Freigeben über

TransformPattern.CanResizeProperty Feld


Gibt die CanResize-Eigenschaft an.

public: static initonly System::Windows::Automation::AutomationProperty ^ CanResizeProperty;
public static readonly System.Windows.Automation.AutomationProperty CanResizeProperty;
 staticval mutable CanResizeProperty : System.Windows.Automation.AutomationProperty
Public Shared ReadOnly CanResizeProperty As AutomationProperty 




Im folgenden Beispiel wird ein Stammelement an eine Funktion übergeben, die eine Auflistung von Benutzeroberflächenautomatisierung Elementen zurückgibt, die untergeordnete Elemente des Stamms sind und eine Reihe von Eigenschaftenbedingungen erfüllen.

/// <summary>
/// Finds all automation elements that satisfy 
/// the specified condition(s).
/// </summary>
/// <param name="rootElement">
/// The automation element from which to start searching.
/// </param>
/// <returns>
/// A collection of automation elements satisfying 
/// the specified condition(s).
/// </returns>
private AutomationElementCollection FindAutomationElement(
    AutomationElement rootElement)
    if (rootElement == null)
        throw new ArgumentException("Root element cannot be null.");

    PropertyCondition conditionCanMove =
        new PropertyCondition(TransformPattern.CanMoveProperty, false);

    PropertyCondition conditionCanResize =
        new PropertyCondition(TransformPattern.CanResizeProperty, true);

    PropertyCondition conditionCanRotate =
        new PropertyCondition(TransformPattern.CanRotateProperty, true);

    // Use any combination of the preceding condtions to 
    // find the control(s) of interest
    Condition condition = new AndCondition(

    return rootElement.FindAll(TreeScope.Descendants, condition);
''' <summary>
''' Finds all automation elements that satisfy 
''' the specified condition(s).
''' </summary>
''' <param name="rootElement">
''' The automation element from which to start searching.
''' </param>
''' <returns>
''' A collection of automation elements satisfying 
''' the specified condition(s).
''' </returns>
Private Function FindAutomationElement( _
ByVal rootElement As AutomationElement) As AutomationElementCollection
    If rootElement Is Nothing Then
        Throw New ArgumentException("Root element cannot be null.")
    End If

    Dim conditionCanMove As New PropertyCondition( _
    TransformPattern.CanMoveProperty, False)

    Dim conditionCanResize As New PropertyCondition( _
    TransformPattern.CanResizeProperty, True)

    Dim conditionCanRotate As New PropertyCondition( _
    TransformPattern.CanRotateProperty, True)

    ' Use any combination of the preceding condtions to 
    ' find the control(s) of interest
    Dim condition As AndCondition = New AndCondition( _
    conditionCanRotate, conditionCanMove, conditionCanResize)

    Return rootElement.FindAll(TreeScope.Descendants, condition)

End Function 'FindAutomationElement


Dieser Bezeichner wird von Benutzeroberflächenautomatisierung Clientanwendungen verwendet. Benutzeroberflächenautomatisierung Anbieter sollten das entsprechende Feld in TransformPatternIdentifiers.

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