCm11 1
VertexArray 32884
VertexArrayBindingOes 34229
VertexArrayBufferBinding 34966
VertexArrayObjectExt 37204
VertexArrayPointer 32910
VertexArraySize 32890
VertexArrayStride 32892
VertexArrayType 32891
Viewport 2978
WeightArrayBufferBindingOes 34974
WeightArrayOes 34477
WeightArrayPointerOes 34476
WeightArraySizeOes 34475
WeightArrayStrideOes 34474
WeightArrayTypeOes 34473
WriteOnlyOes 35001
Xor 5382
Zero 0

Applies to